Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 234 Do I Make Myself Clear?

Zhao Lifei paced back and forth in the hospital room, her brain going haywire with fear and panic. Even with the aromatic diffuser sending out mists of calming lavender she could not relax. The sound of her heels clicking on the polished floor was no match for the constantly beeping machine. She was frantic while pondering the possibilities.

Finally, the door to the room opened and in walked a female doctor. She was stunning, her feline eyes landing upon Zhao Lifei. A seductive face by nature paired with a curvy hourglass figure. It was strange to see her walking in a hospital instead of a runway.

"Good afternoon, Miss Zhao. My name is Bai Xingyao, the current doctor in charge of Miss Yang. It's an honor to meet you, ma'am." She was newly transferred to the hospital a few weeks ago after receiving a grand promotion.

Zhao Lifei did not have time for introductions, "Did the results come out? Was...she violated?" She whispered the last part.

Bai Xingyao revealed a small smile, shaking her head. "No, Miss Yang was not." She made sure to conduct more than one test. This was Yang Ruqin they were talking about, the younger sister of her husband's boss. She handled the case with the utmost care, ensuring not a single mistake was made.

"In regards to the bruises on her body, there are signs of immense tissue trauma on the head, arms, and legs. From my understanding, it looks like she was repeatedly pushed onto a hard surface and badly beaten with not only fists but also with rough objects."

As she was telling Lifei about the diagnosis, the door to the room had been opened allowing both men to hear her every word.

Yang Yulong was trembling, his fingers clenching into fists so tight, his honey-tanned skin turned white. His nails dug into his palms, creating deep indents. He had a sudden urge to punch something. At this point, bloodshed would be mere child's play. Even the massacre of the abuser's entire family would not do his younger sister justice.

For as long as he could remember, his darling sister had never been hit or injured. Even her own father didn't hit her, so how dare a random stranger lay their filthy hands on her and ruin their precious Xiao Qin?

Yang Feng was as furious as his younger brother, but he was more level headed in this situation. The media was not stupid. Everyone in Shenbei and beyond knew who Yang Ruqin was. They knew her backings consisted of none other than Yang Yulong and Yang Feng whose overprotective nature was no secret. Who could be retarded enough to injure his younger sister?

There had to be an ulterior motive to this.

Yang Yulong tried to keep his voice calm and composed, but his words came out like a lethal poison, "Who did this to her?" At this moment, he did not care who Zhao Lifei was when he stormed to her and roughly clamped his hands onto her shoulders.

"Who did it?!" He snarled while shaking her, and that alone was enough to send Yang Feng's fury into overdrive. With one rough shove, he separated Yang Yulong from Zhao Lifei and yanked her into his arms.

"Do that again and I'll cut your arms off." Yang Feng protectively wrapped one muscular arm around Zhao Lifei's collarbone while the other went over her waist as he embraced her from behind.

"Mu Ting, the rising actor did it. She was spotted with him at the Ling Banquet, but I did not think he would do something like that to her."

Yang Yulong's gaze became vicious, "You knew she had a relationship with that man and did not speak up about it?!"

"He's a famed actor, I did not think he would risk his reputation like this. His public image was—" She stopped babbling.

She should've been wise enough to know that one can never trust a person's public image. Even if he was an A-list celebrity who constantly played the charming male lead, she shouldn't have been fooled by it. Zheng Tianyi was once recognized as the only male lead in her life and look at where that stupid belief got her?

"I didn't know…" She hoarsely whispered as guilt began to gnaw at her heart, tearing it. She felt pain prick her chest, like thousands of needles piercing her skin.

Yang Yulong harshly glowered at her, "And where is he now?" He wanted to reprimand her more, but with Yang Feng present and ready to tear his head off if she cried, he was too afraid to do anything.

"At the police station near Gliding Cloud Complex."

That was all Yang Yulong needed to know as he turned around and made a quick call. "Chief, it's me."

Yang Feng could sense she was unnecessarily overthinking everything. He turned her around and upon seeing the pain-stricken expression, he knew he was right. He pressed her face to his chest while the other rested on her lower back. "It's not your fault. Do not blame it on yourself."

Zhao Lifei gritted her teeth, "I should've done a lot more. I should've killed him on the spot instead of only breaking his arm and destroying his face."

Yang Feng was astonished by her violent words. He had expected her to cry, breakdown, or have tears silently trailing down her face. He expected her to become soft and weak in his arms, not wishing she had inflicted more pain and damage upon the abuser. He felt his heart swell with pride at this little lady of his, so fierce and amazing.

"If you had killed him on the spot, you would have blood on your hands. It's hard to wash off." He rubbed his hands up and down her back to calm her down. "Besides, if you had killed him, we wouldn't have been able to get our hands on him in order to torture everything out of him."

He already knew who would have the best time torturing the scum. Guo Sheng would go berserk if he heard Yang Ruqin was injured. The young man was fond of her, mainly because she always brought him food from any city she traveled to.

She buried her face lovingly into his chest. "I want to be a part of it…" Her voice was muffled, but he heard every word perfectly.

"No." He immediately said, leaving no room for arguments. He would never bring her into that environment, it was too risky and unsuitable for her.

When he felt her lean back in anger, he glanced down and quickly regretted doing so. His mouth ran dry, his throat constricting at the look she was giving him.

Puppy-eyes and a tiny pout, that was all it took for him to toss all his rationality out the window. Her copper eyes were widened, revealing the gold folds of her eyes; her lips, plump and pink like freshly watered peonies, were jutted outwards. He could not resist her. She knew it too.

"Please?" She pressed her body into his, her arms slowly sliding up his broad body.


Her hand nestled on the side of his neck, her fingers grazing the skin, teasing it. While she started a feather-soft trail up towards his face, his fingers started digging deeper into her waist. He was losing focus. She stood on her toes and when he thought she would go for his lips, she teased him by aiming for the corner of his mouth.

He let out a frustrated growl, "You—"

"I want to be there," She whispered to him, her voice low, seductive, and sultry. Her lips began to trail down his chin, lightly nipping at the skin. She purposely shifted her body a bit, enough to come in contact with his intimate area that easily tensed under the slightest touch.

"Fine." He hoarsely whispered, grabbing her arms before she did anything else. And just like that, her sexual approaches disappeared and the agony of arousal he felt began to disperse. He let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, his body became tense again. Did...did his little kitty just seduce him?

She was truly getting better and better at playing him — not that he minded.

"You know, Mr. Yang," Zhao Lifei teased, pinching his cheek. "I could've gone there myself without asking for your permission."

"I'm sure you could." He muttered under his breath, already knowing how sneaky this one was.

Yang Yulong finished the conversation. "The bastard is awake in his cell. Let's go and interrogate him."

"Aren't you going to make sure Qinqin is alright first?" Zhao Lifei asked, frowning at where his priorities were.

He didn't seem as angry as before, the fire finally dying down a bit. Now that his victim was secured with no way out, he was not as frantic as before. "She has you, does she not?"

Zhao Lifei slowly nodded. This man, regardless of his treatment towards her previously, had trust in her. "Of course."

Yang Yulong glanced at his older brother who looked so whipped by the woman in his arms, his eyes were practically glued to her. They shared a silent message: Zhao Lifei will not enter the Underworld.

"Stay here and keep my sister company. She will need you when she wakes up."

Zhao Lifei suspiciously narrowed her eyes, roughly pushing Yang Feng away. "I'm going to stay here." She said to their relief. "But that does not mean you will keep me here for long." She turned around to face Yang Feng, her hand latching onto his tie and without warning, harshly yanked him to her height.

"When she wakes up and is in a secure place and all is well you WILL take me to the Underworld base." She snarled, "Do I make myself clear?"

Yang Feng cleared his throat, his hands gingerly holding hers that was grasping his tie. "My dear—"

She tightened her grip on his tie, her glare becoming fiercer. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?" She enunciated each syllable.

Yang Feng, who was never intimidated by anything in his entire life, not even his grandfather, felt overwhelmed by her presence. Standing before him was not a mischievous little kitten, it was a tigress who could easily bite his head off with a smile.

"Yes, ma'am." He obediently replied, resisting the urge to salute.

Zhao Lifei studied his face, seeking out the smallest hint of deceit. She found none. She released his tie, straightened her shirt and firmly nodded her head. "Good."

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