My Girlfriend is an S-Class Adventurer

177 Legendary Skill

“Excuse me, I’m in a hurry. Can I get my Legendary Skill to go?” Luke asked before the topic of women extended any further.

“O-of course!” Amelia replied to the half-wolf, with her face slightly flushed. “Ana, bring all the scrolls of legendary skills you have, please.”

Ana raised her eyebrows. “All right, wait here for just a second…”

After using a giant ladder to search for scroll tubes in several different sections of shelves, the administrator took the scrolls out of their tubes and placed them in front of the half-wolf. Luke counted only two scrolls, and both were glowing as if there was an aura around them.

The half-wolf had never even seen an Epic Skill scroll before, so he was more than surprised to see the Legendary Skill ones.

It is a common fact that the higher the level of a Gene Skill is, the rarer that Skill will be, which is why Legendary Skills are so expensive. With his experience, Luke could say with all the certainty in the world that a Legendary Skill could cost a few thousand gold coins.

For this reason, when Luke won the S-Class Gene Skill License, he was very excited about the possibility of picking up a Legendary Skill. He wasn’t thinking of selling, but he knew that simply having a Legendary Skill was enough to guarantee a good life anywhere in the world.

Moreover, Luke felt that the Legendary scrolls were calling him, whispering his name. Immediately, Luke pointed to a scroll and asked: “Can I read the tag?”

“Be comfortable~” Ana replied fondly, causing Amelia to become irritated with her again.

The Luke’s reading skills were progressing well, thanks to his focus, leaving only writing and arithmetic behind, because Luke couldn’t tell when he got complicated math or complex words right or wrong. Nevertheless, he was confident that he could now read some texts by himself.

[Skill Name: Black Hole.

Level: Legendary.

Description: Unknown.

Price: 25,000 gold coins].

Like a characteristic old poor person, Luke was more startled by the price on the tag than the Skill didn’t have a description. “I don’t think even if I worked my whole life as an ordinary Adventurer, I could get that kind of money.” Luke spoke up, making the two women laugh a little.

“If even the Champion of the Tournament of Legends can’t get that kind of money, let alone us who work in a Church.” Amelia said, and soon noticed that she was being stared at closely by Ana, who had a mischievous little smile on her face.

Luke hadn’t noticed any of this and continued to focus on the parchment in his hands. The half-wolf didn’t know what ‘Black Hole’ meant, but he was sure it must be something powerful.

Typically, the only chance for Luke to get a Legendary Skill would be by killing a Dungeon Boss or killing a legendary monster. In both cases, the chances would be less than 1%, meaning, mathematically speaking, for every 100 Dungeon Bosses, only one Monster Core will have a Legendary Gene Skill.

Determined to think carefully about the decision he was going to make, Luke was not hasty enough to immediately choose the <Black Hole> Skill. After placing the first scroll on the counter again, Luke opened the other one.

[Skill Name: Eye of Horus.

Level: Legendary.

Description: Unknown.

Price: 25,000]

“Why is there no description on any of the Skills?” Curious, Luke inquired.

“For many times, Legendary Skills are evaluated and sold before they are even assimilated by the lucky ones who get them, which we indicate non-Secular people do. The mental weight of a Legendary Skill can be so overwhelming that it can make a person crazy.” Amelia explained.

“I see… The lack of description is somewhat bothersome. Can you bring me some Epic Skills as well?” Luke asked; after all, he didn’t want to get stuck on just two choices because they were from a larger and more expensive class.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute…”

After that, Luke analyzed a dozen Epic Skills for almost half an hour, which, unlike Legendary Skills, cost less than 10,000 gold coins. At this point, Luke wondered how much <Vind> could be worth, since it was only a Rare Skill.

On the way to the Cardinal Realm, Luke pondered what kind of Skill he would want. Initially, he came to the conclusion that he would go for a Healing Skill, and his second choice would be something with a lot of destructive power. Still, since the descriptions of the Legendary Skills were unclear, he made a different decision.

“I want that Skill.” Luke spoke, pointing to the scroll of the Skill <Eye of Horus>. Luke chose that because if he didn’t like the result, he could just sell it and buy the other legendary one or trade it for three Epic Skills. ‘That’s definitely a smarter decision…’

Although Luke was not shrewd like a certain half-fox he knows, he still remembered some of his friend’s bargains. After Ana used a crystal to transfer the Legendary Skill to Luke, he heard the voice resounding in his head after so long:

「Hability <Head of Horus> acquired.」

“If you want, I can help you with assimilation in a room next door.” Amelia proposed, curling the strands of a lock of hair with her index finger.

“No, thank you.”

Amelia didn’t expect to be denied, so she immediately looked with surprise at Luke. “Are you sure? The assimilation of Legendary Genes Skills are quite different from those of other types. Your heart could end up exploding if you’re not in the right environment and with your thoughts focused…”

“Sigh… that’s fine, but only help me if I ask.”

The black-haired woman was internally happy that she could help the half-wolf. Then, she led him into a circular and well-ventilated hall, where four giant statues were facing the door.

Sitting in the center of this room, Luke slowly paced his breathing to slow his heartbeat and calm his mind. Assimilation was a process that could take a few weeks, a few days, hours, minutes, or, in rare cases like when Luke fought against the Black Knight within the Demon Realm, only a few seconds.

However, Luke did not want to rush because of the risks mentioned.

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