My Disciples Are All Villains

Chapter 725 - Mingshi Yin’s Secret

Chapter 725: Mingshi Yin’s Secret

“No! How hideous would I become if I looked as old as master?” Mingshi Yin shuddered at the thought of this. He stopped cultivating and emerged from the tall blades of grass.

He surveyed his surroundings. He had been cultivating here over the years. His master had said the Bluewood Heart Technique was most suited to him. However, he had to rely on his own effort to learn about the Bluewood Heart Technique. Finding this place was a product of his luck. He had discovered long ago that his rate of improvement when he cultivated in the forest when he cultivated elsewhere.

His fellow disciples only knew that his cultivation method had the best effect if he were in the forest. However, they were unaware that he yielded the best result when he cultivated in the forest as well.

He had also cultivated the ground escape technique here. If he tunneled underground, he would be completely safe, after all.

He mulled over his thoughts as he stroked his chin and muttered to himself, “1,200 years… How did master overcome that?”

After a moment, his eyes widened as he exclaimed, “Does master have many Chi Yao’s Hearts?”

He paced around before he came to a halt. He continued muttering to himself, “Why didn’t I think about this before? Master is too intelligent. He won’t do anything that he has no confidence in! I should cultivate harder so I can reach my peak state in the shortest time possible!”

Cultivation in itself was going against the will of the heavens. Even at the peak, cultivators had to choose the best time to achieve a breakthrough.

With this thought in mind, he returned to the center of the cluster of weeds. He flipped his palms up as his Primal Qi surged. More weed grew around him, and they grew taller as well. They were now almost the same height as him.

Four walls made of grass were formed around him.

Mingshi Yin sat with his legs crossed and eyes closed and he regulated his breathing.

At this moment, vitality surged from him. However, the Primal Qi inside the forest was quickly gathered by him before it was absorbed by his dantian’s sea of Qi.

Several days passed in just a blink of an eye.

In the Evil Sky Pavilion’s eastern pavilion.

In the morning.

Lu Zhou had fully replenished his extraordinary power, and he had stabilized his Nine-leaf cultivation base as well.

Remaining life: 218,980 days.

A question appeared in Lu Zhou’s mind. ‘I wonder if there’s a Ten-leaf stage after the Nine-leaf stage? Is there another great limit to be overcome between the Nine-leaf stage and the Ten-leaf stage?’

The human cultivators in Great Yan had been stuck at the Eight-leaf stage for many years now. They were very familiar with the cultivation process under the Eight-leaf stage. However, everything about the Nine-leaf stage and above was unknown.

Lu Zhou was like the lighthouse, lighting up everyone’s path while he progressed in the dark.

In the end, he decided there was no point dwelling on this matter. He would obtain his answer by slowly raising his cultivation base.

He could purchase the Thousand Realms Whirling with 500,000 merit points. This seemed to hint that he could enter a new realm.

Merit points: 23,640.

His current points were too far from 500,000 merit points.

After thinking about it for a moment, Lu Zhou bought another Deadly Strike Card.

15,000 merit points were deducted from him.

Up until now, he had two Deadly Strike Cards. Before he made his way to the red lotus domain, he had to make as many preparations as he could. The Deadly Strike Card was one of his trump cards. He had to have them ready.

Since he was only left with 5,000 merit points after his latest purchase, he could no longer buy any other item card for now.

“Master, Zhu Tianyuan requests an audience.” Si Wuya’s voice rang from the other side of the door.

Lu Zhou was slightly curious. Zhu Tianyuan’s attention should all be focused on Zhu Honggong. Why did Zhu Tianyuan come? “What’s the matter?”

“He has checked the Ancient Saint Cult’s warehouse and discovered one thing. He personally brought it here so you can have a look at it.”

Lu Zhou emerged from his room and walked out of the eastern pavilion. He looked at Si Wuya and said in a slightly puzzled tone, “Your cultivation base has improved a lot.”

Si Wuya replied, “I daren’t slack off under your supervision, master. I’ve been diligently cultivating every day.”

“When will you reach the Eight-leaf stage?”

“Uh…” Si Wuya shook his head. He had no idea as well. Nobody could be sure about cultivation, after all.

Lu Zhou no longer pressed Si Wuya for an answer. With his hands on his back, he walked to the southern pavilion.

Si Wuya followed closely behind him.

Shortly after, the two of them arrived at the southern pavilion.

There were many gathered on the plaza before the southern pavilion.

The Evil Sky Pavilion’s four elders and many female disciples were gathered around some black object as they studied it curiously.

Meanwhile, Zhu Tianyuan and Zhu Honggong stood at the side.

“Greetings, master.”

The others turned around and bowed.

“Rise.” Lu Zhou arrived before the others with hands on his back. He looked at the object at the center of the plaza and asked in confusion, “Zhu Tianyuan, what’s this?”

It looked like a small battered boat. It was black and covered in a thick layer of grime.

Zhu Tianyuan said, “You might not know this, Brother Ji… Do you remember the blueprints on Jie Kai’s body?”

Lu Zhou had seen the blueprints on Jie Kai before. However, the Sky Shuttle, the Water Shuttle, and the Sky Chariot did not resemble this thing. His voice deepened as he said, “What does it have to do with this thing? Don’t beat around the bush.”

Zhu Tianyuan’s expression turned solemn. He bowed and uttered a statement that shocked everyone, “This is left behind by that Luo woman.”

Lu Zhou was shocked.

Si Wuya was the first one to rush forward. He hastily wiped the grime off the object with his sleeve. After wiping it a few times, Formation veins could be seen on it. It was not strange if the others did not recognize these, but he would not miss these. He had been studying the Sky Shuttle, the blueprints, and Luo Shiyin’s notes for a long time so he instantly recognized the Formation veins. He exclaimed, “It’s the Formation veins on the Sky Shuttle!”

The Sky Shuttle?!

The others were shocked.

Si Wuya immediately ordered, “Clean this.”

“Understood.” Several female disciples fetched buckets of water over to clean the object. They did not dally now that they realized the importance of this object. In time, as they cleaned, the object that resembled a small boat was slowly restored to its original appearance. The veins on its body could clearly be seen as well.

Si Wuya who had been studying it all this time sighed and stroked it. A hint of admiration could be seen in his eyes.

“Master, the Formation veins on this thing are slightly weaker than the Sky Shuttle. Moreover, its shape is clearly different from the Sky Shuttle as well. The Sky Shuttle has strong defenses and is quick, but its altitude is limited. This must be a mini Sky Chariot.”

Zhu Tianyuan laughed. “Hah! I knew this wasn’t an ordinary object… You should be proud of your father for having such a good memory!” He patted Zhu Honggong’s shoulder heavily after he finished speaking.

Lu Zhou said, “A mini Sky Chariot… If this can’t even compare to the Sky Shuttle, how could it cross the ocean?”

Si Wuya said, “Great Yan cultivators have countless experiences exploring the Endless Ocean… The beasts in the ocean are exceptionally strong. However, they won’t simply leave the ocean and won’t leap too high up. Hence, by flying higher, we can avoid the beasts. The Formation veins on the surface are used to resist high-altitude flight. The disadvantage is that Primal Qi will suddenly drop at a certain height. It might even vanish… It’s difficult for cultivators to control.”

Zhu Tianyuan asked in confusion, “So, it’s useless?”

“Not entirely… Although it’s not as good compared to the Sky Shuttle, in the sense that it’s slow and has weak defenses, it has a higher capacity compared to the Sky Shuttle. With this size, it can carry three to five passengers,” Si Wuya said. At this moment, he pushed the little boat.


Si Wuya exclaimed in shock, “It had been used!”

Lu Zhou looked at Zhu Tianyuan and said, “Luo Shiyin has been to the Ancient Saint Cult before. Do you know where she is now?”

Luo Shiyin might still be alive. It was also possible that she rode this mini Sky Chariot as she traveled back and forth between the red lotus domain and the golden lotus domain. This discovery was indeed surprising.

Zhu Tianyuan shook his head and said with a sigh, “I don’t know about that. The former cult master knew her. She vanished at some point. After inheriting the position of cult master, I inherited the notes and this broken boat.”

The others seemed disappointed to hear this.

Si Wuya finished inspecting it and said, “Master, this mini Sky Chariot can be used, but its defenses are weak.”

Lu Zhou nodded and said, “Call Old Fourth over. Tell him to wait at the eastern pavilion. I have a task for him.”

“Yes, master.” Si Wuya turned around and left.

After that, Lu Zhou said, “Protect the Sky Chariot. Nobody is to get close to it. Anyone who disobeys this order will be exiled from the Evil Sky Pavilion!”

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