My Disciples Are All Villains

Chapter 941 - Major Events and the Captivity Plan in the Golden Lotus Domain

Chapter 941: Major Events and the Captivity Plan in the Golden Lotus Domain

In the past, after Yu Zhenghai left the Evil Sky Pavilion, he founded the Nether Sect and became its Sect Master. He was not someone who could stay idle in the palace.

Similarly, Yu Shangrong, who was used to being alone, was not suitable for a long stay in the palace.

Lu Zhou was aware of this. He knew that if he kept the duo here to cultivate in peace, it would only hinder their growth. Moreover, with a towering tree present, how could the other trees grow tall? It was not just the palace that would restrict the duo’s growth. Now that both of them had sprouted the tenth leaf, apart from Thousand Realms Whirling experts who had activated their Birth Charts, most of the people in Great Tang were no match for the duo.

Lu Zhou did not reveal his intention yet. Instead, he asked, “Old Seventh, how much do you know about the Southern Kingdom?”

“When the Southern Kingdom appeared on the map, I looked it up in the ancient books. The Southern Kingdom was originally occupied by barbarians. Their cultivation was rather backward, and they worshiped strange wild beasts. There were many tribes there with totems of their own. It was inevitable that their chaotic and unorthodox beliefs led to conflicts and wars. For that reason, people there found it hard to survive. Later on, the royal family in the Southern Kingdom requested Great Tang to send troops to stabilize the station. From then on, the Southern Kingdom became part of Great Tang’s territory,” Si Wuya replied, “After the Southern Kingdom submitted to Great Tang, the people there began to learn the cultivation methods from Great Tang about 1,000 years ago, unifying their thoughts and philosophies. Gradually, they learned about the schools of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, and their cultivation progressed swiftly.”

After a brief pause, he continued to say, “1,300 years ago, the Sky Martial Court studied the constitution, talent, and cultivation of the Southern Kingdom’s people. At that time, they discovered the kingdom was rich with vitality energy, and the environment was conducive to cultivation. In order to control the situation in the kingdom, Great Tang planned to establish a Confucian sect there. Unfortunately, before the plan could be implemented, a disaster that humans were helpless against happened. The records in the history book said that the disaster was a beast tide. There were ten Birth Chart Beasts and a beast king at that time; it almost flattened the entire kingdom. The casualties were incredibly high. In the end, the cultivators in the kingdom had no choice but to move north. This disaster lasted for two years, and during that time, all of the Ten-leaf cultivators from the kingdom died while Great Tang suffered heavy casualties as well.”

The others were shocked by Si Wuya’s words. They had heard about the beast tide once or twice. From the time they met Jiang Wenxu in Great Yan, they had heard about the fierce beasts and the disaster they would bring. Compared to the golden lotus domain, the beasts were much fiercer in the red lotus domain.

Yu Zhenghai asked, “How were the Birth Chart Beasts dealt with in the end?”

“There are no detailed records in the history books… However, we can be sure that it has nothing to do with the Southern Kingdom or Great Tang. Otherwise, the history books would have mentioned them. After all, they would, naturally, hide or gloss over the ugly things and highlight the good things…” Si Wuya replied.

Lu Zhou stroked his beard and said, “1,300 years ago, the Black Lotus Council had already implemented the captivity plan in the red lotus domain. That’s to say it’s likely that the Black Tower Council dealt with the Birth Chart Beasts and carried out the annihilation plan at that time.”

“The annihilation plan?” Si Wuya asked in confusion.

“It’s one of the Black Tower Council’s plans. When a situation goes beyond their control, they will annihilate those who cause the problem. The Birth Chart Beasts and the beast king were probably motivating factors for them to carry out the annihilation plan.”

Lu Zhou looked at the mission on the system interface again. After confirming there were no other hints and explanations, he said, “Both of you will go on this mission.”

Yu Zhenghai and Yu Shangrong exchanged a quick look before they replied in unison, “Understood.”

“The Southern Kingdom is fraught with danger. If you encounter black lotus cultivators, avoid them. Let Old Seventh draw a map for you,” Lu Zhou said, “I need you to find something for me in the Southern Kingdom. This item is similar to the item in the Melilot Graveyard. Old Second has seen it before so I won’t bother describing it. Be careful when you’re in the Southern Kingdom. The red lotus domain is different from the golden lotus domain. If you’re in danger, use the talisman to send a message…”

“Understood. This disciple will obey master’s orders.”

“Old Seventh, make the necessary arrangement.”


Following that, Lu Zhou’s three disciples left the hall.

In the afternoon.

After Si Wuya completed the necessary arrangement, Yu Zhenghai and Yu Shangrong left the capital and made their way to Jiannan Circuit. They would need to through Jiannan Circuit in order to go to the Southern Kingdom.

Since the duo was passing through Jiannan Circuit, Si Wuya arranged for them to rest in Sikong Beichen’s Ninth Temple. When he informed Sikong Beichen of the duo’s arrival, Sikong Beichen was delighted to receive the duo as guests.

Lu Zhou continued to cultivate in the Preservation Hall.

At this time, he had already replenished his supreme mystic power, and his cultivation base had recovered as well.

Yan Zhenluo had sent talismans and a little information regarding runic passages over as promised.

Lu Zhou did not intend to study the information and sent it over to Si Wuya instead.

It was afternoon when Lu Zhou manifested his lotus. He fell deep into his thoughts as he studied his lotus seat.

“I’ve already activated four Birth Charts. They occupied four zones in the Birth Palace: the Star Aligns with the Pen and Sword, the Seven Killing Techniques, Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves, and the Twin Palace. The fifth birth chart should still be located in the human-grade region. Where can I find a suitable Birth Chart Beast to activate my fifth Birth Chart?” Lu Zhou muttered to himself.

However, the current situation made it difficult for him to find a suitable Birth Chart Beast. There were not many Ten-leaf cultivators in the red lotus domain, to begin with. It would be difficult to lure out Birth Chart Beasts with intermediate or advanced life hearts.

Lu Zhou continued thinking about ways to obtain the fifth life heart in the fastest time possible. After a while, he withdrew his lotus before he ordered someone to bring him the four treasures of the study.

Then, he came up with several plans. First, he would keep the red lotus domain in the captivity plan. He would occupy the Black Tower Council’s stone forest formations and monopolize the Birth Chart Beasts in the red lotus domain. Naturally, he knew this might lead to a war between the Black Tower Council and the red lotus domain. Two, he would find time to go the depths of the forest to look for suitable Birth Chart Beasts. The golden lotus domain’s Four Great Forests and the hidden places in the red lotus domain all had Birth Chart Beasts. Third, he would follow in Lu Li’s footsteps and head to the Endless Ocean to search for a beast king. Naturally, he knew this plan carried with it a high risk.

It was as Mo Xinglu said, Lu Zhou received the fire spirit stones from the True Kunlun Sect, the Void Sect, and the Seeking Heaven Sect respectively within three days.

Lu Zhou nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the fire spirit stones and muttered to himself, “I have three fire spirit stones now. Which weapon should I upgrade?”

While he was considering which weapon to upgrade, he received two system notifications.

“Ding! Worshiped by 15,230 people. Reward: 15, 320 merit points.”

“Ding! Worshipped by 135 people. Reward: 0 merit points.”

The notifications successfully caught his attention.

“Old Eighth?”

Lu Zhou recalled the last time he had checked in on his eighth disciple, his eighth disciple was still fighting the fierce beast. However, he did not know what the outcome was.

Lu Zhou decided to have a look.

He chanted the incantation for the Heavenly Writing power. Soon enough, the supreme mystic power converged around his eyes.

At this moment, Zhu Honggong was sitting on what looked like a throne as he looked down at the cultivators below the platform. All the cultivators were kneeling.

At the same time, an intimidating 200-foot avatar looked down from up high as well. It seemed like Zhu Honggong formed his Thousand Realms Whirling avatar before he activated his Birth Chart.

Zhu Honggong rose to his feet and withdrew his avatar. He said in a clear voice, “I’ll reward you according to your contributions during our fight against the fierce beasts. If there’s nothing else, you’re all dismissed for now.

“Thank you, mighty Sect Master!” the disciples from the Flood Sect replied in unison before they left.

After the cultivators left, Lu Li who was sitting next to Lu Zhou said, “Although you managed to obtain the life heart, the difficult road lies ahead.”


“You don’t have a lotus. This means you don’t have a Birth Palace. Without a Birth Palace, you won’t be able to activate your Birth Chart. We’ll need a long time to solve this problem so you need to be mentally prepared.”

“Is it really so difficult?”

“It’s much more difficult than ascending to the heavens,” Lu Li replied.


“There’s no need to be upset. We’ll definitely find a way. The yellow lotus domain is safe enough and is filled with resources. In any case, you can’t break through, you can just stay here forever. Isn’t that what you’ve always wanted?”

“… I was just kidding… Why are you taking it so seriously?”

At this moment, Lu Zhou cut off the Heavenly Writing Power before he opened his eyes.

“I had no idea Old Eighth is facing the same problem as Old Second…”

It seemed like the problem of severing one’s lotus had become even urgent and needed to be solved as soon as possible.

He was not worried about Zhu Honggong since he knew Zhu Honggong was relatively safe in the yellow lotus domain.

Following that, he activated the Heavenly Writing Power again to check in on his fight disciple, Zhao Yue.

In the back garden of the Imperial palace in Great Yan.

Zhao Yue slowly walked to the side of a pond. Her eyes were trained at the opposite of the pond.

After a while, a figure appeared on the rock. It was none other than that mysterious woman, Lian Xing.

As soon as Lian Xing appeared, she asked without beating around the bush, “Did you think about things we spoke off previously?”

Zhao Yue smiled politely before she replied, “I’m sorry, but I can’t make this decision alone. I’ve already reported this matter to my Seventh Junior Brother.”

Lian Xing shook her head and said, “I’m only trying to protect you. If you join the Black Tower Council, your future will be incomparably bright. Why do you want to stay in the weak golden lotus domain?”

“Everyone has their own aspirations. I prefer to stay here,” Zhao Yue replied.

Lian Xing sighed before she said, “Zhao Yue, things aren’t as simple as you think they are. To be honest with you, someone has taken interest in you. I’ve tried my best to buy you time. If you provoke that person… In any case, just listen to me. I won’t harm you.”

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