Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 250 Bark For You

Zhao Junkai groaned in his cell. He felt like his head was run over with a truck and then bashed with a hammer. The headache was making him dizzy and he could barely see straight, much less think about where he was.

He blinked a couple of times and rubbed his eyes, only for him to see nothing but darkness. He could only hear the sound of water dripping.

His nose wrinkled when an indescribably disgusting smell entered his nose, clogging his brain. He choked at how pungent it was. It was like a mixture of rotting flesh, blood, and maybe even human waste. This place was horrendous. He did not know how he arrived here.

"Hello, is anyone there?" He called out, grabbing the back of his head in pain.

He tried to recall what had happened prior. Snippets of his memory came back, in disordered bits and pieces. He collapsed on the ground, using his hand to support his body. The pain in his head was too excruciating, nonetheless, he finally registered what had happened. One minute he was entering the elevator with President Yang's secretary and the next, he was unconscious.

Kidnapped. He understood he was kidnapped, but by whom? Was it the secretary? For what purposes though?

"Hello...I need help! My head is bleeding!" He hoarsely cried out, standing up again and trying to feel his way into the darkness when his hand touched something cold and metallic. He wrapped his fingers around it and felt his heart drop upon understanding that it was a metal pole. There wasn't one, but tens of it. He was locked in a cage.

"Oh, it seems he's awake now." A man said from down the hallways. He nudged his buddy who went upstairs to report the discovery.

Yang Yulong had just finished cleaning his hand when a man knocked outside of the Black Room. "Come in." He gruffly responded, tossing the knife aside to clean his hands.

The man opened the door and stiffened when he saw the motionless woman on the floor with half her head shaved, her hair mangled and face bruised. He then glanced at his expressionless second-in-command and the young man sitting in the chair.

Guo Sheng was tapping away on his Gameboy with the volume set on the highest setting. The cheerful music was an eerie contrast to the state of this grimy room.

"Sir, the man captured by Chen Gaonan has awaken. Should we notify the Big Boss?"

Yang Yulong paused what he was doing. "Who did he capture?"

"A man named Zhao Junkai."

Yang Yulong raised a brow. Wasn't that Zhao Lifei's eldest uncle? What was he doing here? Was he related to her kidnapping case? "Yes, inform him."

Guo Sheng raised his head at the mention of the big boss. Was he coming here?! He hadn't seen him in a while now and missed him dearly. He also wanted compliments from the big boss on how well he had done with Mu Ting and Lu Nuoshui.

- - - - -

The test ran smoothly and nothing wrong could be found within Yang Ruqin except for her bruises.

Zhao Lifei warily watched Yang Ruqin put on the clothes brought in by Chen Gaonan. She finished dressing in record time and was in a rush to get somewhere.

Yang Feng sat leisurely on the chair, one hand on Zhao Lifei's thigh, the other typing on his phone. His brows were knitted together and he did not look happy by what he was reading.

Yang Ruqin tied up her hair and said, "Okay. I'm ready!" She clapped her hands and walked to Zhao Lifei.

"Ready for what?" Zhao Lifei asked, standing up to adjust the collar of Yang Ruqin's shirt.

"The Underworld, of course. I've been there a handful of times, but it's usually upstairs and far away from the 'bad guys'. Today, I want to go to the Black Room." Yang Ruqin was rarely allowed entry to the base, especially by Yang Feng who refused to let her within 1 meter of the vicinity. It was hard to ask for Yang Feng's permission, but getting Yang Yulong's was very easy. He could never say no to her, especially when she used her puppy-face.

Zhao Lifei knew she would not be able to change Yang Ruqin's mind once she made it up. "Alright, since you're going, I guess I'll go with you."

At this, Yang Feng's head snapped up. He glared at his younger sister, accusing her of being a bad influence.

Yang Ruqin shrank back at the ferociousness in his eyes. She usually had the guts to talk back, but at times like this, she could not find the courage. Seeing the murderous intent in her elder brother's eyes, she thought she was done for.

"Well, are you taking us there or not?" Zhao Lifei placed a hand on her hips, impatiently tapping her foot on the floor.

Yang Feng refused to stand up. His eyes, cold and hostile, pierced hers. "No one is going." He said it like a command instead of a suggestion. His voice was deeper than usual, resembling the growl of an animal.

"It's dangerous."

Yang Ruqin nudged Zhao Lifei to do something.

Zhao Lifei quirked her brow and shrugged. "Fine, we'll go by ourselves." She looped her arms through Yang Ruqin's hand and walked two steps when she felt something heavy holding her back.

Yang Feng clasped his hand on her shoulders. "I'm serious."

"And so are we." She shrugged off his hand, but with his iron grip, she could not. He held her in place.

"Just because you're preventing us from entering there today, does not mean you can stop us tomorrow, the day after that, next week, or next month." She turned around.

Yang Feng noticed when his little lady was angry, her eyes would turn from hazel to gold. Her eyes were vicious, tearing him down without trying to. He didn't think it was possible for a woman to ever intimidate him, especially one with such a smaller frame. To him, she looked fragile and petite.

"If I do not permit it, you'll never set foot in the Underworld."

Zhao Lifei let out a laugh. "Is that what you think?" She patted his chest, shaking her head in sympathy. "You have overestimated yourself, Yang Feng."

Yang Feng snatched the hand resting on his chest, clenching hard onto it. He could shatter her bones without a second thought, but his heart would never allow himself to do such a thing. He knew he was hurting her, he could see it in her eyes, but he needed her to obey him. She can not enter such a dangerous place, he would not allow for it.

"Your guard is always down, my dear. If I want, I can lock you up this instant. You won't be able to go anywhere."

Zhao Lifei stared into his vehement eyes. She could see her reflection in them, as well as the tormented souls of the people he brutally slain. Nothing in this world could stop him if he wanted something. She knew it too. His words were not a threat, they were a promise. If he chained her into a room, she would not have the physical strength to fight back.

"What am I? A dog?" Her lips tilted into a frown. "Should I bark for you?"

Yang Feng narrowed his eyes. "You're overreacting."

"And you're overly controlling."

Yang Feng's lips thinned into a straight line at her words. "I'm only trying to keep you safe."

"From what? The people there?" She tugged her hand back and he released it. "Have faith in your people. Why would they hurt me?"

"My grandfather still has his people there. If word gets out that you were there—"

"Your grandfather wants a woman who can handle both the business and triad side of things. What's wrong with me entering there?"

Yang Feng became silent. She was right, of course. He was too prideful and stubborn to admit it. There were other reasons he did not want her to go to such a dangerous place. There were people who did unspeakable crimes locked in the underground cells and though the possibility of them escaping was extremely unlikely, there was still a chance that they'll break free. Her eldest uncle was also being held there and he had just received a notification that the man had finally woken up.

He ground his teeth, his jaw going slack. "You better not wander off." He harshly grabbed her, forcefully separating her from Yang Ruqin before clamping his hand onto her waist.

Yang Ruqin squealed in delight. She knew her Feifei could do it! "Hey, wait up! Don't leave me behind." She caught up to them and together, they made their way downstairs and into Hu Wei's car.

The chauffeur was mortified to discover that both ladies would be going to the headquarters. He made eye contact with his boss and saw that the man was displeased by the idea as well. Both men were upset at the decision. Only Yang Ruqin and Zhao Lifei were in a good mood.

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