My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1198 - Ddu-Du Ddu-Du

Chapter 1198: Ddu-Du Ddu-Du

Facing Pei Jiaxiang, who vainly thought himself of being handsome and refined—the ultimate bluff who thought that he was better than Leng Qirui—Selina became a bolt of lightning and struck Pei Jiaxiang mercilessly.

Before that, she smiled and uttered one word when both Pei Jiaxiang and Leng Jinjie smiled at her.


Pei Jiaxiang, “…”

Leng Jinjie, “…”

Leng Qirui could no longer sit still in his wheelchair.

He was not dead yet, but this man was already coveting his fiancée.

Young Master Leng lost his temper too and raised a leg to kick Pei Jiaxiang.

“Didn’t you hear her? She said scram!”

Although Leng Qirui’s kick sent Pei Jiaxiang to the ground, Leng Qirui himself turned pale from the shock of pain.

When Selina saw that Leng Qirui was in pain, she quickly rolled up the right side of his pants to check on his wounds.

Even though there was no cast on his right leg, there were many cuts on his right leg. There was a cut on his calf where a sharp knife pierced through the fleshy part.

“Why do you use so much strength when your wound hasn’t even fully healed yet? I told you if someone pisses you off, just tell me and I’ll help you beat them up!”

Looking at Leng Qirui’s furious gaze, Selina smiled like a seductive vixen. “Young Brother Leng, are you afraid that I’ll be seduced by another man?”

Looking at Selina’s attentive and seductive gaze, Leng Qirui blushed in spite of himself.

Seeing the redness that blossomed on Young Brother Leng’s face and ears, Selina’s smile became even more enticing.

When Grandpa Leng and Grandma Leng watched this scene unfold, their mouths formed an ‘O’ shape at the same time.

They were convinced that their grandson would be a domineering CEO in front of girls since he had always been so arrogant.

However, when they saw the way their grandson interacted with a girl, they turned away because they found it hard to watch.

She was already his fiancée, so why did he sound like an innocent woman being flirted at?

The indecent look in Selina’s eyes dissipated all of Leng Qirui’s anger before getting replaced by the bashfulness from getting teased by his girlfriend.

Selina loved to see Leng Qirui at the peak of his fury before looking terrified the next second because of her. Every time she saw him like this, she wanted to throw herself at him and pin him down under her.

However, Selina had no choice but to suppress the itching craving for the scrumptious piece of meat that was yet to be hers. She said protectively, “Are you unhappy with him? I’ll beat him up for you!”

Before anyone could react, Selina had already put a leg over Pei Jiaxiang, mounted him, and punched him in the face.

Pei Jiaxiang was about to stand up when Selina slammed him down. He immediately felt a sharp pain on his face.

“Did I tell you to flirt with me! You think you’re handsome, don’t you?” Thud—


“I’m telling you, the next time you see me, you better stay far, far away from me. If you try to flirt with me again or take another look at me, if you make my Young Brother Leng unhappy, I’ll poke your eyes out!” Thud—

Three punches were all it took to shut Pei Jiaxiang up.

“Ah— Jiaxiang!”

When Leng Jinjie rushed over, Selina had already gotten to her feet. Leng Jinjie shook Pei Jiaxiang, but he had already fainted. His nose was bleeding, and his face was swollen.

“How can you be so vicious? How is our Jiaxiang any worse than Leng Qirui? He only came to greet you. If you didn’t want to greet him, you could’ve just ignored him. Why did you hit him? Why must you beat him up like this?”

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