My Disciples Are All Villains

Chapter 1201 - A Thorough Beating

Chapter 1201: A Thorough Beating

Lu Zhou stood upright on the cloud platform with his hands behind his back and looked down on everyone.

The thousands of Cloud Mountain disciples were shocked and overjoyed. Their savior and their hope had finally arrived. Most of them had not seen Lu Zhou’s young appearance before, but at this moment, they could not care less. No matter who it was, the person who beat up that arrogant and domineering Young Master Qin Moshang until his mother could not recognize him as their benefactor! It was so satisfying watching Qin Moshang getting beaten up.

The others might not recognize Lu Zhou, but how could Nie Qingyun not recognize Lu Zhou? He even forgot about his pain as he looked at Lu Zhou excitedly. However, he knew now was not the time to greet the Pavilion Master of the Evil Sky Pavilion. Hence, he endured the pain and turned around to say, “Retreat.”

Several thousands of disciples who finally broke free of the restraints retreated one after another.


At this time, the two ghost servants finally broke free of the ice seal and dove down.

The ice ability was still far from being at Lu Wu’s level so it was within Lu Zhou’s expectations that the ghost servants would break through the seals.

“How dare you hurt our Young Master?!”

After all, if anything happened to Qin Moshang, the two ghost servants would not have a good ending as well.

The two ghost servants imposing air that seemed capable of toppling mountains and overturning seas caused the others to shudder in fear. They each launched a palm seal toward Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou raised his head and casually pushed his hand out.

Bang! Bang!

One on the left and one on the right.

The four palm seals collided, and the force of the collision rippled out vertically.


Half of the cloud platform broke and crashed down.

Lu Zhou’s expression was the same as usual as he fought the two ghost servants at the same time. At the same time, he carefully sensed the strength of the divine power. These two palm seals were the same ones he used to deal with Qin Moshang. They could destroy Qin Moshang’s Birth Charts, but they could fight the two ghost servants at the same time. Based on this, it was clear the two ghost servant’s cultivation was higher than Qin Moshang’s.

However, this was only a small part of the divine power.

One of the ghost servants turned around to look at one person who had remained unmoving since earlier and asked, “What are you doing?!”

The Confucian scholar had been watching coldly from the side. In fact, he had long seen the flying chariot from afar. However, he did not expect the person who came to have such a profound cultivation base. With just a raise of his hand, that person had knocked Qin Moshang down.

Lu Zhou turned and looked at the Confucian scholar. He frowned. “It’s you?”

The Confucian scholar was slightly startled. He revealed a puzzled expression and asked, “Do you know me?”

The ghost servant shouted, “What are you doing?”

“Qin Naihe, hurry up and make a move! We have him cornered now!”

The Confucian scholar was none other than Qin Naihe, the Qin clan’s Free Man.

Qin Naihe leaped backward. He ignored the ghost servants. Instead, he looked at Lu Zhou and said, “You still haven’t answered my question…”

In Lu Zhou’s eyes, the ghost servant, Qin Moshang, and Qin Naihe were all enemies.

The ghost servant said urgently, “What the hell are you doing?!”

“Quickly kill him!” the other ghost servant roared.

The two ghost servants did not understand why Qin Naihe was not making a move. With such a good chance, as long as Qin Naihe made a move, he would be able to strike down their opponent. With that, their Young Master would have his revenge.

Lu Zhou raised his head and said indifferently, “With just the two of you?”

Lu Zhou increased the divine power in the two palm seals.

Bang! Bang!

The two palm strikes were like lightning from the nine heavens as they instantly destroyed the two green palms seals.

Following that, the two ghost servants felt an immense force sweeping toward them before they were sent flying back like kites with broken strings. Their arms were almost broken!

Qin Naihe was shocked by this. This attacking style was definitely not that of a young man.

The two ghost servants spun several times in the air. They had to use their astrolabes to stabilize themselves.

The astrolabe on the left flashed with 14 Birth Charts while the astrolabe on the right flashed with 15 Birth Charts.

If this were in the past, Lu Zhou would be able to easily deal with experts such as the ghost servants. In the past, killing that ghost servant had exhausted all his supreme mystic power. Moreover, he had to use various item cards, and he even had to use Whitzard’s ability.

The two ghost servants widened their eyes in anger and looked at Lu Zhou who was looking at them calmly.

“You’re the person who injured the Young Master back then?”

As soon as these words rang in the air, Lu Zhou flew toward them. Using Di Jiang’s life heart ability, which was boosted with the divine power, he arrived before them at a terrifying speed.

The two ghost servants were shocked. The other party completely ignored them! They did not even have a chance to talk about Venerable Master Qin to intimidate the other party.

The other party did not force them at all. They thought that they could talk about Zhenren Qin and mention the Qin family to intimidate the other party. However, they didn’t expect that the other party didn’t say much!

“Nine Cuts Hand Seals.”

The ghost servants’ expressions changed drastically. They hastily manifested their astrolabes.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was not one but nine Nine Cuts Hand Seals shooting out from each of Lu Zhou’s hands. In total, there were 18 Nine Cuts Hand Seals hitting the astrolabes! In addition, he had used more divine power this time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the seventh and eighth palm seals fiercely struck the astrolabe, the ghost servant on the left, who had 14 Birth Charts, was struck on the chest by his astrolabe.


The ninth palm seal struck the ghost servant, and he fell on the remaining half of the cloud platform and slid back as he spat out blood.

“Third Brother!” The other ghost servant turned to look back. His face was deathly pale, his arms were numb, and his Qi and blood were surging violently. He barely withstood the nine palm seals.

The Qin clan’s Four Great Ghost Servants were fellow disciples. The ghost servant Lu Zhou killed were ‘Fourth Brother’. The two ghost servants who came this time was ‘Second Brother’ and ‘Third Brother’. After their Fourth Brother died, the duo had been looking for a chance to seek revenge. However, it was out of their expectations that the opponent’s strength far surpassed theirs.

Lu Zhou looked down at the two ghost servants from above. He was very satisfied with the divine power even if it was not as shockingly strong. After a moment, he called out, “Nie Qingyun.”

Nie Qingyun struggled to his feet. He bowed with an excited expression on his face. “Senior Lu.”

“How many disciples did Qin Moshang kill?” Lu Zhou asked.

Nie Qingyun gritted his teeth as Qin Moshang’s actions over the past ten days flashed in his mind. He remembered everything clearly. “15 people died; nearly 100 are grievously injured, and nearly 1,000 are injured!”

Lu Zhou said, “I will remember this debt. In the future, I’ll make the Qin clan pay back double!”


Nie Qingyun fell to his knees.


Without saying another word, Nie Qingyun kowtowed at Lu Zhou. When he raised his head from the ground, blood stained his forehead, and his eyes were red.

Following that, several thousand disciples bowed towards Lu Zhou in unison.

The ghost servant who was lying on the ground roared, “I’ll take all of your lives!”

The ghost servant’s astrolabe shot out toward the others.

Lu Zhou raised his hand.

A bolt of lightning suddenly descended from the sky at an exaggerated speed!


The lightning accurately struck the ghost servant. His hair was like a broom, and his flesh was charred as he flew back.

The ghost servant’s astrolabe vanished immediately.

Lu Zhou frowned. The trigger rate of the Thunderblast Card was truly bad. It did not trigger the ‘sure-kill’ effect.

However, since the ghost servant was already heavily injured previously, with this lightning strike, he was barely hanging on.

“Third Brother!” The other ghost servant hurriedly flew over to catch his companion.

Lu Zhou did not give them a chance at all. He lifted his hand and pushed it out again.

“Confinement Seal.”

The Confinement Seal flew out and arrived above the two ghost servants’ heads at lightning speed.

“1,000-pound Force!”

The Confinement Seal swiftly grew in size. In a blink of an eye, it was the size of a mountain.

“Fusion grade?” Qin Naihe was taken aback.

With this, the two ghost servants hastily manifested their astrolabes again.


Its weight as it dropped, coupled with its momentum, felt like 2,000,000 pounds!

The Confinement Seal pressed down on the two astrolabes, causing them to creak as they caved in.

Lu Zhou rushed over and stomped on the Confinement Seal with one foot.


Initially, the two ghost servants could still hold on, but with the additional stomp from Lu Zhou, the duo was smashed down.

The thousands of Cloud Mountain disciples retreated in shock.

The Confinement Seal continued to press down.

“Second Brother, go!” The third ghost servant smacked his hand against his companion, sending his companion flying out of the range of the Confinement Seal. Even when there were two of them, they could barely resist the Confinement Seal, let alone now that he was alone.


The instant the third ghost servant landed on the ground, Lu Zhou received a system notification.

“Ding! Destroyed one Birth Chart. Reward: 3,000 merit points.”

“Third Brother!” The second ghost servant’s bloodshot eyes were brimming with hatred and killing intent.

At the same time, in the air nearby, Yu Shangrong’s Longevity Sword danced in the air.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Longevity Sword swooped down, up, and circled Qin Moshang’s body as several millions of energy swords continuously slashed at Qin Moshang’s protective energy.

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