My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 739 - inding Out the Truth, They’re Enemies, Not Allies! Part 2

Chapter 739: Finding Out the Truth, They’re Enemies, Not Allies! Part 2

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the wasteland, the number one priority would surely be combat strength.

These weapons were humans’ biggest reliance as the source of combat strength.

As the territory lord of Origin Territory with more than 30,000 people, it was impossible for him to have no concern for weapons, no matter how stupid.

The discovery left the people present will chill all over their bodies.

In the event that there were foreign races attacking Origin Territory, the soldiers would be left desperate and helpless when they find out that their weapons in the Military Supplies Storage were gone and replaced with stones.

“Is it possible that the boxes were swapped by someone internally?”

Su Mo proposed a possibility and looked at Feng Long, who only shook his head and remained silent.

Su Mo’s mind began to attempt to connect the puzzle based on this loose information.

First, Origin Territory’s lord, who he had met not too long ago, was not from the mysterious group of people that came out of the ruins.

Although he looked extremely overpowering and strong, Su Mo could sense that he was putting on an “act.”

A real lord and a facade were two different things.

The former would not show any abnormality even if just walking on the roads. He would radiate an aura different from an ordinary person, and those around him would sense his extraordinary confidence.

The latter would not be able to trick the eyes of a discerning person even if he wore a mighty and strong appearance when he showed himself.


He would not compare to a lord like Feng Mengyue, who fled with her 3,000 residents for thousands of miles, or a lord like Lu Yongyi, who fought off 10,000 people in a battle on the sea without showing any fear.

Even compared with the wretched Liu brothers, he could only be considered on par with them.

This territory lord was likely a spokesman for the mysterious people from the ruins.

Apart from enjoying certain benefits of being the territory lord, he was basically an empty shell without any authority.

Second, after the new territory lord came and rose to power, the so-called currency was issued in less than a week to replace their traditional bartering system.

The travelers and caravans were an exception and were allowed to choose to use either their currency or materials for transactions.

However, the locals residing in the territory were not allowed to choose and were forced to follow the new rules.

The coercive measure did nothing but harm. Apart from the large number of materials collected by the officials in a short period, Su Mo simply could not think of another reason for them to do so.

Thirdly, all the weapons and equipment in the Military Supplies Storage were mysteriously replaced by stones.

Compared to the first two points, this was the deadliest.

The guards were merely equipped with cold weapons, and only a small number of them had guns.

Once an external battle occurred, Origin Territtory’s defense system would collapse instantly, and they would become easy targets if the enemies survived the territory’s first shooting offense.

It would not necessarily have to be an outside attack from enemies. A riot that broke out in the territory would be enough to cause chaos.

The seemingly structured order of the territory would be shattered instantly in the absence of weapons.

As for the seemingly valuable Origin coins that everyone had…


Su Mo stood up abruptly with horror on his face after realizing a critical point.

“What’s wrong?” Feng Tianmin sensed something was terribly wrong after seeing Su Mo’s reaction.

“Did you guys find a place they used as a supplies storage when exploring the territory yesterday?”

“Storage?” Guan Yuan who had remained silent for a while tilted her head and thought for a while. Then, she opened up a picture on the tablet.

“During the curfew last night, I saw many people using this kind of hand-pulled cart to transport supplies out of the territory. However, I don’t know where they were headed. This is a picture I took!”

Inside the picture, there was a team of more than 30 ordinary-looking people.

According to the specifications of the cart, 30 carts full of materials were enough to supply 2,000 people with one day of food.

Besides them, there were also six guards who had covered their faces with black scarves.

It was hard to identify their equipment because the picture was taken from a distance in the dark.

However, just by looking at their appearances, it was obvious they were stronger than normal guards at the door.

“Are you sure these supplies were moved outside the territory?”

Guan Yuan frowned. “When I saw it last night, I thought they were just delivering goods and did not pay too much attention. However, I spotted someone getting rid of the carts when I explored other places.

“I followed the traces they left behind and arrived at a small door at the west entrance. It’s unlikely for them to have headed anywhere else.”

The exchanged materials collected in Origin Territory’s square every day were transported to some other place during the night curfew.

It would seem normal if there were no other abnormalities.

With the current situation, an outrageous conjecture could not help but arise in Su Mo’s mind.

“Don’t do anything tonight, and don’t worry about the people spying on us.

“Just keep an eye on their movements. Also, Tianmin, arrange for two people to…”

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Su Mo no longer hid the discoveries during the day and began to share the information he gathered about the territory while he was out.

He shared every detail about the Origin coins, the exchange center, the Main Peak Restaurant, the new territory lord, and the four markets…

After Su Mo finished sharing, they began to connect the dots about the discoveries they made during the night, and the trio’s expression no longer could remain calm.

Horror was the only thing left on their faces.

“Shelter leader, this can’t be true. The territory does not have thirty, three hundred, or three thousand people. There are thirty thousand people in this place!

“How could a human do this? Is he not afraid of being punished by the heavens by doing so?”

After they connected the clues, the miserable situation for everyone in the territory was that they were left without any supplies except a few iron coins.

Feng Long’s jaw was wide open in disbelief.

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