My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

178 Chapter 178

As soon as Rezen appeared inside Kacy’s office, the chairman’s hidden guards immediately sprang into action

In an instant, at least twenty people suddenly showed themselves. One of them was even a 6th fusion rank mage while the rest are all 5th fusion rank mages

They stood in front of Kacy while giving Rezen a threatening look

As the Chairman of one of the earth’s biggest companies, there were many instances in Kacy’s life when he encountered assassins

He, himself is strong as a 6th fusion rank mage but he still has many guards as a single person’s power is extremely limited

His guards were all professionals and as soon as they saw Rezen appearing inside the office without a sign, they moved to protect the person that they are supposed to protect

“It’s alright, stand back now” Kacy said and the guards obeyed, once again hiding themselves with the help of magic

Kacy stared at Rezen with scrutinizing eyes. He felt like Rezen has become even more unfathomable than before

The special plants he provided along with the recovery pills were all aliens to Kacy. He couldn’t find where Rezen possibly got them and could only theorize that it has something to do with the blessed land he entered before

Now that Rezen suddenly gained the ability to enter his office without any warning, Kacy can’t help but become even more curious than he already is

‘Is this related to the resources he obtained?’ Kacy thought in his mind

If Rezen has this kind of ability earlier on then he wouldn’t be as cautious prior to gaining Daydream’s protection

As such, Kacy thinks that Rezen only got this ability recently. An ability that made it so that even 6th fusion rank mages could not sense him

Rezen could literally sneak up on 6th fusion rank mages and such an ability if used as an assassination tool…

Since Rezen only has three months and he is also confident in his ability to hide even from 7th rank mages, he didn’t beat around the bush

He waved his hand and a small pile of at least 30 recovery pills appeared on top of Kacy’s table

Seeing that many recovery pills, Kacy’s eyes constricted and glowed with greed. This is the best pill he had ever encountered. There was no doubt about its ability to heal, it was already proven and tested

In the past, Kacy could only obtain one or two at a time from Rezen but now, there were actually 30 pieces in front of him

As a businessman, Kacy is perfect for maximizing the profits that could be earned from these pills. The more pills he could receive, the better! “What do you need this time?” Kacy swallowed his greed in the meantime and asked Rezen

He knew that Rezen giving out this many recovery pills is not for nothing. There must be something big that he needed and even with such miraculous pills, Kacy still has to weigh whether it was worth it or not

“Mana stones, spirit plants, or whatever resources you have that contain mana. I want as many of them as you could possibly give. Based on the amount you could provide, you might receive more than just these” Rezen replied

If it was mana stones, the farm would directly absorb it to improve itself which was even more necessary right now since his farm has severely shrunk in size

Planar travel is no joke and even with the help of origin energy, Rezen still has to improve his farm

The laws on earth are different from the laws on the rest of the world. The broken laws have benefited the farm and Rezen in the early stage but they already almost reach the peak they are allowed if they still want to improve

It was to the point that Rezen wouldn’t plant anything on his farm if it wasn’t necessary as long as he is still inside the earth realm

Spirit plants and other resources that contain mana would also be turned into energy that would be absorbed by the farm

As long as it contains energy, the farm could make good use of it

“I suggest that you don’t hold back on whatever you could give to me. This is probably the last time that we could conduct business. It’s better if you receive as many recovery pills as possible, right?” Rezen continued and Kacy stared at him for a while before speaking again

“Who do I feel like you are going somewhere far that would make it impossible for us to meet?” Kacy muttered

If possible, he wants to conduct business with Rezen as long as possible. The recovery pills alone are more than a year’s worth of what Daydream earned

In terms of mana stones, the pills are priceless but mana stones also have many things they could not buy unlike the pills

“That’s not for you to worry about” Rezen retorted, thinking that this man’s instincts were really great

“Alright, but even if it is me, it wouldn’t be easy to mobilize mana stones worth trillions if that is what you want”

“I don’t have much time, this deal would only last for less than 3 months. You have to gather as much as you could in that time frame”

The real bigwigs of the earth don’t really care much for mana stones as they are something that is easy to obtain. What they care about are those priceless and rare treasures that could not be bought with money

“You really know how to push me” Kacy replied with a bitter smile that Rezen ignored

“And… I want you to contact your allies or even your enemies. You could buy their resources in exchange for recovery pills. Depending on how much they provide, you would also receive commissions in the form of recovery pills” Rezen continued

The number of recovery pills that he has are already in the millions. However, he could only use them inside the earth realm with broken laws

Once he stepped out from the earth realm, the recovery pills are useless. After all, based from the system, the recovery pills exploited the weak and broken laws of the earth realm to form such miraculous pills

Rezen might as well use the pills to obtain more resources

“Hoo… it seems like you fooled me. You have more recovery pills than I imagined” Kacy replied, his bitter smile deepening

With the way that Rezen acts and disregard the recovery pills, he could understand that the pills were not as rare as he had originally thought

“Just do your job and you would be rewarded” Rezen retorted, not in the mood for anything

Kacy knew the temperant of the new Rezen and he nodded his head before speaking again

“And oh, regarding the regular update of the Dark Saint’s movement, I have one”

Rezen’s interest was instantly piqued. Claude Preston is the realm’s chosen. The person birthed by the realm to stop the realm’s destruction

In essence, Claude is the most special existence and person born in the realm. He is also the biggest obstacle to Rezen’s plans and future

One side wanted to save the realm while the other wanted to exploit it for his own gain even if it means pushing the realm further in the path of destruction

Morally, Claude might be in the right but Rezen doesn’t care. In his personal view, his parents are more important

They have two opposing interests and no matter how good their previous relationship was, Rezen has to keep tabs on the person that would become his enemy

“Say it” Rezen said impatiently

“Shortly after the Tournament, Claude met Space Monarch, and do you know what happened?”

Even with Kacy saying it, Rezen could already guess what happened. Yet another high and mighty 7th fusion rank mage has died!

Previously, even a 6th fusion rank mage is already enough to put Rezen in despair. But the far more powerful 7th rank mages have died at Claude’s hands

A realm’s chosen is really of a different bleed!

“Space Monarch was strong even amongst the 7th rank mages considering that his main power is spatial power. But even someone like him has died. The number of 7th rank mages that died from the Dark Saint’s hand is already at three. The other 7th rank mages are starting to feel threatened. If this goes on, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were to join hands to kill him”

People in power would always want to hold their power. They don’t want anyone that could threaten their power to appear

Considering that there were already three 7th rank mages that died from Claude’s hands, it was natural that the others would feel threatened

They were normally invincible and unkillable even when facing a mage at the same rank yet a person that could literally kill them has suddenly appeared. How could they just let it slide and act as if nothing is happening?

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