My Sweet Physician Wife Calls The Shots

Chapter 1256 - Meeting One's Match

Chapter 1256: Meeting One’s Match

Hence, Aiden, Dan Qi, and the other top-notch mercenaries were well-versed in all kinds of approaches. The reason why they were able to stand out in KE was that they were unconventional and often took people by surprise.

However, all the surprise attacks were useless against Feng Shengxuan.

The reason he named himself King was not because he really cared about the title. It was because he and Nuannuan both had supernatural powers.

His supernatural ability was known as the Heavenly Emperor’s Eyes. Activating his supernatural ability would not only make his strength many times stronger, but it would also allow him to move some objects with his mind from time to time. It would also allow him to see what the person he was looking at would do in the next second.

Therefore, if he wished so Feng Shengxuna could injure Dan Qi severely in one move.

It was not because Dan Qi was weak, but because Feng Shengxuan’s eyes could see what Dan Qi would do next.

This supernatural ability that allowed him to see a person’s next move and thus, control their life and death, he named it the Heavenly Emperor’s Eyes.

Meanwhile, he was also interested in Nuannuan because the only thing he could not see through with his Heavenly Emperor’s Eyes was Nuannuan. Initially, he could still see Nuannuan’s next move, but as her power increased that propelled her speed to increase, he could only vaguely see her next move. However, he could not come up with a way to break her moves after knowing what she was going to do. He could only fight based on instinct.

However, Chi Yang…

He was not fast. Feng Shengxuan could clearly see Chi Yang’s next move and analyze it. Then, he could instantly come up with the best way to deal with this opponent, but…

Initially, Feng Shengxuan could feel like he had the upper hand, seeing through Chi Yang’s next move and restraining him. Later, he saw that Chi Yang’s next move was to attack his head. As he got ready to protect his head and try to launch an attack at his lower body in the next opening, Chi Yang seemed to be able to see through him. Chi Yang dodged Feng Shengxuan’s swipe and attacked his waist.

He saw Chi Yang attacking his waist. Just as he was about to dodge the waist attack and attack Chi Yang’s face, Chi Yang, who was aiming for Feng Shengxuan’s waist, fell backward and kicked his crotch horizontally, attempting to attack his man’s important parts…

Therefore, the two of them fought faster and faster, but they were getting closer and closer to a deadlock. There were even a few times when Chi Yang almost hit him with his fists.

They had already exchanged blows earlier, and the weight of that punch was definitely not something his body could withstand.

The more Feng Shengxuan fought, the more shocked he became. After a quarter of an hour, after more than 100 moves, his stomach began to ache. He knew that if this continued, he would definitely lose.

However, how could Feng Shengxuan stand losing?

‘Losing’ was a word that did not belong to Feng Shengxuan’s dictionary.

If he lost one day, it would be the day he died because he would not allow himself to be a loser.

That was why Feng Shengxuan rarely used the final function of the Heavenly Emperor’s Eyes, which was also one of the more mentally taxing functions. When he saw that he was about to fall into a disadvantageous position, invisible to others, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in Feng Shengxuan’s dark eyes.

Chi Yang suddenly felt as if the air around him had been sucked out of him. His body instantly became lighter. If not for his solid foundation, he would have fallen to the ground when his fist landed on Feng Shengxuan’s chest.

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