Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 265 Send You Overseas

Zhao Lifei decided it would be a good time for her to go back to Cerulean Waters Pavilion; since she did not visit it the night before. She climbed into her private car and gave the chauffeur the destination.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the town, a nervous woman was shrinking back into the couch at the presence of an older man, whose overbearing presence greatly resembled her grandfather.

Yang Ruqin did not know where Zhao Lifei was. Yesterday, Feifei mentioned something about a business meeting and she hadn't returned since. With each passing second, her silence was irking Zhao Moyao.

"I'll ask this for the final time, where is my granddaughter?"

Yang Ruqin's eyes darted to the door as she tried to come up with a good excuse. She had a feeling Zhao Lifei went to Feng-ge's house. Not wanting to reveal the secret, she kept her mouth closed about it.

"I'm not sure, she didn't tell me where she was going this morning."

"This morning?" Zhao Moyao inquired, his eyes narrowing upon her.

The way he repeated her words made Yang Ruqin nervous. Did he see past the lie? His face was filled with disappointment which made her believe he doubted her. Little did she know, Zhao Moyao was playing a trick on her to see if she would ramble. From what he remembered, this young lady was very talkative. She was quiet during their interrogations which proved she was either a stupid friend who did not know where Zhao Lifei was, or she was a loyal one who would not snitch on her good friend. He believed it was the latter.

Yang Ruqin squirmed in the plush couch, her eyes centered on the door. The Gods above must've heard her desperate calling, for the door was pushed open and in walked the woman in question.

Zhao Lifei handed her coat to the housekeeper waiting by the door. Her eyes fell on Zhao Moyao and Yang Ruqin, neither of them looked happy.

"What happened?" Zhao Lifei's eyes met with Yang Ruqin and the two shared a silent message.

"Where were you this morning?" Zhao Moyao asked her when she sat down beside Yang Ruqin.

"I was at…" Zhao Lifei trailed off when she realized Yang Ruqin was present. "An investment firm."

Zhao Moyao knew she was referring to Feili. He insightfully nodded at her words and then dropped another dangerous question, "And where were you for the duration that you were supposed to be living in this house?"

Zhao Lifei's smile twitched. "What do you mean?"

"None of my men has seen you walk in and out of this premise ever since you moved out of my house."

"You have people watching over this house?" Zhao Lifei tried to divert the topic. She felt Yang Ruqin's hand tightly grip hers before she got up and scrambled up the stairs, far away from this scary man downstairs.

Zhao Lifei chuckled at Yang Ruqin's behavior that resembled a frightened little mouse. She had Elder Yang as her grandfather and she was not scared of him. What was so scary about Zhao Moyao?

"Yes, it's for your own safety." Zhao Moyao picked up his cup of tea. "I'm sure you've heard by now. The General is looking for you."

Zhao Lifei's smile completely dropped. "Yes. I was informed yesterday."

"What will you do?" Zhao Moyao took a whiff of the tea and placed it down. He did not like floral teas such as this sunflower one.

"What can I do? It's not like I can flee from Shenbei, where all of my obligations are." Zhao Lifei sighed. The only thing she could do was confront him head-on. It was an impossible dream, especially when she was so fearful of him. In the military, he had always pursued after her, his brain in the clouds, filled with delusions. And every time he was present, her body would stiffen with pure horror.

"I can arrange a private flight that will send you overseas until all of the problems are settled."

Zhao Lifei shook her head. "No. I have Feili to worry about."

"Is that the only reason why?" Zhao Moyao raised one brow, his face overcoming with pleasantries that hid the warning in his tone.

"You already know my other reason." Zhao Lifei let out a faint laughter.

"Yes, speaking of that punk, he dismissed me from our meeting today. I should give him a good beating for that. He needs to be disciplined for badly treating his elders." Zhao Moyao snarled.

"You should see the way he talks about his grandfather." Zhao Lifei grumbled, shaking her head.

"Oh, I already know. And his grandfather speaks the same way about him." Zhao Moyao scoffed. Neither grandson nor grandfather have a healthy relationship, but at least, there was mutual respect between them, or so he thought.

"Xiao Fei, I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to answer me truthfully." Zhao Moyao twisted the ring on his finger. Even after his wife died a very long time ago, he still wore the ring. He could not bear to part with it… As Yang Mujian always told him, his wife was the one thing that made him weak and though he could never deny the truth, Zhao Moyao believed it was part of the human nature to have weaknesses.

"Did you go to the marriage bureau with Yang Feng?"

Zhao Lifei swallowed hard. She could not lie to her grandfather, well, it was more that she did not want to. "Will you be mad at either answer?"

Zhao Moyao became quiet. He most certainly would feel a rush of anger if she said yes. Even so, he knew this step in their relationship was inevitable. Yang Feng was smitten by her, obsessed even. Marriage would come sooner or later in their relationship. He only wished it would be later until all of the problems and troubles have passed.


Zhao Lifei studied her grandfather's expression. She remembered a lot of people used to compliment her by saying she had her father's eyes, but in reality, it had a closer resemblance to Zhao Moyao. Nothing could ever get past them.

"Yes." She quietly whispered.


"It felt right."

Zhao Moyao could see something in her had changed. His heart stirred when a tiny, demure smile graced her lips. Her eyes were soft and tender at the idea of marriage. She was very happy with the decision and in the end, that was all that mattered to him. He only wished she would never regret it in the future when the troubles became too hard and she would have the sudden urge to run away.

"Do you love him?"

Zhao Lifei leaned her head on the couch, staring up at the ceiling where a champagne-gold chandelier hung over her. "To the point that I've started dreaming of our children."

Zhao Moyao sucked in a deep breath of air. She truly has changed. And for the better. "Very well." He quietly said. "As you already know, Xiao Fei, you have my blessings."

Zhao Lifei tilted her head to look at her grandfather, a relaxed smile on her face. "I know."

In the beginning, Zhao Moyao was very reluctant to tell her such words, especially with that little minx running around Yang Feng. But seeing she was so happy with the man and how much she had positively changed, Zhao Moyao did not want to deny her of her own happiness. The only thing he could do was silently stand in the back, secretly supporting her. It was the least he could do after the mistakes he had made.

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Author's Note: As promised, here are the six codes for today. Once again, please remember it's ONE per user. Please do not use two or three and so on.

For the fans in different timezones, I will be releasing one at 5 PM EST (it's 3 hours later than the usual one, mainly because tomorrow will be a really hectic day of packing for me T_T). Like the previous one, it will be updated at the end of this chapter at exactly 5 PM EST.








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