Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 122 You're Not The Boss Of Me

First Hospital.

After the nurse finished changing the bandages, more doctors came in to examine Zhao Lifei and check up her condition. Surprisingly, Han Wuting was nowhere in sight. After asking about it, she discovered he was switched with another doctor and, not surprisingly, it was a female one.

She already had a feeling that Yang Feng was behind the switch.

She could only sigh upon hearing the news. He was the best neurosurgeon in the entire hospital, yet that overly jealous Yang Feng swapped him for someone else. Besides, it's not like their blind date went anywhere since neither of them kept in contact nor did they seemed intrigued with each other.

Zhao Lifei boredly lounged around in her hospital room the entire day and when she noticed that the sun has already set, she began to grow aggravated. Staying at the hospital was boring and lonely. It was one of the main reasons why she hated hospitals. There was nothing to do here except sleep, watch TV, be bothered by nurses every few hours, and then sleep! She didn't have any company nor did she have the freedom to walk around as she pleased.

Even though the room had a scented humidifier, she could still smell the underlying chemical — the same one from her past.

Deciding she had enough of her suffocating room, she unhooked her IV drip and walked to the closet to see if there were clothes she could wear. She sighed when she saw that there was only a fresh hospital gown. Not wanting to walk out in a hospital gown, she thought about calling Yang Ruqin to pick up a few sets of clothes, but then decided against it. She knew Yang Ruqin would only advise her to go back to bed.

Zhao Lifei originally wanted to take a walk in the public park built inside First Hospital, but knew it would be too chilly to simply walk outside in a thin hospital gown. She was prone to getting cold, even in warmer temperatures, so the biting cold outside now wouldn't do her any good, but she still didn't want to remain in this hospital room.

"Maybe taking a walk in the halls wouldn't be that bad…" She muttered to herself, deciding to at least try and exercise her legs. She changed her hospital gown to the cleaner one she found in the closet and opened the door.

Instantly, she was greeted with by very broad backs covered in a black suit. Her lips thinned in annoyance. Of course she would have bodyguards outside!

"Uhm, excuse me, I want to be let out." She told them, but they remained still. She shrugged and took one step forward but a gruff and deep voice spoke up.

"I apologize Ma'am, but our orders were to keep you in this room. You cannot leave without our Boss's permission."

Without permission?! She's not a child! Why did a grown adult like her need constant supervision like this? Grounding her teeth, she seethed, "Who is your Boss?"

They didn't respond.

"Is it my grandfather?"


She scowled at their lack of response. "Is it Zhao Moyao?"


"Is it Li Xuan?"


Zhao Lifei resisted the urge to chuck something at them. Their silence was beginning to irk her more and more by the second.

"Alright then, is it Chen Gaonan?"

Still no response.

"Okay, gentlemen, at least give me a surname to work with." She sighed, pinching the spot between her brow. She thought about it and found the perfect response. If they were loyal to Yang Feng, they wouldn't handle disrespect to their Boss's name lightly.

"Is it your incredibly ugly, stubborn, and freakingly annoying boss, Yang Feng?"

"Our boss is not—" The bodyguard immediately stopped, nearly cursing at himself for being foolish enough to fall into her trap.

She smirked. "Aha! So it is Yang Feng!" She quickly walked to her purse and pulled out her phone, calling the man in question. He picked up within the first ring.

"Lifei, you should be resting—"

"Tell your men to step aside."

Yang Feng frowned at her words. She wanted them to step aside? She was out of her hospital bed?!

"Get back into your bed right now—"

"You're not the Boss of me. Tell your men to step aside." She was growing annoyed at his dominating ways. Who did he think he was?! Why were the men in her life always so controlling of her? It's not like she was some damsel-in-distress! She was a grown adult capable of taking care of herself!

"Lifei, get back into bed right now. Why are you standing up? You're not fully recovered."

"I feel perfectly fine! I don't want to go back to my bed—"

"Get back to your bed, now." Yang Feng angrily stood up, his chair roughly slamming into the glass window behind him with how fast he stood up. Luckily, the glass was really thick and double-sided, so regardless of any snipers, they couldn't see him.

"What is wrong with you?! I said I don't want to! I want to take a walk outside so you better tell your men to move, or I swear to God I will smack them with the IV drip pole!" She said as she unhooked the IV bags to prepare her weapon.

The bodyguards stiffened at her threat and turned around to see her getting her weapon ready. They exchanged nervous glances with each other, for all of them knew how capable this woman was.

If she was good with a gun, she must be good at using other weapons too! Besides, their orders were to specifically not touch her, regardless of what she did to them. Neither of them wanted to suffer a beating for just doing their job!

Yang Feng's gaze darkened at her stubborn ways. "Zhao Lifei, my patience for your stubbornness is limitless, but when it comes to your well-being and health, I will not tolerate it!" He stormed out of his office, startling the secretaries that were sitting behind the desks that were outside of the office.

Chen Gaonan, being the main secretary, was the first to stand up, ready to obey any request given to him.

She ignored the fact that he used her full name which showed he was really angry. So what if he was angry?! "Who do you think you are?" She seethed while twisting the metal pole to dislocate it from its wheels.

"Your man," He instantly replied, his response taking the entire office by surprise. But she was so angry at him, she didn't even register his words.

Her anger didn't subdue with his words, instead, it flared even more. Did he think it was a joke? "I'm fighting my way out of this hospital room one way or another. If you don't want your men injured, I recommend you to tell them to move—"

"Injure as many as you want, but I must warn you, such action will not go unpunished."

She glared at the wall in front her, throwing daggers into the poor wall. "Oh please, bite me!" She shouted into the phone, earning an angry growl.

"You— "

She hung up the phone.

Zhao Lifei tested the weight of the metal pole in her hands. It was really light which meant it wouldn't do a lot of damage, but it would move really fast. She had experience fighting with wooden sticks in her days in the military.

She turned to the men, a dark scowl on her face.

"I'm sure every single one of you heard the conversation with your boss." She took a step forward, metal pole in hand.

"Unless you want to get hurt, I really recommend stepping aside." None of them budged, but they had turned around to properly face her now. However, by now, more had crowded the entrance, creating a human barrier before her.

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