Mr. Tycoon's Daring Wife

Chapter 407 - Wrapped in bandages

Zhao Linhua could feel a chill crawl up her spine when the attention was all drawn to her older sister. Her hands couldn't stop quivering when she remembered the unbearable pain she had experienced a few days ago.

She didn't know what happened or how it happened, but one thing escalated to another, and she had found herself kidnapped. It must've been a crazy fan or a creepy stalker because he first thing the kidnapper did was ruin her hands.

It was a miracle that she was even found alive, but part of her believed it wasn't as simple as she hoped but rather, it was for a much more sinister reason. To have her die was too much of a paradise to her tormentors.

Even when surrounded by powerful people with present bodyguards, Zhao Linhua felt unsafe. The security here was top-notch, but her skin was rising with goosebumps. Someone was watching her. It wasn't the type of gaze from an admiring fan, but more of people who desired for her blood to be shed.

She couldn't remember the last time she had ever experienced fear as paralyzing as this one. "T-that's alright, Matriarch Ge. I couldn't possibly violate our promise. I can still play, do not worry." Her dubious voice prompted Ge Yafan's lips to tilt down in displeasure.

"But my dear, your fingers are wrapped in bandages. Surely, it would be painful to move or function. I pity you. Who could do such a thing to you? I hope the assailant will be found and jailed soon."

Her words caused a murmur in the crowd. No one knew what happened to Zhao Linhua and only a few of them heard snippets of it. Not a single soul here knew the full story, but with Ge Yafan's wording, everyone could interpret what had happened to the young and budding genius.

"It's so terrifying to think he's still roaming around the streets." Ge Yafan's face was overcome with worry. "I didn't know you were injured to such an extent. Had you inform me, I would've advised you to stay at home and recuperate."

Zhao Linhua's face froze over. She didn't realize it before, but somehow, this Matriarch's sympathetic voice sounded almost mocking to the ears, as if taunting her. She blinked once and her vision was surrounded by a terrifying sight. In the stead of faces were a void of swirling black, painted like that of monsters. Anticipating eyes turned into sharp crescent moons, upside down, and hanging like that of a Joker mask. Lips made of the curve of daggers, the faces resembled antique masks in vintage opera shows. Giggles flood her ears and even though no one was laughing at her for her injury, she felt like the entire world was judging her. Her world began to spin, whether it was due to a lack of nutrition or sleep, she did not know. Her breath quickened and her eyes dilated. Fear grasped her heart, tightly squeezing the small courage out of her soul. The people's expecting eyes felt as if they were betraying her like jagged pebbles of a public stoning.

"She's injured…? What a shame."

"With an injury like that, how could someone even play the piano? You need delicate and strong fingers to even hit the good notes."

"Tsk, was she planning on insulting the Matriarch by showing up injured like this?"

"She's bringing shame to the Zhao's honorable name. Sigh. What a pity."

Zhao Lifei's ears heightened at the last statement.

Before she was able to reply, a rough and deep voice spoke out, "A pity indeed. The dishonorable family legacy will live longer than yours." Smooth, like finely strained and aged-wine, but tremorous like the cackling thunder in the skies, his voice was one who shouldn't be trifled with.

Pairs of eyes shifted to the regal man sitting upon an ivory-colored chair whose metalwork was twisting into spirals of peach blossom branches. His white and grey hair was crisply slicked back, while his permanent disapproving frown muttered away the wandering gaze of the onlookers. No one dared to stare at him longer than their allotted time.


The word rested on the tip of Zhao Lifei's tongue. She didn't say it, but the melting of her glacier eyes expressed her thoughts.

Zhao Moyao leisurely said, "Dear friend, you've recently made your return to the high society and you're already stirring up troubles like the olden days. Are you truly that bored?"

The lines on Ge Yafan's face deepened when her lips raised into an amused smile. "Because I have become so old, I have grown fond of classical music. It's such a delight that two of your granddaughters can play the piano so proficiently. Pardon my greed, but I do have a desire to see it played before my eyes."

"You can exploit the other child all you want, but my Xiao Fei's talent will not be wasted upon useless ears that can't distinguish a prodigy from a genius."

The tension was so thick, not even a knife could sever it. Fierce electricity cackled in the background, a violent storm brewing between the two of them.

Zhao Lifei ground her teeth. She didn't want an argument to break out. It was too early in the day for this and the weather was far too nice. Letting out a sigh through her nose, her sharp gaze fell upon Ge Yafan before it settled on her grandfather. Five words. That was all she had to say and Zhao Moyao would take her home, into the safe and comforting arms of her temperamental husband. But unbeknownst to her and everyone here, the Devil himself had arrived. His chariot of death, disguised as a modern and sleek black car, had rolled into the entrance less than a minute prior. Yet his powerful strides were able to reach the garden faster than anyone else. None of the servants dared to stop in his path. Unfortunately for him, nothing could match the speed of her words, "I do not need violins to accompany me."

Yang Feng's walk came to a halt. He had just arrived at the open french-doors where his wife stood less than two meters away. He couldn't see her expression, nor could he read her body language. But he didn't need eyes to read such things. He could hear the turmoil in her voice.

"You do not have to." Yang Feng's very presence was enough to cut off all declaration of war. Neither of the elders spoke up at his words, none of them meddled with this young man whose murderous aura could be felt from miles away. An eerily calm shadow hung over his face, highlighting his chiseled features.

Zhao Lifei could feel the dark presence of her husband standing behind her. Even without looking at him, she could feel the fury rolling off of his entire body. He was beyond the idea of anger. The slightest movement would trigger him. "I want to." Even if no one had the authority to force her to play the piano, she willed herself to desire it. It had been so long since she had last graced her fingers upon the instrument.

Yang Feng's fingers clenched into fists. Whoever suggested her to play would suffer by his hands. He had never heard her play the piano, and now, the first time he would hear it was going to be in front of an unwanted crowd.

"I'll be fine." She quietly said before walking closer towards the stage.

Zhao Linhua was still too lost in her little world to realize the events unfolding in front of her. Rooted to the ground, as if hands from the dead were gripping her ankles, she was frozen to the spot.

"Are you going to step aside or not?" Zhao Lifei harshly whispered in a murmurer low enough for only the two of them to hear.

Zhao Linhua jumped at the brutal voice of her sister. Her throat dried up and she felt herself tongue-tied by the presence of her older sister. The desire to fight and argue with her had long diminished when she recalled the horrendous fate of her mother. Shaking and trembling on the spot, with no familiar allies to protect her, she could only stumble to the side. Her head continued to spin as questions surfaced. She had not seen Xia Mengxi for the longest time now and all of her friends had deserted her when they realized she was no longer wealthy.

"I-I can do it."

"Sure you can." Zhao Lifei sarcastically replied in a reprimanding tone.

"No, really, I can—"

"Don't make it worse. You've already embarrassed yourself by coming here injured." Zhao Lifei had long abandoned the bond of familiarity that tied her back to her younger sister. Hardened by her sister's betrayal, she would never look or treat Zhao Linhua in a gentle manner again.

"You haven't touched a piano for so long, what makes you think you can play?!" Zhao Linhua harshly cried out, her words ringing through the silent fields. At her provoking words, Yang Feng's gaze turned chilling. It was enough to freeze the dew on the petals and the blood in Zhao Linhua. Even with the distance between the stage and the doors, she could still feel his overbearing presence weighing down on her.

"I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you." Zhao Lifei coldly retorted before walking past Zhao Linhua and up towards the stage.

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