My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Chapter 1075: Chaos.

Chapter 1075: Chaos.

Atop a snowy mountain of Victor's personal planet, the Emperor sat gazing at the landscape of his planet.

"Is it possible to kill a primordial?"

A representation of Azathoth appeared behind him and lovingly embraced him.

"... You cannot." Azathoth said, "Unlike other beings, primordials are fundamental pieces of the universe. They represent an aspect of creation that allows everything to function. Killing a primordial is the same as trying to eradicate an entire aspect of the universe."

"...." A response Victor already knew. No matter how much he searched in his memories, he would get the same answer.

He did not even dare to ask this question in the system or using the Akashic Records. After all, despite the 'irregularity' that occurred before, the Akashic Records could still be accessed by the primordials as well.

Not caring about her husband's silence, she continued:

"The very concept of 'killing' a primordial is wrong in itself, you cannot kill an Aspect of the universe, the same applies to 'Death' itself... Let's say you succeed in killing the primordials. The amount of trouble this will cause is incalculable. If you kill 'Soul', souls will no longer exist. If you kill 'Life', life will cease to exist. If you kill 'Balance', balance will no longer exist... Eventually, there will just be nothing."

"... you speak as if you care, my wife."

"I do not." Azathoth stopped embracing Victor and leaned her back against his, looking up at the sky.

"But I care about my family. Killing a primordial means killing our family since we will no longer have places to be."

"I see." Victor closed his eyes.

Azathoth glanced at Victor, her eyes seeing beyond his physical body, and she saw his soul bubbling with anger.

"Why are you so angry? It's incomprehensible to me, considering nothing has happened, he just 'threatened' us lightly."

"... If you asked that question, you must really not know me."

"Oh, I know you, Darling. But your reaction was too extreme, and nothing happened, right? So, is there a need to seek conflict now?"

Azathoth couldn't believe she was being the voice of reason here... Although that was not her goal, she was just curious.

"Nothing happened... But it could have happened, and just the possibility of that existing irritates me." For a moment, the wind in the area exploded in various directions, throwing snow all over the place.

It wasn't just that. Just the feeling of having someone who could at any moment erase him and his family made his insides twist with every negative emotion.

"... Overprotective and paranoid, huh... Well, against beings like the primordials, preparations will never be enough."

"The primordial of life has become our ally. You created an entire dimension of beings loyal to you and cleverly linked it to the system to have a way to 'spy on them'."

"Overall, it was a good outcome."

"For now, that is. The moment you step out of your prison, even Jeanne's brother will not protect us... Not to mention-."

"Relying on someone else's protection makes you sick."


Maybe, when Victor was a vampire who had just entered the supernatural world, he would not have cared about these little things, but it was different now.

He was no longer a mere vampire... He was an Emperor... A God Emperor. It's his responsibility to ensure this protection against such beings, not the other way around.

Nothing happened, and the situation was resolved in the best possible way... But something could have happened, and this 'what if' is the important part of it all.

They cannot always rely on luck, not against these beings. A concrete outcome is necessary.

"... There is another method."


Azathoth sighed. "Unlike others, you are not just a normal god. You are of my race, an Outsider, a being that is essentially not bound by the rules of this cosmos. If it were just that, this method would not be possible, but you are even more special than me."

"Even being an Eldritch God, you are still part of the rules of this cosmos. You were born here, and this simple peculiarity allows you to... Take over."

"Take over...?" Victor raised his eyebrow, thought for a moment, and exclaimed. "Oh." He immediately understood what she was talking about.

"... Is that really possible?"

"Not for other Chaos, but for you... Probably."

A being of Chaos cannot take the place of another being since the established rules are eternal, and they can only consume the cosmos to grow their own cosmos. After all, the larger the cosmos of a Primordial Chaos, the stronger they are. But Victor is a Chaos who was born in this cosmos, so while others cannot do this, he can.

"Probably?" Victor questioned.

"Nothing is certain in this world. This is just a theory of mine... A theory that has a 90% chance of working due to being what we are." Azathoth sighed. "Remember, we are essentially different from others. We do not create anything 'normal'."

"Everything we touch is distorted by our inherent characteristics, we are Eldritch Chaos."

"And Eldritch Chaos cannot have Order unless you do something like the Primordial Chaos of this cosmos did and split its characteristics in half... But even then, such an action would not be 100% safe for others. After all, unlike normal Chaos, our essence is corrupt. But if you 'take over' everything, it will not exactly be 'your' creation since you are just taking on the burden that already exists."

"Coincidentally... The throne of this cosmos is empty." Azathoth laughed.

Victor was silent as he enjoyed the wind of the planet while he was thinking. It did not take long for him to gesture with his hand and open a list of the system. A list that shows the level of authority of a being.


0 - <????>

1 - <Negativity>, <Positivity>

2 - <Infinity>

3 - <Death>

4 - <Life>

5 - <Soul>

6 - <Balance>

7 - <Light>

8 - <Darkness>

9 - <Emperor>

10 - <Law>


His eyes shone slightly.

"The throne is empty? Are you sure? I thought these questions were my low level of authority."

"Yeah, the proof of that is myself, if he were present, I probably wouldn't even be able to grow comfortably, and the primordials wouldn't even need to seal me. I would just be expelled from this cosmos. I am powerful, that's true. But I was still a child who needed nourishment. I wouldn't stand a chance against the Chaos of this cosmos."

"I see..." Victor closed his eyes, closing the system window, and when he opened his eyes, he asked. "Is it possible to just kill the consciousness of these beings?"

Azathoth stopped floating around as if frozen in time, and after a brief thought, she spoke: "... It is possible."

"Actually, that would be easier than actually killing them... Killing their ego and leaving the aspect of the universe functioning, huh..."

"What do we need to make that happen?"

"Me." She smiled. "I can do it."

"Take over and erase them, huh." Plans began to form in Victor's head.

"Killing a primordial is not possible, but killing their consciousness is possible... And when you take the throne of this cosmos, you can ensure that they never gain consciousness again, or you could remake their consciousness as one of your daughters. Effectively replacing them and eliminating the problem."

After a moment of thought, he spoke: "... A mission with a great deal of risk."

"Everything we do is fraught with risk, we need to be extra cautious with it." She spoke.

"Secrecy is necessary... Unfortunately, I cannot trust my wives with this plan." The problem was not trust but rather that this information could leak even with the protection of their wives.

They could not risk it. They were dealing with the beings that administer existence, beings of infinite power, and just one mistake would be the end.

Azathoth and Victor would not have that happen because their souls are inviolable due to their nature as foreign Chaos.

"The less they know, the better. They must not know of our hostility, and we must take them by surprise."

"We need to ensure the safety of our family as well."

Azathoth smiled slightly. "Of course... The best way to protect them is to make them beings that ignore the rules of existence, and we must bind them to you."

"Fortunately, you have already started doing so… Our daughters have your outer god essence, and my sisters have already been bathed in your essence and are already walking the same path as our daughters. Eventually, they will be completely unbound from this cosmos, and we will no longer be bound by their invisible rules."

"... As a last resort, we can evacuate everyone out of this cosmos... But that last option will only be possible if I grow even more to survive in the void between the cosmos."

Victor nodded as the anger he was feeling was slightly alleviated. It was still there, but seeing a 'path' to the future, that anger was lessened, and now he could focus on his work.

"What is the void between the cosmoses?"

"Instead of explaining it in words, she made a representation, creating a sphere in her hand. "This is where we are. This sphere represents this entire universe, its rules, existence, everything."

She creates another sphere and places it a little apart from the first sphere. "Just like the first sphere, this place represents another realm similar to it, another universe, with different rules, different primordials, a different 'chaos' that leads everything."

"The void between the cosmoses is the distance traveled between the two cosmoses. Only the highest level Primordial Chaos can survive it. Of course, as an Eldritch Chaos, I can survive more easily, but this place is also dangerous because other Chaos can attack you to steal your cosmos and feed on them."

'Although they will never try to do that to me when I am fully grown.' She laughed internally.

Victor's eyes twitched. Didn't he just discover some unbelievable information? He placed his hand on his brow and restrained himself from asking why she didn't mention it before. After all, he knew the answer would be, 'You didn't ask'. Azathoth has no sense of urgency or danger. It must be the effect of being someone so powerful.

"I will ask you a question... Just one question... is it possible for beings from other cosmos to invade our cosmos?" He knew it was a stupid question, considering that with just one conversation, he could easily deduce the answer to that question. But he needed to ask since it was better to be sure.

"Yes? Originally, I was from another cosmos, and I came here to grow and feed on this cosmos."

"... Fuck."

"We can do that, but unfortunately, it won't be with my main body, which is a shame..."

Victor didn't listen to Azathoth's next words. He was more concerned with gathering all the information, the words of the other Victor, the words of the future Violet.

He was starting to understand what was happening now. Answers were given, but other questions opened up. Answers he didn't know yet.

"In the end, I have to keep walking..." There was no point in thinking about it now because he had no answers to these questions. He knew instinctively that he would find out as his journey progressed.

'That's why you shouldn't mess with the damn aspect of time, things get complicated very quickly, the movies were right.' Victor groaned internally.


"... Yes?"

"What should we do now?"

Victor's smile grew. "That's obvious… We grow up and devour everything in our path."

"I like the sound of those words." Azathoth grew a smile similar to Victor's.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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