Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 232 Under The Table

Zhao Lifei did not realize his state until she demanded, "I'll ask you once and it better be the truth, what the hell did you do to Yang Ruqin?!"

He did not respond.

She frowned and tilted his head forward a bit. He was knocked out cold.

Zhao Lifei scoffed. That was all it took to subdue him? How pitiful.

She let his pathetic body slump onto the floor. She made sure to take pictures of his ruined state, ensuring that his face could be clearly seen. It would not be long before he was completely ruined.

Who would've thought the nation's rising actor was an abuser and rapist? He was famed on television as a romantic at heart and was always portrayed as the shining male lead who whisked the damsel-in-distress away. What an ironic facade.

Zhao Lifei went into Yang Ruqin's closet and took out three belts. She tied one around his ankles, his wrists, and then his arms for extra reassurance.

After that, she made her way towards Yang Ruqin.

Even though she had seen the damage from afar, Zhao Lifei was still not prepared.

When she turned Yang Ruqin onto her back and brushed the strands of hair away from her face, Zhao Lifei felt her heart sink to her stomach. Bruises. There were so many cuts and bruises on her face. It had only been one day since she had last seen Yang Ruqin, yet the damage on her body said otherwise.

She felt her hands shake. How did this happen? Her eyes trailed back to the alcohol and cigarettes. It was impossible that only two people drank that much. She breathed out in shock, praying to every single god she knew that Yang Ruqin had not been violated.

Zhao Lifei had to take her to the hospital. There was no other option. She gingerly laid Yang Ruqin back onto the ground, covered her in a blanket and called the ambulance. Afterward, she called Yang Feng, but for the first time, he did not answer.

She nervously drummed her fingers on the table and called him again. Yet again, he did not answer. What was going on?!

- - - - -

Goût délicieux.

In the upscale and posh French restaurant where the faint sound of piano and violin could be heard in the background, two men could be seen sitting in front of a white-clothed square table.

One of the men sat like the ruler of a fine regime. He was the very definition of a pureblood aristocrat with undeniably flawless features. Well-defined and prominent, he gave off a different vibe than all of the wealthy people frequenting this restaurant. Men and women alike would steal glances his way, drawn to his appeal.

"President Yang, thank you for taking the time to join me today." Zhao Junkai took a small sip of his red wine. He was thrilled to see the young man in front of him. As one of the directors in his father's company, he knew all too well how difficult it was to see this man. People had to wait months on end just to have a conversation with Yang Feng, but with the strings his little niece pulled, he was able to see Yang Feng within a few days!

Yang Feng apathetically nodded his head. He did not touch his food.

"You have no idea how much this means to me." Zhao Junkai eagerly said, placing down his glass and lifting his fork. "When I first received word that you agreed to see me, it truly made my day."

"I never thought I would get this opportunity to see you in person, seeing as you're usually very busy." He babbled on, "My wife and kids would be ecstatic if they can meet you. I have a daughter, she's only a few years younger than you, and in a couple of months, she will turn eighteen." He dug into his salad.

Yang Feng's eyes hardened in disgust towards the man. Who sells off their own daughter like this?

"I would like to formally introduce myself to you, President Yang, My name is Zhao Junkai." When he saw the man's face did not change, he continued, "I've worked diligently at my father's company for as long as I can remember. I graduated from TH University, the best college in our nation, but I'm sure you're aware of this since you also graduated from there and well… many more colleges." He let out a laugh.

Zhao Junkai was very impressed by Yang Feng's academic background. He had graduated at the top of his classes, seizing every valedictorian position, and even finished his Masters and PhD across seas all the while mastering five languages.

Yang Feng glanced at his wrist, where a sterling Philippe Patek watch was snuggly wrapped. This man talked too much. He did not want to waste any more time here.

Zhao Junkai could feel his eyes widen in admiration upon seeing the mesmerizing piece. Any avid collector of watches could tell what brand it was and how incredibly rare such a thing was. "President Yang, that is quite an amazing watch you have there."

Yang Feng's frigid expression shifted the slightest bit, but not enough for Zhao Junkai to pick up on it. Zhao Lifei had given it to him a while back and it was the very object that launched their Gift War. He had an endless array of watches, many of which outweighed the price of her gift, but none of them held a single cent to the value of this one.

"Dare I ask, where did you get your hands on it? It's embarrassing to admit, but I sought for it far and wide! I wasted a lot of resources to track it down in the past. When I finally found the last remaining piece in the world, a few years back, it was impossible to obtain!"

Yang Feng took a sip of his lemon water. In a detached and dull voice, he replied, "Zhao Lifei gifted it to me."

Zhao Junkai choked on his salad. That lying wench! He should've known better. When his people were finally able to track it down, it was said the collector refused to sell it off. After digging deeper into him, Zhao Junkai realized the man was close acquaintances with Zhao Lifei. When he approached his niece, she denied any involvement or connection with the collector on multiple accounts.

"I-is that so." Zhao Junkai struggled to keep his composure, his hand shaking. He decided to direct his mind to a different topic. "I suppose we should get down to business now. I do not want to take up too much of your time."

'You already are.' Yang Feng thought to himself. This lethargic conversation was boring him to sleep.

"I am approaching you in hopes that we can become close collaborating partners in the future." Zhao Junkai slyly smiled, his eyes curving into crescent moons, resembling Zhao Moyao's coy smiles. "I'm sure you know this by now, but my father is growing old and he has begun pondering the thought of who should inherit his position."

Yang Feng listened on with a lifeless and uncaring expression on his face. Inherit was quite a funny and misused word here. In Zhao Moyao's handful of selections, only three out of his six candidates were related to him by blood.

"Unfortunately, I hold only 3% shares in the company and with the combined total partners, it boils down to 5% while my father has 20%."

It was originally more, but on her eighteenth birthday, Zhao Moyao had gifted Zhao Lifei the priciest present in the world: 10% shares of Zhao Corporation. A mere 1% was equivalent to winning five mega lotteries. It was clear where his heart lies, for she was practically set for life.

Yang Feng twirled the glass of lemon water by its thin stem, watching as the drink gracefully danced. A combined total of 5%, it's a pitiful reality, given the fact that he was Zhao Moyao's first and eldest son.

"But with your generous support, I would have exactly 20%." Zhao Junkai greedily said as he stopped eating his salad. The second highest shareholder of Zhao Corporation was not people of the monarch, but Yang Feng himself who stood proudly with 15%, Zhao Lifei coming third, and Zhao Junkai's other niece being the fourth.

Zhao Junkai believed his victory was ensured, for his combined shares would significantly outweigh Zhao Lifei which placed him on a higher-standing than her. The only thing left was to convince the board of directors and other partners of Zhao Corporation.

Yang Feng clicked his fingers on the table. 'If I give my darling my shares, she will have 25%.' He was thrilled with the idea.

President of Zhao Corporation and Founder of Feili, she would have magnificent titles placed upon her, like a crown smelted from the finest metal and bejeweled with the rarest gems this world has ever witnessed.

With an expressionless face, Yang Feng questioned, "What would I gain from this?"

The more aloof he behaved, the more Zhao Junkai attempted to earn his attention. He felt worthless in the eyes of Yang Feng, who was half his age but had quadruple his influence. "Well, for starters, I will ensure every idea from Yang Enterprise will be guaranteed 100% acceptance within the board." He leaned in and quietly said, "I will also have my people alter the numbers so that the government does not see the massive transactions."

He was hinting an under-the-table business.

If Yang Feng understood the underlying message, his face did not reveal it.

Yang Feng shifted his eyes from the window behind Zhao Junkai to the man himself. His eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, a murderous chill entering the atmosphere. He fixed his gaze dangerously upon Zhao Junkai who was beginning to sweat buckets, his hands trembling at the stare he was receiving.

Zhao Junkai finally understood why this man was so feared and well-respected at the same time...Just one glance and he could already see himself kneeling for mercy.

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