My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

182 Chapter 182

With Primal Sea pushed this far, his face revealed his fear and anxiety as he crazily burned the origin energy used to create his Blessed Land

He doesn’t care about the consumption of origin energy anymore. All he wants to do is to break free from Claude and hide

This is the moment that he regrets having his Blessed Land stay in the main world and not hide it inside the folds of space. He thinks that if his Blessed Land was not exposed, he could indefinitely hide from Claude and this situation would not happen

With the origin energy as the fuel, water covered the chains of light. Primal Sea has burned quite a lot of origin energy to the point that his Blessed Land is now a bit less than 1/8 of its original size especially since Claude also just stole another chunk of it

With that much origin energy, the chains of light have no choice but to shatter, returning Primal Sea’s connection to his Blessed Land at its peak

Yet even with that being the case, he still doesn’t dare continue the fight with Claude. He still has a long life ahead of him with countless beauties that he could roll in the sheets with. Why would he continue risking his life?

As such, Primal Sea ignored the person that is no different than the devil from hell in his eyes. He continues channeling his power to the locked space

Wave and wave of gigantic tsunami crashed heavily and aggressively on the wall of space and the cracks on it grew bigger and bigger

However, Claude simply burned some of the origin energy from the Blessed Land he stole back from the earth’s leeches

He used the origin energy as the fuel to conjure the chains of light for the third time in this battle

Once more, the chains of light either wrapped or penetrated the Blessed Land, instantly causing Primal Sea’s power to falter

However, his power being unstable is the least of his concern right now because of what Claude did next

The chains of light issued a strong pulling force causing the Blessed Land’s projection to distort

“N-no!! You fucking demon! Stop! No!!”

Primal Sea watched helplessly as the source of his power was being mercilessly pulled away from him amidst Claude’s apathetic gaze

“Return what you have stolen from the realm!” Claude said coldly and with a wave of his hand, the pulling force of his chains reaches its peak


A loud ripping sound echoed in their surroundings as the Blessed Land’s projection was successfully extracted by Claude

It means that Primal Sea has lost his source of power. While he could still use magic even without the aid of mystic gems due to the residual origin energy on his body from his connection to his previous Blessed Land, his power is far from enough from reaching the 7th rank

With victory at his sight, Claude sent a beam of black energy to Primal Sea that reduces the man to ashes, leaving him as dead as he could be


The death of Primal Sea was not a secret in the small circle of 7th rank mages. It didn’t take that long before they heard about it

As of right now, Claude already has the blood of four 7th rank mages on his hands. Two of which are from the Eastern Country, one is from the Western Country, and the last one is from the Southern Country

If this goes on, it might not take that long before the Northern Country also lose one of their 7th rank mages

Claude’s record has alarmed the people sitting at the very top of the pyramid. It was to the point that they contacted each other to hold a meeting

Inside a deserted and lifeless island, an isolated space could be seen. Inside this space was a round table with four chairs in four different directions

Sitting on the chairs were two men and two women. Each of them was the representative of their country to discuss what they should do with the person named Claude Preston

“There is no need for a long meeting. What we have to do now is to kill that murderer! I would never forgive him for killing a person from my Western Country!” An old mage spoke

This old mage is called White Hair Hermit and he has a scholarly type of body with grey hair and a long beard yet his tone was harsh and aggressive. He even has an expression on his face that shows his blatant killing intent

With the way he spoke, it was as if it was not the mage of his country that provoked Claude first after hearing that a mere 6th fusion rank mage has killed a 7th rank mage

However, although that was the case, deep inside these mages, they also felt indignant

They should be people that are impossible to kill yet a person that could do so suddenly appeared. What are they supposed to feel?

They live their lives unafraid of anything even mages at the same rank as them. It was to the point that they completely ignored everything and just focused on things that they want to do

Some chose to enjoy what the world could offer. Some decided to try and find a path that could possibly make them stronger and break the shackles binding them to reach a whole new rank but to no avail. There were also those that focused on nurturing their chosen people or nourishing an organization and watching them grow

Each of them has different things they decided to do but there was one thing that they have in common and that is the lack of fear!

Ever since they reach the 7th rank, they never encountered anything that would cause them to be fearful. That was an emotion that they had already forgotten and such unpleasant feelings are starting to surface just because of a single person. It would be strange if they treat this matter kindly

“I agree, are we 7th rank mages some random strangers? How dare that Claude kill four of us?” The representative of the Southern Country; Mermaid Goddess seconded

As a country that loses one superpower, they also naturally want to get rid of Claude. That was especially so since Claude killed one of their own for a reason that they don’t know about

The mage from the Wester Country died because he provoked Claude first. But what could the mage of the Southern Country possibly do to Claude when they had never met in the past?

Not to mention, Claude was the one that entered the Southern Country and not Primal Sea entering the Eastern Country

As such, among all the four countries, it was the Western and Southern Country that wants Claude dead the most

“I agree with the two of them” the representative of the Northern Country; Ghost Queen simply said

Her country was the only country that hasn’t lost one of their 7th rank mages. As such, they only want Claude dead as he is a person that is breaking the scale of balance

The Northern Country has no deep enmity with him yet

“I believe, killing him is too much. The mages on our side would talk and reprimand him first. We would ask him to not kill any more 7th rank mages” the representative of the Eastern Country; Howling Lightning has a different opinion

While it was true that the Eastern Country was the one that suffered the most casualties among the 4 countries, power is still everything

They lost two 7th rank mages but gained one 7th rank mage that could kill mages at the same rank as he is. That doesn’t sound bad to them

Not to mention, Claude is at the very end a mage from the Eastern Country. He even came from the Preston Family that is strong both in the mortal world and the world of 7th rank mages

As long as he stops his indiscriminate killings and wholeheartedly serves the Eastern Country, he would definitely become a huge asset

He might even be more important than any other 7th rank mages since those mages do not have the power to kill a mage of the same rank

With the addition of Claude to the Eastern Country’s lineup, their standing would be higher with such a special deterrent force

While these mages couldn’t improve further, who doesn’t like being above others? Even if all of them are almost at the same level of power, there are still ways to be above each other

“Absolutely not! Reprimand him? Where are we, in kindergarten? His crime is not as simple as hitting a kid in his class! Just scolding him alone is far from enough!”

“We want a life for a life! Since he killed our mages then he should be prepared to also lose his life! We wouldn’t take anything less than that!”

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