My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1248 - Sweet Second Uncle

Chapter 1248: Sweet Second Uncle

Chi Zeyao could not bear to watch at the sidelines without doing anything any longer. He asked someone to bring some medicine to Lil Sun and then, he spoke to Lil Sun gently.

Lil Sun glanced at Chi Zeyao and extended his hand. He gave Chi Zeyao a polite bow and replied, “Thank you, Second Granduncle!”

After Chi Ziyao applied medicine to Lil Sun’s wound, Lil Sun was ready to leave.

He really liked Da Bai, but Da Bai did not like to play with him.

Just as he was about to leave dejectedly, Lil Ling’er, who built enough rapport with Da Bai, suddenly said, “Da Bai, his name is Lil Sun. He’s my younger brother. He likes you very much and wants to play with you too. If you can’t play with him, I can’t play with you either.”

Lil Sun stopped in his tracks and looked at Da Bai with wide begging eyes. He did not even care that Lil Ling’er had called him her younger brother.

Da Bai hesitated for a long while before finally trotting to Lil Sun’s side. He then nudged Lil Sun’s hand with his head.

A brilliant smile immediately blossomed on Lil Sun’s previously dejected face. He even revealed the two holes where his front teeth were supposed to be even though he had been trying so hard to hide them all this while.

Under Nuannuan and Feng Shengxuan’s surprised gazes, Lil Sun caressed Da Bai’s head. Then, the extremely courageous Lil Ling’er actually wrapped her arms around Da Bai’s neck, waggling her short and chubby legs up and down. After leaving a few footprints on Da Bai’s body, she finally climbed onto Da Bai.

“Lil Sun, come up!”

Lil Ling’er smiled brightly, so did Lil Sun.

After pulling Lil Sun onto Da Bai’s back, Lil Ling’er let loose a joyful cry…

“Giddy up!”

The adults, “…”

Lil Sun, “…”

Da Bai, “…” What the hell was ‘giddy up’?

Even though Da Bai thought this was ridiculous, it absolutely adored Lil Ling’er. From the moment it lay eyes on Lil Ling’er, it thought that it was looking at another little princess.

There were too many ignorant humans around its Little Princess Nuannuan, so it could only stand at the side. Now that it finally met another cute little princess, it was still very happy even if the little princess treated it like a horse.

Da Bai carried the two children on its back and ran toward the mountains outside the villa district. The two little buns were laughing and making so much noise on Da Bai’s back. It was rare that even Lil Sun, who was usually as calm as an adult, looked so excited.

Seeing that everyone was present, Nuannuan started the introduction with a smile, “Let me introduce everyone, this is my Big Bro, Feng Shengxuan.”

She then introduced Old Master Nangong to Feng Shengxuan, “This is my grandpa.”

Old Master Nangong chuckled and said, “Kid, we meet again. Are you still planning to extort something from me this time?”

Nuannuan’s mouth twitched and she looked at Feng Shengxuan. “What did you extort from my grandpa? Why didn’t I know about this?”

“I met this boy while stone-gambling in Camino once. Originally, I had my eyes on a piece of raw stone. He used all sorts of tricks to make me buy another one, but he bought the one that I had my eyes on. Eventually, the raw stone that he bought turned out to be a piece of purple orchid, but mine was nothing but a piece of useless stone.” When he thought about that, Old Master Nangong would still seethe over it. If he had brought Ling’er with him, this would not have happened.

Feng Shengxuan did not feel embarrassed at all. He revealed a charming smile and said, “Hello, Grandpa. I didn’t know you were Nuannuan’s grandfather in the past. Now that I do, I’ll give even the highest-grade emerald jade to you if you like them. Knowing that I’m coming to see you today, I specially prepared a gift for you.”

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