Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 126 The Irrational Lover

After bidding Xiao Nai goodbye and promising her one last time that she would return tomorrow, Zhao Lifei left the room with a happy smile. She naively walked down the halls, humming to herself now that she had found a companion to talk to the entire day. The nice girl even gave her some snacks to carry back to her room, which was a bonus!

She happily hummed the latest song from her favorite singer, hands full with snacks, completely unaware of the indignant dragon waiting for her. "The moon is high, the tides pass by, the battlefield is soaked in red.." She sang to herself, walking to her room. She looked down and wondered if Qinqin would like these snacks.

"The snow falls as I raise a cup to the war casualties." A quiet voice finished the next part for her.

"Oh, you know the song too—" Her voice died down when she realized exactly who finished the lyrics for her. The snacks slipped from her hands, loudly clattering onto the floor.

Sitting by the window of her eerily dark room was none other than Yang Feng. The moonlight falling on his face added a ghostly tint to his tan complexion. She clearly saw his perfectly sculptured features.

He was eerily placid.

She swallowed.

His eyes were calm as waters before a storm and his indifferent face didn't have a hint of anger. But when she looked closely, his sharp jaw was clenched.

She shivered when his eyes fell upon her. Staring at him was like standing naked in a blizzard storm where the snow felt like ice shards digging into her skin. She didn't like the way he looked at her, the usual warmth and adoration he had in his eyes for her had evaporated faster than the sun behind thunder clouds.

She wanted to take a step back and run out of the room, but his eyes were so intimidating, they kept her paralyzed on the spot. A chill ran down her back at the way he looked at her. It was alarming to see him like this, especially when he always treated her so well.

She swallowed nervously, her eyes shaking when he stood up. His hands were tucked in his front pocket and his lips were pulled into a thin line. Even with the distance between them, she could still feel the murderous intent surrounding him.

Her blood drained as he began to slowly stride towards her. Her heart thumped erratically within her chest, building up speed with each passing second.

She turned around, ready to run, but the door behind her was suddenly slammed shut, locking her inside this hauntingly dark room. Why were the lights turned off?!

With nothing but the moonlight as her guide, Zhao Lifei could barely see her surroundings. The only thing she could see was Yang Feng stalking towards her, as a predator would to their prey. She couldn't think straight with how fast her heart was pounding.

"You sure have a lot of guts causing harm to my men, making them run in circles, leaving this room, and not returning the entire day. You also missed your daily medicine." His deathly calm voice was beginning to scare her. She felt the hair on her skin rise at his tone of voice. It was so sinister that she finally understood why he ruled the Underworld. His aura, his presence, it commanded your obedience.

"You don't understand, I hate the hospital—"

"'Bite me.' You said those words, did you not?"

"You have no right to be angry with me." She nervously looked at him.

He was just an arm's distance away from her. She could see his eyes more clearly now. His lethal stare was piercing, as if he could see right through her soul. He was furious.

"Your provocations will not go unpunished." There was a stillness to the way he enunciated each word.

Her heart beated faster. She swallowed back whatever snarky replies she wanted to toss at him. She didn't want to provoke him further or else this dragon might really gobble her up. She needed a way of calming this fury of his and she already had the perfect plan in mind.

"Tell me, how would you like to be bitten? Perhaps I should start with—" He was interrupted when she suddenly crossed the distance between them, wrapping her tiny arms around his body. He stiffened, her actions taking him by complete surprise.

He blinked. "What are you doing—"

"Yang Feng…" She adoringly said, her voice light and sweet as honey. It was soft, like summer rain, but airy as the clouds. The way she said his name filled his chest with warmth, his anger faltering.

"This little plan of yours isn't going to work—"

"Yang Feng, I'm cold." She muttered, her voice becoming tiny and quiet like a child. She buried her face into his chest, rubbing her cheeks against the silk material. She could feel his chest muscles contract when fingers curled into fists.

"You think this will work?"

"Won't you hug me?" She whispered, lifting her head to look up at him. Her heart skipped a beat when she looked into his soulless eyes. She opened her eyes wider, her bottom lips slightly jutting out to resemble a tiny pout.

"Won't you?" She pestered him, squeezing her arms in emphasis. His eyes narrowed into slits as he glowered down at her.

Seeing that her plan wasn't going as she had hoped for, she deepened her pout and widened her eyes further. "I'm really, really cold. Why aren't you hugging me?"

When he didn't move his arms, she decided to change to Plan B: the irrational lover. "Fine. Let me freeze to death, catch a cold, and then cough myself to death."

"You won't get sick, it's above room temperature in here—"

"But I'm so cold, I'll definitely get sick. When I'm on my deathbed from the illness I catch, will you take responsibility?" She saw his anger converting into confusion.

"Don't be so dramatic. You won't die from a simple cold." He said, rolling his eyes at her stupid words. Die from a cold? Not on my watch!

"Fine, I guess I should put that theory into use and take an ice bath to catch hypothermia!" She angrily said, dropping her arms as she swiftly turned her back and stomp her way into the bathroom.

Seeing her tiny back determined to walk away, Yang Feng panicked. He could see all of his hard work crumbling in a flash before his eyes.

She was the type to never look back once she made up her mind. He was scared she would slip through his hands and coldy regard him as a stranger.

Instantly, he pulled her into his embrace, her back crashing against his chest as his arms wrapped itself tightly around her. He was anxious that if he ever let go, she would disappear in the air like dust. He was worried she would never speak to him again.

She was struggling in his arms which confirmed his fear. He hugged her tighter, pressing her entire body onto his, leaving no room between them.

"Let go of me!" She frowned.

Zhao Lifei knew she was taking a gamble by pretending to be angry, but she needed him to be distracted or else he might become furious again.

His chest prickled with pain at her reaction, his heart dropping at her words. "Don't go, I'm not mad anymore." He hurriedly said, burying his head into the crook of her neck.

She wriggled and pushed at his arms which only prompted him to hug her tighter than ever.

"I'm sorry."

She immediately stopped struggling. D-did she hear herself correctly? D-did the almighty Yang Feng just apologize?!

She tested the waters, her voice doubtful. "Sorry for what?"

Seeing her no longer struggle in his arms, he relaxed. "For everything." He pressed his lips to the crown of her head.

"What's everything?"

"For getting mad at you, preventing you from leaving this room and not hugging you back." He readily said, eager to please her. He didn't think he was this type of lover, but she always brought out this side of him. Surprisingly, he loved it. Despite the fact that she was stubborn beyond words, he loved that part of her.

Zhao Lifei blinked at his words. Wow, did she really henpeck him enough for him to forget about his anger so quickly? She didn't think her plan would actually work! Who knew the outcome would be so perfect!

"I'm sorry, so don't go. Don't leave me." He hurriedly said, fear gripping his heart, painfully squeezing it. He was terrified she would leave him again, as she once did in the past. He had agonizingly gotten over her once, he wasn't sure if he would be able to do that again...

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