My Disciples Are All Villains

Chapter 1163 - Borrowing a Life Heart

Chapter 1163: Borrowing a Life Heart

Just as Lu Wu finished cursing, Cheng Huang appeared in the sky again.

Conch pointed at Lu Wu and said, “Master, it’s scolding you again.”

Lu Wu. “?”

The beast emperor felt as though it was going to mentally collapse!

Lu Zhou stood on Cheng Huang’s back and said, “Lu Wu, I suddenly remember something. I have a favor to ask of you.”

“No!” Lu Wu said without any hesitation. Then, it bent down and exhaled deeply, bringing Duanmu Sheng and the Overlord Spear into its mouth. Following that, it leaped thousands of feet up into the sky.

“Go after him.”

Cheng Huang let out a happy cry as it chased after Lu Wu. It felt like this was the time to prove its ability.

“Master, we won’t be able to catch up this way…” Conch said.

Cheng Huang’s speed was slow in comparison to Lu Wu. The difference between a beast king and a beast emperor was too big, after all. It would be difficult for Cheng Huang to make up for the difference even if its size was bigger.

Lu Zhou bent down and pressed one hand against Lu Zhou. The supreme mystic power flowed from his hand into Cheng Huang’s body.

In just an instant, Cheng Huang glowed with a faint blue light. As though it was injected with a stimulant, its speed increased greatly.

Lu Wu crossed countless forests and mountains. During its journey, it even destroyed a small fierce beasts nest. When it finally arrived at a hidden place surrounded by mountains on three sides, it finally sat on its haunches with a triumphant expression on its face before it spat Duanmu Sheng and the Overlord Spear out on the ground as though they were trash.

After that, Lu Wu said smugly, “A mere beast king… thinks it… could catch… up to… me?”



Conch flew up in the air and greeted Lu Wu.

Lu Wu’s eyes widened in disbelief; their sizes were like the sun and the moon. Its expression was rather comical.

At this moment, Cheng Huang landed in front of Lu Wu.

Lu Zhou and Ye Tianxin stared at Lu Wu.

“You still want to run?”


Lu Zhou glanced at Duanmu Sheng who was lying on the ground before he said, “You can’t even outrun a beast king; I’m rather worried about leaving Duanmu Sheng with you…”

Perhaps, the beast emperor felt that it had lost all its pride. It began to huff and puff as it pawed at the ground. It looked like a bull that was about to charge out. Then, it deflated before it complained like a child, “I didn’t… give it… my all… It… doesn’t count!”

Naturally, Lu Zhou knew Lu Wu did not flee with all its might earlier. Moreover, he had boosted Cheng Huang with the supreme mystic power. However, he could not let go of the advantage he had now. Hence, he said, “Alright. You’re a majestic beast emperor, but you still want to quarrel with a junior…”

The junior Lu Zhou mentioned was none other than Cheng Huang.

Cheng Huang sat on the ground with its back and ears straight; it was clearly very pleased with itself.

Upon seeing this, Lu Wu felt as though it was going to faint from anger! In the end, it held back its unhappiness and asked, “Lu… Tiantong… What do… you… want?”

Lu Zhou said bluntly, “I want to borrow your life heart.”

“Impossible! You can’t!”

Lu Wu’s voice shook the tree mountains.

The fierce beasts in the vicinity trembled in fear due to the sudden arrival of a beast emperor.

Lu Wu, the beast emperor that humans feared and the beast emperor that was respected by fierce beasts, had never felt so aggrieved in his life before today. For its young master’s sake, it endured; it did not want to fight a Venerable Master so it endured; it did not want to bicker with a junior so it endured. However, how could it endure lending someone its life heart?! This it would not endure!

There was no need to explain how valuable life hearts were to humans. The higher the quality of the life heart, the rarer it would be. One could only imagine the value of a beast emperor’s life heart.

The heavens seemed to be very fair when it created humans and fierce beasts. Life hearts could be used twice. In a way, it could balance the conflict between humans and fierce beasts. Fierce beasts were undoubtedly strong as a whole, but there was nothing humans could not deal with as long as they lived long enough.

Lu Wu exhaled a huge heatwave out of its nostrils; it was clearly very angry.

Lu Zhou calmly said, “Nothing’s impossible…”

“You’re a… Venerable Master!” What Lu Wu meant was that the life heart of a beast emperor was useless to a Venerable Master.

“You don’t have to worry. After I borrow your life heart, I’ll definitely return it to you,” Lu Zhou calmly said.

Lu Wu lowered its head as its eyes darted around. Its expression was clearly written on its face: This man is evil, and I’d be stupid to believe him.

Conch boldly flew over and hovered in front of Lu Wu before she said, “Be good. Don’t run.”


Lu Wu felt like it was going to vomit blood.

Lu Zhou said, “Since you said I’m a Venerable Master, why would I lie? Moreover, when have I lied?”

“You’ve lied… plenty… of times…” Lu Wu said in a deep voice.


Lu Zhou shook his head. ‘This Lu Tiantong must not be a good person! How can he resemble me so much?’

Lu Zhou continued to say, almost in a coaxing manner, “Lu Wu, why don’t you lend me your life heart, and I’ll leave Cheng Huang here as collateral. What do you think?”

Cheng Huang. “???”

“No, no, I can’t!” Lu Wu shook its head vehemently.

Lu Zhou was not in a hurry. He continued to say, “Or you can ask for a favor from me…”

“No. I don’t… want… a favor…” Lu Wu shook its head again.

At this time, Ye Tianxin interjected, “What if we help you find your Master Duanmu?”

Lu Wu froze before it lifted its head.

All sentient beings had emotions. Humans were also a kind of beast. Humans had emotions to sustain in the long passage of time, but what about beasts?

Duanmu Dian was not only Lu Wu’s master, but he was also Lu Wu’s weakness. Lu Wu had been lonely ever since its master left, and it did not know if its master was dead or alive.

Lu Zhou knew there was an opening at this moment, but he hesitated a little before he said, “I know the Great Void is very strong. Back then, when Venerable Master Duanmu was brought away to the Great Void, even if I’m really Lu Tiantong, I’m afraid there was nothing I could’ve done to help… I’m just borrowing your life heart, and I’ll return it to you after using it. You won’t suffer any loss at all…”

Lu Wu lowered its head until it was above Duanmu Sheng before it began to sniff a few times as though confirming something. Then, it moved forward and tilted its head slightly, sizing Lu Zhou up before it began sniffing as well. However, it did not smell any familiar aura. Finally, it said, “Avatar.”

“You want to see my avatar?” Lu Zhou nodded slightly. “As you wish.”


However, instead of the Thousand Realms Whirling avatar of someone who had passed three Birth Trials as Lu Wu had expected, a blue Eight Methods Connected avatar hovered above Lu Zhou’s palm. The avatar was very weak, and its aura was negligible.

Ye Tianxin and Conch were puzzled.

Lu Wu was so shocked that its eyeball almost popped out of their sockets. It even lowered its head to study the avatar. In its eyes, the avatar was like a luminous pearl. The power contained in the avatar was peerless and dazzling. It was as though it could bring thousands of miles of clear sky in the harsh Unknown Land. Its voice trembled slightly as it said, “Okay…”

Lu Zhou was inwardly surprised that Lu Wu had agreed so readily as soon as it saw the blue avatar. Originally, he planned to manifest both his avatars to show his might; who knew just the Eight Methods Connected Method was enough?

While Lu Zhou was puzzled over this matter, Lu Wu opened its mouth. Its abdomen moved before a life heart shining with a black light floated past two rows of gigantic teeth.

When the beast emperor’s life heart fell into Lu Zhou’s hand, he felt a bone-chilling cold seep through his skin. It was much colder than Pu Yi’s water ability. Lu Wu’s life heart did not conflict with Pu Yi’s heart, and his ice-control ability came from the Purple Glazed Ceramic. Once he used Lu Wu’s life heart, it meant his ability to control ice and water would increase by four times. With time, this ability would only grow stronger along with his cultivation. At the time when he became a Venerable Master, this ability to freeze would not be any weaker than Lu Wu’s.

Finally, Lu Zhou said, “If I don’t return your life heart, won’t your strength be greatly reduced? At that time, how are you going to protect my disciple?”

Then, Lu Zhou flew onto Cheng Huang’s back.

Upon seeing this, Ye Tianxin and Conch followed suit.

Before Lu Zhou flew away, Lu Wu said, “I hope… you’ll keep your promise. I’ll wait… for you…”

Then, Lu Wu sat down on its haunches and recalled Lu Zhou’s last words.


“Old thief! Despicable!”


Lu Wu slapped its paw heavily on the ground, and the earth shook, causing Duanmu Sheng to fly up in the air before landing on the ground again.

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