My Mr. Song is extremely protective ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 205 - Chapter 206[206] Lin Lei's surprise

Chapter 205: Chapter 206[206] Lin Lei's surprise

Author: The snow of an icebergMachine Translation

Wang Mei thought to herself, I've been married to him for ten years. Don't you know what kind of person he is?

When there are good things, stand in front. When there are bad things, quickly hide behind them.

Just now, she saw clearly from the side that Lin Lei hit Li Jian. She didn't even have the strength to fight back.

However, she didn't expect Lin Lei to have such good skills.

Lin Lei clapped her hands and teased, "if you want to learn from me, I'll teach you a few moves when I have time! It's not good to teach Li Jian a lesson, but when you meet a bad person who doesn't have skills, you can still protect yourself. "

She thought to herself that Li Jian's skill was really too weak, and there was no comparison between him and Song Yi.

Just now, she only had a normal reaction, and she had already knocked him down.

Wang Mei nodded with a smile and said, "yes, I'll definitely learn a few moves from you when I have time. Now I have to go to kindergarten and go to work. "

Lin Lei and Wang Mei walked together until they were almost at kindergarten before they broke up.

Lin Lei returned home and heaved a sigh of relief. This morning was really tiring, just fighting two rounds.

It was better to go back to the space to take a shower first. Her body was too sticky.

Li Jian carried his things home. When he saw song e lying lazily on the bed, he was a little angry. However, she was pregnant now. It was not good for him to vent his anger on her.

Song e complained about the hot weather and did not have any covers on her body.


Li Jian's body was in extreme pain from Lin Lei's kicks. After putting the things in his hands on the ground, he slowly walked to the bed and lay down.

These few days, Song E was very abnormal... ...

But now, she was already pregnant. Moreover, her body had just been kicked a few times by Lin Lei. She did not have any impulsive thoughts at all.

Song E was shocked. "What are you doing? Why are you yelling at me so loudly? "

It was fine if she was usually not good to him. But now that she was pregnant with his child, he was still treating her like this.

Seriously, she did not have to be a man.

Song E got angry and put on her clothes. She sat in front of the Mirror and carefully put on her makeup. She carried her bag and was about to go out.

Li Jian saw that song e was about to go out with her bag. He endured the pain and sat up to question her

"where are you going? Why don't you behave yourself? If you have time to go out and play, you might as well tidy up the house. We have to move out tomorrow. "

This B * Tch lived with him for a few days. Her true colors were revealed. She didn't know how to clean up the house, nor did she know how to cook. She only knew how to wait to eat.

She couldn't be compared to Wang Mei at all. Why did she go crazy at that time and chase Wang Mei away, leaving her behind?

But then she thought about it again. She was pregnant with his child. Perhaps this child was a son.

Song e put on her shoes and turned around to say, "wait until I come back to clean up. My heart is too stuffy. I'll go out and have a look. "

Li Jian was about to say something when the door closed with a slam.

Song e walked out of the House and headed straight for the clinic.

She thought to herself, Li Jian, didn't you not touch me I'll find someone else... ...

She went straight to the clinic and pushed the door open. She looked at Doctor Shao and sat there leisurely drinking tea.

Song e put her bag on the table and casually sat by the bed to tease him, "I'm not going to work here anymore, but you're here leisurely. "

Doctor Shao felt strange Why did this wind blow her here? Could this girl be up to something again?

He had already heard about what happened this morning from other patients.

He really didn't expect that this girl would be so tormented that there would be so many things that she didn't know.

However, it would be a waste not to eat something that was delivered to her door!

... ... ... ... ...

Li Jian sat at home and waited. He didn't wait for Song E to come back. He remembered that she was carrying a child in her stomach. Even if she didn't want to eat it, she had to let the child eat it.

He put some medicine on his body, endured the pain, and got up to kill the chicken to stew it, preparing to boil the chicken soup.

Song e smelled the smell of chicken soup the moment she entered the house, so she wasn't so angry in her heart.

Li Jian looked up. "Wash your hands and get ready to drink the soup! Let's pack up together later! "

Seeing that there was chicken soup, Song e nodded obediently. "En! I'll go right away. I'm so hungry. "

Song E had basically eaten the entire pot of soup, but Li Jian didn't say anything because she was pregnant!

Song E chewed on the chicken drumstick and said, "we'll move out tomorrow. What if we don't have the money? "

She thought to herself that she couldn't live a hard life just by going out with Li Jian. He wouldn't be able to find a job for a while. Did she have to earn money to support him?

Li Jian took out a cigarette and started smoking. "Don't worry! I won't starve you and your mother! "

Tomorrow morning, he would stop Wang Mei from getting the money. Today, she was beaten up, but she didn't stop him.

HMPH If someone helped her today, I'll see who will help her tomorrow.

If I knew this would happen, I would have kicked her out of the house and not given her a single cent.

After raising her for ten years, I gave birth to two girls for him.

If he didn't ask her for these years, he would be lucky if he spent the money on them.

Li Jian wasn't worried about his two daughters at all. In his opinion, raising them was to be raised by someone else's family. It was better not to raise them at all. It would be best if Wang Mei could take them away now. If she dared to throw the children to him, he would sell them for money so that he could keep them for his son!

Song e nodded and wiped the oil off her hands. "As long as you know what you're doing! I'm tired. Go inside and lie down for a while. You can clean up in the house! "

She had made up her mind. If he could not get the money, he would find an opportunity to leave secretly.

As for the pregnant child, it was a little troublesome. She was not married. If she wanted to go to the hospital for an abortion, someone had to write a letter of recommendation. If she did not have a letter of recommendation, she would have to go to a private clinic for an abortion. It was said that an abortion.. If the facilities were not comprehensive, it would be dangerous.

Song e thought that if it really did not work out, she would have to ask that old pervert for help. He was a doctor who knew many people.

However, if Li Jian managed to get money, this child could not be born. She was only 20 years old. Li Jian would not be able to earn money if he was laid off.

Even if Li Jian found a job in the future, it might not be a good thing. He made up his mind that no matter what, this child could not be born.

Li Jian made song e leave lazily after she finished eating. He was already extremely angry. He tried his best to take a deep breath to calm himself down. He rolled up his sleeves and started to pack up his things.

Song Yi had been working in the factory the whole day. He was not in a good mood and had been worried about his wife at home. He wondered if his stomach was better?

Lin Lei entered the space and realized that she was on her period?

She could only wipe her body with water and then go to the kitchen to make a bowl of Jujube Porridge for herself. She began to drink it listlessly.

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi watched Lin Lei enter the space quietly from the side.

Xiao Mi lowered her head and whispered, "Look at master. Didn't you have a good wedding night last night? "

Hong Yu shook her head. "Logically speaking, it should be a happy face. It's too strange to be eating porridge alone right now. "

Lin Lei noticed that the two of them were whispering and put down the spoon. "What are you two talking about over there? "

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi looked at each other. Master had already noticed and could not walk out of his hiding place.

Xiao Mi sat down on a chair beside the runway and said with a small mouth, "master, why are you not happy? Didn't you have a good night last night? "

Hong Yu also walked over and sat down. She lowered her head and reprimanded, "Xiao Mi, you shouldn't talk like that. It's not our place to ask about master's matters. Don't be so rude. "

Usually, Xiao Mi would say that she knew a lot and knew a lot. She would say that he was not sensible. Now, she was asking master such a question.

About this woman's wedding night.

How could she ask her so casually?

Lin Lei could hear the conversation between the two of them. It was obvious that there was a hidden meaning in their words?

"Are you two hiding something from me? Hurry up and tell me. Don't let me find out. When the time comes, the consequences will not be something that the two of you can bear. "

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi were instantly scared. They hadn't done anything bad!

They had only secretly helped the male owner decorate the wedding room.

Could it be that the master wasn't satisfied with the wedding room?

"Master! Don't you like the wedding room? " Xiao Mi said nervously

Hong Yu also looked at Lin Lei who was sitting at the side. She wanted to get the answer she wanted from her.

Lin Lei raised her eyebrows. "What wedding room? Tell me clearly what happened. "

The two of them were usually in the space, so they had never bothered about what they were busy with?

Could it be that they and Song Yi were planning a wedding room behind her back?

Xiao Mi: "A few days ago, the male owner said that he wanted to consummate the marriage with you! He asked us to help him arrange the wedding room. ".

Lin Lei stood up and put her hands on her hips as she said loudly, "alright! You two don't listen to me and listen to him now. He asked you to secretly arrange the wedding room. Don't you need to come and tell me? "

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi knew that they had made a mistake and lowered their heads.

Lin Lei saw the two of them and laughed. "Alright, I was just teasing you two! Hurry up and take me to see the wedding room. "

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi looked up at the laughing Lin Lei and realized that their master was joking with them.

Master was not angry at all!

The two of them immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Lin Lei followed the two of them all the way to the wedding room.

Lin Lei pushed the door open and entered the room. The room was basically filled with bright red decorations, and the bed curtains were red curtains.

On the bed was a bright red wedding quilt with a dragon and a phoenix. The four walls were pasted with the word "Xi" , and there were actually red candles on the table.

There were wedding wine, wedding candies, and all kinds of fruits on the table. The decorations were also full, as if they were real.

Lin Lei turned to look at the two little traitors behind her and teased, "this is not bad! Where did you find these things? Did you find them from the space? "

"Master, as long as you like them! "

The two of them said at the same time!

Sigh Hong Yu and Xiao Mi had been together for a long time. This master She had also started to talk!

Lin Lei deeply felt that she was like the old rich landlord of the past!

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi were her two personal servants.

Lin Lei nodded. "I'm quite satisfied. I'll use this wedding room in a few days! "

Sigh, if it wasn't for her period reporting last night. She would have already had sex with Song Yi in this wedding room!

Hong Yu and Xiao Mi raised their heads in surprise and looked at Lin Lei.

Lin Lei's face was slightly red as she whispered, "my period came last night! So I didn't use it here... "

Xiao Mi looked up and asked, "what is menstruation? "

Hong Yu was an adult, so she immediately understood that menstruation should be menstruation.

This master was too pathetic. His period came on his wedding night.

Lin Lei was too embarrassed to continue talking to the two of them. "I'M OUT OF SPACE! You two go play. "

Lin Lei was out of space. Her stomach felt a little uncomfortable and she lay on the bed.

She did not expect this man to be so meticulous. He had actually arranged a wedding room!

Perhaps he also wanted to save a beautiful wedding night for himself.

Because when the two of them had their first confrontation, he had told him to have a perfect wedding night.

She did not expect him to remember it and even do it for her.

She did not know what this fool was doing in the factory?

Song Yi was busy with a few important things. He remembered that Lin Lei had previously instructed him to give Hong Yu a fake identity.

He picked up the phone on the table and called Liu Jun..

After the call was connected, he said, "hello, please help me find Liu Jun from your bureau. "

After waiting for a few minutes, Liu Jun's voice came from the other end of the phone, "who is it? "

"It's me, Song Yi! Liu Jun, how's your case going? "

"Oh! It's you, kid! You're too direct with your question. Can't you care about me a little? Ask me about the case directly. "

Song Yi Chuckled, "You! You haven't changed at all. You still like to joke around. Hurry up and tell me what's going on. "

"You haven't changed at all either. YOU STILL CAN'T AFFORD TO JOKE AROUND! Which one do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news? "

Song Yi urged, "who cares which one you are? Hurry up and tell me! "

Liu Jun sighed. "Song Yi, you need to change your impatience! " The good news was that according to the information they provided, they had all been rescued. The bad news was that a portion of them had gone home. A large portion of them had not gone home. Those who had not gone home had unilaterally severed ties with their families and completely disregarded their lives."

After hearing this, Song Yi directly asked, "tell me exactly how many people didn't go home? Where are they arranged? "

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