My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 1208

Chapter 1208

"This can't be..."

Li Na shook her head. "There are too many people here."

"Where there are so many people, you can see that there are all busy little lovers around."

The Qin Dynasty motioned Li Na to look around.

Sure enough, the couple around are busy with their own affairs.

There is a pair of openly feeding each other, there are two hugging together Zhenghuan.

"If you look at them, I'll let you kiss them, and you won't be willing to."

"Yes, but I'm sorry... "

Li Na shakes her head like a rattle.

"Forget it. You hate your brother Qin. I'd better go."

The Qin Dynasty knew that to treat Li Na, it was necessary to prescribe a cruel medicine to make this girl obedient.

He stood up and threatened to go.

Li Na is a good girl.

"No, brother Qin, I, i..."

Li Na quickly took her brother Qin's hand, with a little pleading on her pretty face.

She looked left and right, and finally nodded slowly.

"I, can't I kiss you..."

"That's about it."

The Qin Dynasty leaned over and put her face in front of little Li Na.

"Come on, brother Qin is not afraid to be taken advantage of by you."


Xiao Li Na's face was red, and then she wanted to kiss the face of Qin Dynasty.

"Who let you kiss your face?"

Qin Dynasty immediately back to retreat, "to kiss here."

He pointed to his mouth.


Li Na exclaimed, "you, do you want Shangluo to kiss you?"

"Shangluo, of course, is a kiss on the face. Kissing is such a beautiful thing. How can you get rid of that girl? "

What the Qin Dynasty said seems to be a good thing

Li Na knew that she couldn't speak of Qin Dynasty because she didn't have the thick skin of elder brother Qin.

"OK, ok..."

Li Na took two deep breaths, looked into the eyes of the Qin Dynasty, and then slowly put her mouth together.

When two people like each other, they usually kiss without their eyes open.

If the other party opens his eyes, it proves that he may not care much about this kind of thing in his heart.

In other words, the other person may not feel much.

But Qin Dynasty and Li Na are obviously not like this, both of them subconsciously closed their eyes.

Only by feeling, as if with a bit of magnetism, lips slowly close.

But at this time, suddenly heard a voice of surprise.

"Beast, let go of our little Nana!"

Both of them were surprised at the same time, stood upright and looked aside.

I saw a group of male students standing at the door of the canteen.

Each of them looked at the Qin Dynasty with indignation on his face, as if the Qin Dynasty had robbed their most beloved treasure.

"In the way of It's them... "

Li Na suddenly exclaimed.

"Where did you come from, you fellow?"

One of the leading students had a armband on his arm, with three words "little Nana" written on it.

He came to the Qin Dynasty and yelled at him.

"How dare you touch our little Nana, you don't want to live!"

This guy is not tall. He can be about 1.75 meters. But the Qin Dynasty saw that he was in good health. Although he was thin and weak, he was all lean meat, so he should exercise regularly.

"I'm Li Na's boyfriend, Qin Dynasty. Nice to meet you."

It seems that these should be the legendary Li Na pursuers.

Are a group of young blood, sperm on the brain of the students just, the Qin Dynasty or very polite to say.

"Nice to meet your sister!"

But the other side was not polite, "little Nana is our common goddess, how can you defile it! You can draw a picture. It's not over today. "

"I can understand your emotions."

The Qin Dynasty said faintly, "after all, little Nana is such a beautiful and intelligent girl that no one can pursue. You like her, I don't interfere, but she is my girlfriend after all. What we want is up to us. Don't go too far. "

"Too much for me?"

The boy's face was sad and indignant, pounding his chest and pounding his feet, he said, "you took our goddess away, and said I was too much! Hateful, I, pursue Li Na regiment leader, Dong Lingyu today raises the words here! As long as I am alive, you shall not touch our goddess

"Mr. Dong, would you be more rational?"

Li Na frowned and looked at the leader of Li Na's pursuit group in front of her, "you have been interfering in my private life."

"I just like you, little Nana!"

Dong Lingyu quickly said, "and the members behind me, they all like you, right?""Yes! Little Nana, we love you

"You are our goddess!"

The group of boys in the back yelled.


Li Na is a little upset.

Elder brother Qin finally came to accompany him. It's really annoying to meet such a group of annoying guys.

Qin Dynasty is not comfortable, it seems that the two people's small forest plan is about to collapse.

"Look, the deputy chief is coming!"

"The chief and Deputy commanders will surely be able to restore the goddess's heart!"

The members of Li Na's pursuit group began to talk.

"Who moved my little Nana!"

If you don't see them, you should hear them first.

A roar came into the dining room.

The cook, who had just cooked both fried rice, did not dare to greet the meal when he saw this scene. He hid in the side to watch the play.

Young is good.

just like myself in those days, I liked to be personal and had to be furtive. I even blushed when I pulled my hand.

Now, it's OK to kiss in public in the canteen.

Speaking of it, it's better now!

"Wei Xiaolong, you are here at the right time. Our goddess is going to be poached!"

Dong Lingyu immediately brought his comrades in arms. In the past, the chief and Deputy commanders always argued over Li Na's affairs.

But now that there is a field, the two men immediately form the same front to defend the foreign enemies.

"Who is so brave?"

Wei Xiaolong is also very angry.

Grandma, the last big battle plan of courtship failed, which made him very angry.

Li Na, this girl, what kind of food is she eating!

Is there a girl who doesn't like courtship?

In front of the public, so romantic a courtship, so bankrupt!

Grandma, bear!

I'm angry when I think of it!

His eyes fell on the boy opposite Li Na, and he was stunned.

I'll mow the grass! How could it be him!

The guy who got the Rolls Royce phantom last time!

Can get a phantom of the person, the identity is certainly not low!

"Yes, you are in the way..."

Wei Xiaolong's face changed slightly. If this guy's background is too hard, he will not be able to offend Egypt.

although his family is OK in southern Jiangsu, it is hard to say in Kyoto, a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

"It's a great honor that you still recognize me"

the Qin Dynasty deliberately said sarcastically, "it's a great honor for the vice commander to still remember me."

"Easy to say, easy to say..."

Wei Xiaolong was embarrassed, "well, the car last time..."

"Hey, who doesn't have two rich friends yet?"

The Qin Dynasty waved his hand, "don't be afraid of Wei Tuan Chang."

I'm afraid of your sister!

After hearing that it was not a Qin Dynasty car, Wei Xiaolong was confident again.

"This brother What's the name... "

"This is my elder brother Qin."

Li Na held the arm of Qin Dynasty tightly.

"Oh, yes, brother Qin."

Wei Xiaolong coughed. "Although you and Li Na knew each other earlier, I personally believe that love is won. Everyone here has this opportunity to be with Li Na. "

"Well, I'll admit it, but it's almost impossible."

The Qin Dynasty laughed.

Li Na can't understand her mind better than the Qin Dynasty.

The man who can replace him in Li Na's heart seems to have not been found yet.

"It's hard to say."

Wei Xiaolong always has a kind of inexplicable self-confidence.

"Yes, everything is possible!"

Dong Lingyu also said in a loud voice. He patted his chest and said, "for love, I want to fight with you alone!"


Qin Dynasty looked at this elder brother one eye, "single challenge? You I'm not sick

"You are sick!"

Dong Lingyu exclaimed, "if it's a man, it's a match! I want to let little Nana know what kind of man can give her a sense of security! "


Li Na is speechless.

"Yes, yes, our Li Na Pursuit Group will fight you!"

The boys all yelled along.

Li Na looks at the Qin Dynasty in embarrassment.

I'm a little sorry for elder brother Qin. I have to accompany myself for a while, and I have to be entangled by these people.

"Although in my opinion, you are just a group of children who don't know anything."

Qin Dynasty looked around and said, "however, I can't agree to your request.""Then if you lose, you will leave Li Na!"

Dong Lingyu immediately yelled.

"Yes, yes, leave our goddess!"

A group of people followed.

"How can you go so far..."

Li Na is a little angry to cry.

"It doesn't matter."

The Qin Dynasty patted Li Na on the shoulder and then said, "I promise you the challenge. However, I also have a request. You must agree, so that I can fight with you."

"Requirements? Say it

Wei Xiaolong immediately said, "I am the leader, I can make the decision."

"Are you the chief? What am I then? "

Dong Lingyu was very dissatisfied.

"We are on the same front now!"

Wei Xiaolong thinks that Dong Lingyu is really simple in mind, "don't mess around."

"I'm just trying to sort it out."

Dong Lingyu said not to be outdone, he always wanted to show himself in front of Li Na.

"Come on, what are your terms."

Wei Xiaolong is very angry. Wipe, isn't it the same with you? Grab your sister's topic.

"my condition is very simple. If I win, I will disband your so-called Li Na pursuit group."


Wei Xiaolong and Dong Lingyu look at each other.

Li Na also looks at her elder brother Qin. Is it such a condition.

"Groups like you have already disturbed my little Nana's life. Therefore, I will use your method to disband your organization. "

The Qin Dynasty said bluntly.

Wei Xiaolong hesitated.

I'm afraid I can't get into the student union, but it's interesting to be the deputy head of the team.


But without waiting for him to speak, Dong Lingyu has already agreed.

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