Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 156 Carelessness

"Fengfeng, you're here!" A shrill voice spoke up, high pitched like a girl.

Zhao Lifei's eyes sharpened and her expression became fierce as she glowered up at Yang Feng. Oh, so the friend was a lady. What a wonderful surprise.

"I've been waiting for you!" A beautiful woman strolled into the room, seductively swaying her hips side-to-side as she practically ran towards Yang Feng.

Zhao Lifei was about to speak up, when Yang Feng said, "Take off the wig and makeup. You're going to cause a misunderstanding." He scowled, sidestepping his friend. He could already feel his woman glaring daggers at him, demanding an explanation for this. He tightened his hold on her hands to prevent her from wriggling out of it.

The woman pouted, batting her long lashes at Yang Feng. She had high cheekbones, a squarish, almost rough jawline, but she worked it perfectly with her makeup. "Fengfeng, you're no fun!" She tried to grab his arm, but he easily pushed her away, his eyes ablaze.

"Wu Subing, stop joking around." Yang Feng was close to yanking the damn wig off of his friend. His woman was really close to dumping him on the second day of their relationship!

"Ugh, fine." Wu Subing stopped imitating a woman's voice and took off the wig, revealing short and wavy hair.

Zhao Lifei blinked in surprise, taken back by both the change in tone. He was a guy all along? Wu Subing shifted his gaze to the fierce woman standing beside Yang Feng, scrutinizing her in the process. He walked to her and was about to lift her chin to properly examine her face before Yang Feng swatted his hands away.

"Don't touch her." Yang Feng scowled, which made Wu Subing roll his eyes.

"Relax, I'm not even into her." Wu Subing scoffed, but just to piss Yang Feng off, he reached out his hand to give her a polite handshake.

"What's your name?" He already knew who she was. Zhao Lifei, the previous reigning Queen of Shenbei, one would need to be a fool not to know her. He also had a slight grudge towards her for the last time she ruined his dress. He was pestered to make a dress for her and what did the young lady do with it? Have it covered in desserts and god knows what!

Zhao Lifei accepted his handshake, revealing an amicable smile. "Zhao Lifei, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Hm, yes, I remember you clearly." He decided today would be a good day to avenge his poor dress, but when Yang Feng gave him a threatening look, Wu Subing could only bite his tongue and restrain his annoyance.

Zhao Lifei understood which incident he was referring to. "The dress you made for me that night was beautiful, a vision to behold...but it was ruined by my carelessness. I truly apologize for it." She paused and carefully thought over her next few words. "As an apology, I will owe you a favor." It was one thing for a woman of her status to sincerely apologize, but even giving him a favor was another.

Even Wu Subing, who didn't grow up in wealth, understood the importance of her words. She owed him a favor. And with her background, the things he could ask were limitless... This quelled his anger the slightest bit. He wondered how far her connections and money could get him.

"I'll take your word for it then." He nodded, guiding her into the back room where all of the ready-made dresses were on full display.

When Zhao Lifei saw them, her eyes widened in shock. This room was easily worth millions, but that was not what caught her eyes. Standing in the room were three mannequins of the most stunning dresses she had ever seen.

The cut, the style, the material, everything about these dresses were perfect, and each of them had their own charm. The first had the feel of a fairy descending from heaven to mingle with the humans, the second was a fiery red, passionate dress that would perfectly hug the wearer, highlighting every curve — even if there were none. But what truly had her attention was the last gown.

As if she was bewitched by it, Zhao Lifei walked to the dress and when she was about to touch it, Wu Subing smacked her hand away. "Don't touch it without sanitizing your hand first…" He trailed off when he felt a lethal stare at his back. He gulped, not daring to turn around and face the wrath of the demon.

"You dare to hit her." Yang Feng scowled, his eyes darker than night, the fury burning within it was scarier than the ones found in the Netherworld. The air around him turned icy cold, like standing in a blizzard, his stare a sharp icicle piercing through Wu Subing.

Zhao Lifei didn't have time for his frustration, instead, she wrapped her arms around his bicep as a way of soothing his anger. She placed her head on his arm, then looked up at him with a giant smile. "Yang Feng, I want that dress." She tried to distract him, pointing towards the third dress that was calling her name.

"We'll get it after I beat some sense into this fool—"

"He'll need his hands to tailor the dress to my size."

"Fine, then I'll take a leg for a hand—"

"He'll need his legs to walk around while fixing the dress." Zhao Lifei reached one curled arm down to hold his hand and when he was least expecting it, she locked their fingers together.

"It doesn't hurt, don't be mad." She cooed, lifting her head to peer into his eyes. The intensity of his glower should've sent most people begging on their knees for mercy, but she didn't even flinch or blink upon seeing it. "Let's get the dress and then we can go eat. How does that sound?"

When he didn't respond and was about to turn his face towards Wu Subing again, she used her other arm to grab his chin and force him to look at her. "I'll cook for you." She added on. His lips twitched before an appeased smile formed on his lips.

"Okay." He complied. It was the first time she would cook for him and he was already looking forward to the food... Even if she made him poisonous garbage, he would still eat it, for she was the one to cook it.

- - - - -

Wu Subing did not dare to touch Zhao Lifei anymore. He had known Yang Feng for many years now and had personally witnessed how terrifying his temper was. He enjoyed poking the bear, but not the consequences that came after it…

Instead of personally measuring her size, he had his female assistants do it. After being threatened by Yang Feng to finish tailoring the dress by tomorrow morning, Wu Subing cried his way into the drawing room.

The bill was hefty, but Yang Feng made sure to hide it from his woman. He knew the minute she saw the price tag, she would try to pay for it herself and he had no doubt she could easily buy the dress, but he wanted to spoil her rotten, pamper her to the point of no return. Only then, would she never try to find another man, for no one would ever be able to live up to his expectations and the standards that he was helping her raise.

Yang Feng walked Zhao Lifei out of the store, an arm securely wrapped around her hip. As they neared the car, a loud masculine voice called out, "Xiao Li!"

At the familiarity of the way her name was being addressed, Yang Feng sharply turned around, his face chilly.

Zhao Lifei paused and looked to the right, her eyes brightening upon seeing who it was. "Wei Hantao!" Her eyes flickered with surprise, but that didn't stop her from walking to him. When they were a few feet apart, Wei Hantao crossed the distance and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I haven't heard from you in a month now! What happened?" His full lips curved into a friendly smile, pulling back from the hug, his arms loosely on her waist.

"Nothing much, I was just busy." Zhao Lifei lied. She didn't want him to worry by mentioning her hospitalization, for this worrywart would most likely stress over the wounds too much.

"Well, you're lucky the company has such a competent man as me." He grinned, his eyes running over her face and body to check for any visible injuries. He heard a rumor that she was hospitalized, but seeing she was glowing as always, he decided it was just false gossip.

Zhao Lifei rolled her eyes. "There's a reason why I hired you as my stand-in CEO, stupid." She mused, shaking her head. Just as he had done to her, she also scanned his appearance. There was a slight scar on his eyebrow, adding a rugged touch to his appearance. An elegant nose of royalty, a jawline so sharp it could cut glass, and thin, proportional lips, she understood why he was the school prince of their high school days.

Aside from their occasional phone calls, they rarely saw each other and so eventually developed the habit of making sure they were physically healthy.

She tilted her head upon seeing the new feature on his eyebrows. It wasn't there previously... She wondered what happened to him for it to exist. Out of pure instincts, she raised her hand to touch the scar, but before she could place her finger upon it, a sharp tug from her upper abdomen sent her nearly falling into the man behind her.

She raised her head and wished she didn't do so. Yang Feng's face was a mixture of lethal calmness and frigid sharpness. His eyes were particularly focused, composed, and analytical of the man that dared to touch his woman without his permission.

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