My Disciples Are All Villains

Chapter 747 - The Young Do Not Know Their Place

Chapter 747: The Young Do Not Know Their Place

Those who were merciful should not command an army. That was the way it was since ancient times. Every great general stood on mountains of bones. If they had the chance, they would flatten the Ninth Temple without a second thought.

Sikong Beichen frowned.

The five First Seats remained silent.

When the strong fought, others were only used as pretexts and pawns.

Lu Zhou had never been used as a pawn before.

At this moment, Kong Lu suddenly fell to his knees and said, “I’ve seen his golden lotus avatar with my own eyes. That Yu Zhenghai is from the golden lotus domain! Temple Master, don’t let yourself be fooled by this old geezer.”

The others were shocked.

Chen Beizheng chuckled and said, “Hui Neng is from the Blood Sun Temple, and his words might not be trustworthy enough. However, Kong Lu is from your Ninth Temple… Don’t you believe him?”

Sikong Beichen scowled.

The five First Seats glared at Kong Lu.

Although Zhu Xuan was anxious to rake in benefits, he would never stab one of his own. He immediately kicked Kong Lu and cursed. “What nonsense are you spouting?”

Kong Lu said with bloodshot eyes, “I’m not talking nonsense. They’re foreign tribesmen. If the golden lotus cultivator isn’t a coward, he should show us his avatar! I’m not a shameless person; I won’t lie through my teeth. As Buddhists, we shouldn’t lie. If the Ninth Temple can’t give me justice, I’ll turn to General Chen!”

All this time, Kong Lu had been trying to come up with a way to kill Yu Zhenghai. However, he was stopped by Zhu Xuan. He was filled with indignation and dissatisfaction. The five First Seats did not care about his feelings as well, and they were going to help Zhu Xuan harbor Yu Zhenghai. He could not stomach this.

Chen Beizheng looked at Kong Lu with a satisfied expression and said, “You have nothing to fear with me here.”

“Thank you, General Chen.” Kong Lu beamed and shuffled toward Chen Beizheng.

Sikong Beichen glanced at Kong Lu and said coldly, “Beat him to death outside the temple.”

Kong Lu was shocked; he began to tremble.

Chen Beizheng raised a hand and said, “Are you trying to shut him up, Brother Beichen? Kong Lu is someone from your temple, and I have no right to meddle in his life-or-death affair, but can you silence the Blood Sun Temple even if you silenced him? Even if there are no witnesses, can you guarantee that they won’t manifest their avatars at all?” He turned and looked at Lu Zhou from the corners of his eyes.

Lu Zhou seemed unperturbed.

Chen Beizheng continued to say, “Brother Beichen, aren’t you worried that you might be inviting the wolf into your house?” Based on his words, it was clear he knew the Ninth Temple was trying to make allies out of these people.

Although Sikong Beichen was the Temple Master of the Ninth Temple Master who was renowned in the world, he would have to carefully consider his temple’s relationship with the palace.

The five First Seats waited for their temple master’s decision.

Sikong Beichen was deep in thought, weighing his options. He placed his right hand on the table; his fingers were trembling slightly. His fingers were slightly shaking. Naturally, he did not consider Lu Zhou’s feelings and thoughts at all. He was hesitating between his options.

However, at this moment, Lu Zhou had already made his decision. He only had two Deadly Strike Cards. If he used them on those two people in front of him at once, he would surely offend the Ninth Temple and the palace. Moreover, the five First Seats and the two knights would also fight to the bitter end. His identity as a foreign tribesman would also cause people to band together against him. Therefore, he concluded the Deadly Strike Cards were not the best option.

Fortunately, Lu Zhou was left with an option he was satisfied with. He turned around slowly and looked at Chen Beizheng coldly. He said, “You’re planning on capturing me?”

Indeed, Chen Beizheng did not think much about Lu Zhou. However, when he saw Lu Zhou’s eyes, his interest was piqued. He said, “I’m here on orders. In consideration of Brother Beichen, I won’t put you in too difficult of a situation.”

Lu Zhou did not bother with the rules of the Holy Palace. He raised his left hand slowly. The Disguise Card had already shattered when he raised his hand.

A miniature avatar appeared on his palm. To be precise, a red miniature avatar appeared above his palm. The nine leaves burned and shone with a lively radiance.

The five First Seats widened their eyes in shock. ‘Wasn’t it a blue lotus? Why is it a red lotus now?’

Xia Changqiu and Tian Buji were shocked by this as well. They could not comprehend what they were seeing. The sudden appearance of the blue lotus earlier and the red lotus now confused them. They rubbed their eyes before they looked again, wondering if their eyes were playing tricks on them. Even after taking a second look, it was still a red lotus!

Hui Neng struggled to his feet. His eyes were bloodshot as he cried out, “Impossible! No! I saw a golden lotus! This is a fake. It’s fake!” He remembered what happened in the Blood Sun Temple better than anyone else.

Chen Beizheng rose to his feet as he stared at the avatar incredulously. He had brought Hui Neng here as a witness so Sikong Beichen would not have any room to refute him. He wanted to use this opportunity to strike at the Ninth Temple. His information and sources told him the old man was a golden lotus cultivator from the Thousand Willow Monastery.

‘How can this be?’ A hint of shock flashed past Chen Beizheng’s eyes. However, he calmed down almost immediately. At the same time, he confirmed something. The old man was a Nine-leaf karmic fire cultivator. He had some thoughts regarding this now.

Sikong Beichen’s gaze fell on the Nine-leaf red lotus. He nodded in satisfaction. Since the old man was a red lotus cultivator, the Ninth Temple would do everything to recruit him. On top of that, the old man was a talented person who mastered the karmic fire. The truth was what the eyes saw. Everything the five First Seats told him about this old man being a golden lotus cultivator was pushed out of his mind.

“General Chen, the truth is in front of your eyes. Do you have anything else?” Sikong Beichen spoke calmly, but his tone was clearly pointed. Someone in his position placed a lot of importance on his pride, but it was not the most important thing.

Chen Beizheng raised two fingers. A red energy sword materialized between his fingers like an icicle before it shot forward.


The energy sword was extremely sharp. It stabbed through Hui Neng’s chest.

Hui Neng was shocked and helpless to resist. He pointed at Chen Beizheng, then at Lu Zhou, and finally at Sikong Beichen. His blood drenched his chest in just an instant as his life slipped away. “Monks do not kill and lie.” He fell back, eyes wide open. He inhaled one last time as his chest fell.

With just a flick of a finger, a life was lost. Was this the way Ten-leaf cultivators did things?

Ten seconds later, Lu Zhou’s avatar disappeared. He had thought about the consequences of killing Chen Beizheng. Chen Beizheng could not cause as much of a commotion as he wanted to. To Lu Zhou, Sikong Beichen’s stance was the most important. After he showed his red lotus, he could clearly feel that Sikong Beichen was planning to oppose Chen Beizheng.

Chen Beizheng, who killed a person with just a flick of his finger, snorted. Then, he cupped his fists together and said, “Hui Neng lied and misled me. Brother Beichen, I hope you’re not angered by this.”

“It’s understandable. Things like this happen when the wicked are in influential positions,” Sikong Beichen said.

“I’ve committed many offenses today. I’ll return another day to apologize.” Chen Beichen cupped his fists at Sikong Beichen. “I’ll take my leave now.” His expression was dark and unsightly.

Chen Beizheng had barely taken a few steps when Lu Zhou said, “Wait.”

Chen Beizheng stopped. He turned around, puzzled. “Is something the matter?”

If it had been any other Nine-leaf cultivator, he would not have thought much about him. However, this was a Nine-leaf cultivator with karmic fire. This person might very well become a great opponent in the future. He decided to let this person go today, but he would have to think of some way to kill him in the future.

“Did I give you permission to leave?” Lu Zhou turned around and stroked his beard. His gaze was calm.


The atmosphere in the Holy Palace grew heavier.

Even Sikong Beichen did not dare to challenge Chen Beizheng like this. He frowned deeply.

Chen Beizheng’s eyes turned frosty in an instant. He said, “Even Brother Beichen isn’t saying anything, and yet, you’re trying to stop me?”

Lu Zhou said with his usual indifference, “I’ve faced countless powerful enemies in my life. Nobody has ever been this unrestrained in front of me. You’re arrogant and bossy, acting like you’re above everyone.”

“Am I supposed to care about your feelings when I’m going about my business?” Chen Beizheng was prepared to kill.

“Young man, you don’t know your place. I’ll show you just how high the heavens are today.” Lu Zhou raised his right hand. An item card shattered in his palm.

In a blink of an eye, a vortex, churning in the anti-clockwise direction, formed in his hand. It churned faster and faster.

Lu Zhou seemed as stable as Mount Tai as he pushed his palm forward.

The others widened their eyes when they saw this.

‘What is this old senior trying to do?!’

The five First Seats, Xia Changqiu, Tian Buji, Little Yuan’er, Conch, and Yu Shangrong, were confused as well.

‘Is a Nine-leaf cultivator going to attack a Ten-leaf cultivator?’

Lu Zhou pushed his palm forward and sent the palm seal out.

Lu Zhou’s palm seal manifested according to his imagination.

The Seal of Fearlessness calmed the masses.

The red radiance illuminated the entire Holy Palace as it sailed forward.

Chen Beizheng smirked as he said, “You’re only a Nine-leaf ant, do you think you can move a tree?” He calmly and confidently raised a hand to parry the blow.


Chen Beizheng struck the Seal of Fearlessness. He thought he would destroy the palm seal instantly. To his shock and disbelief, not only did it not disappear, but it was pushing him back as well.

“Hm?” Chen Beizheng increased his force. ‘This won’t do! Even if I increase my force, it’s not enough! This can’t be right!’ He swiftly retreated.

The red palm seal grew larger and was soon the height of a person.

The scarlet palm seal struck fear into Chen Beizheng’s heart.

‘A Nine-leaf cultivator is pushing a Ten-leaf cultivator back?’

The people in the Holy Palace were shocked.

However, this was not the end.

The palm seal continued to push Chen Beizheng back. At this moment, a sense of terrible danger washed over him.


Chen Beizheng activated his avatar.

A 200-foot avatar appeared.

Chen Beizheng did not hold back. The avatar instantly crashed through the Holy Palace’s door.

Rocks and rubble scattered everywhere.

The palm seal did not stop. Chen Beizheng could not stop retreating. He was now outside the building and continued to retreat in the air. His 200-foot avatar appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Everyone ran over to have a look at this scene.

Sikong Beichen faded out of focus and shot toward the others. He stood before the Holy Palace. The renowned Ten-leaf cultivator of Great Tang was also shocked by this sight.

Ten red leaves spun swiftly around the red lotus. Chen Beizheng’s face was flushed red from the effort.


Chen Beizheng’s arm broke.

The Great Seal of Fearlessness instantly grew 200 feet in height! It grew larger as its target grew larger. It adjusted its energy and size according to its target.


The 200-foot red lotus avatar was hit by the Great Seal of Fearlessness. It creaked, looking as though it was about to shatter.

Fear washed over Chen Beizheng as he watched this with widened eyes. He thought to himself in disbelief, ‘He’s just a Nine-leaf cultivator. Why does he possess enough power to destroy the world?’

The Great Seal of Fearlessness continued to push forward like the waterfall from the nine skies.


The 200-foot red lotus avatar exploded like red fireworks. Red fragments shone in the air before fading away.


The others felt their chills run up their spines, and their hair stood on end.

That palm seal seemed insignificant in the beginning. He was only a Nine-leaf cultivator, but he was capable of pushing a Ten-leaf cultivator back?!

Indeed. A tiny mantis should be laughed at for trying to shake a tree since it did not know its place.

‘The old senior is right. The young don’t know their place!’

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