Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 215 Trust Me

Zhao Lifei heard the slightest sound of rustling in the shadows of the garden, far beyond her prying eyes, and the sound nearly blending in with the voices from the banquet. "I hope you are wise enough, Mr. Su, to not directly attack me."

"Oh, and what makes you think I would?"

"Well, why else would you come here? Granted, it could be a normal conversation, but with your men advancing closer with each second, I assume not."

Su Boyuan was not alarmed to see her ears were so keen. He knew she was not a simple woman, even if she portrayed the very image. She was alone here, completely vulnerable and not a weapon in sight. She was sitting in a laid back posture, leaning on one arm, with an easygoing smile on her face. Her appearance did not hide those eyes of hers, abnormally glowing in the dead of night, so luminous and reflective, he could practically see the world mirrored within it.

"You're a lot like your mother," He said out of the blue. "Ignorant and incredibly stupid."

Zhao Lifei did not blink at his insulting words. Instead, her face became even more lightened, for she was highly entertained by his words. Zhao Lifei suddenly laughed then, tilting her head she said, "Don't you know? Women pretend to be said qualities to fool men like you."

"Is that what you say to comfort yourself?"

Zhao Lifei raised a brow, so amused that such a grown man as himself was arguing back like a little kid.

Seeing her suddenly become quiet, Su Boyuan added on, "If everything happens as planned, we do not have to get violent."

She was not scared of his threat, even if this man could send his men after her. She could single-handedly take him down and perhaps a few more of his people, but that would be too tiring and she was sure Wu Subing would have a fit if he saw she ruined one of his dresses yet again.

"How can you be so sure, Mr. Su, that the people approaching us are your men and not my grandfather's?"

Su Boyuan stiffened the slightest bit before releasing a small laughter, mocking her. "One of my highly trained men can take down ten of your grandfather's. You should not underestimate the power of the human body."

"I have no doubt your people are skillfully trained in martial arts, but I do wonder, can a bullet travel faster than a limb?"

When his face became twisted, Zhao Lifei innocently batted her lashes. "I truly recommend we end this discussion here. It's clear you do not like me." She stood up. "And, you have very threatening thoughts when it comes to me."

She took one step when he snarled, "Sit down, little girl."

Zhao Lifei smiled, "I apologize, Mr. Su. Our discussion will need to be cut short. My grandfather is looking for me as we speak, dessert does not take that long to finish."

Right when she walked past him, men dressed in black came forward. Sure enough, they were neither her grandfather's people nor Yang Feng's.

"I suggest you behave and follow my orders." Su Boyuan strolled to her, his arms tucked behind him. "My men are highly trained and though they uphold honor and chivalry, it does not stop them from harming a woman."

Zhao Lifei kept the smile on her face, even if she was severely outnumbered. "If you wanted a civilized discussion, you shouldn't have brought so many men."

Su Boyuan revealed a smile, matching the same tranquility she had. "Well, little lady, you planned on leaving and measures had to be taken."

Su Boyuan realized this discussion was going nowhere and that he was being fooled by a little girl. She was good with her words, quickly derailing the topic. "I'll keep this short and brief."

His smile dropped and an eerily threatening expression appeared on his face. "If you want to make it out of here alive," He reached out his hand and a man dressed in a suit walked forward with a manilla envelope.

Zhao Lifei took the folder, opened it, and was highly amused to see a contract and a non-disclosure agreement.

"I expect to see my daughter back in her position by tomorrow morning."

She humored at the idea, "And how do you expect me to do that?"

"You've pillow-talked President Yang once before. I'm sure you can do it again."

At this, Zhao Lifei let out a soft laughter. "Since when do I pillow-talk men?"

"Don't act stupid, little girl. Rumour has it, you're quite a bed warmer. It started with Zheng Tianyi and then you moved your way into the bed of your grandfather's men. You followed that by going onto President Yang, and then to a mysterious man. You've spread your legs so many times, god knows what diseases you have contracted."

"Are you sure you're referring to me and not your daughter?"

Su Boyuan's face became a bright shade of red and no amount of words could describe his anger. A vein popped on his face, his face distorted into a glower. "What did you just say?!"

"You should have researched how your daughter even got a position within Yang Enterprise given her mediocre educational background." She had an inkling of suspicion that shady work was done to even get her folder into the rounds of selections.

As cruel as it was, being one of the top five leading companies in the country, Yang Enterprise's selection of interns began by separating the applicants into two folders: one was a folder of those who came from prestigious universities while the other folder contained the ones that did not. The latter was trashed without a second glance. It was the same procedure in her grandfather's and Zheng Tianyi's company.

Su Boyuan opened his mouth to speak when a chilly voice sliced through the tension.

"What is going on here?" Arctic and strangely calm, Yang Feng's lethal voice struck fear into Su Boyuan, whose eyes were as wide as a deer that was caught in headlights.

"Good evening President Yang—"

He was ignored.

Yang Feng brushed past Su Boyuan as if he was nothing. He stalked towards Zhao Lifei and surprised her by taking off his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders. He used his suit jacket to tug her closer before buttoning it up. "Fool." He whispered to her, wrapping an arm around her.

Zhao Lifei felt her body settle inside of his hug, the warmth of his suit jacket bringing the comfort that only he could offer her; it was something she would never forget.

Su Boyuan had always respected Yang Feng, despite the thirty year age gap. In the entire world, only Yang Feng was a suitable candidate as his daughter's husband, everyone else was just plain trash.

He opened his mouth and wisely closed it. If he wanted his daughter to remain in a favorable position, the first step was not angering the man in question. He carefully thought over his next few words.

Yang Feng glanced down at the woman in his arms. He worriedly cupped her left cheek, "Are you hurt?"

Zhao Lifei grabbed his hand, shaking her head. "No."

Su Boyuan decided it was time to speak up now. "Do not fret President Yang, we were merely having a simple discussion—"

Not caring about what the old goat was saying, he continued looking at Zhao Lifei. "Are you sure?" Yang Feng looked over her body for any visible injuries, but realized she was covered in his suit jacket, so he couldn't see anything.

She responded by nodding her head.

"Then close your eyes and cover your ears."

Her brows creased, forming lines on her forehead. He ran a finger over them, flattening them down. "Just trust me." He guided her hands to cover her ears before warmly covering them with his larger and warmer ones until her hearing was completely muffled. He watched as her beautiful eyelids fluttered closed.

Zhao Lifei did not know how much time passed, but she did know that there was a discussion going on. She could feel the vibration of his chest as he spoke up and when his hands were gone from over her hands, she saw it as a sign to uncover her ears as well.

Peeling her eyes open, she was dumbfounded to see Su Boyuan's men on the floor, dead or alive, she did not know. The same spots that those men stood earlier now had different people occupying them, their combined presence changing the atmosphere.

Su Boyuan himself looked as if he had aged a decade. His face was paler than hers, so white, that he resembled a shocked ghost. He was sweating buckets, his eyes wide, as if he had just heard his time of death was tomorrow.

Zhao Lifei tilted her head, curious as to what Yang Feng did or said. She looked up at him, seeking answers and he responded by patting her head.

In a low murmur, he said, "Let's go home."

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