My Werewolf System

Chapter 579 Use Your Weapon!

Chapter 579 Use Your Weapon!

The dojo was dead silent, which was only making Innu more nervous as he stood in the centre holding onto the two red axes. What didn't help were the two people standing to his side that were intensely staring at him.

"Just try to breathe, relax, and ignore that we are here." Ashen commented.

'I was doing that, until you started talking to me.' Innu annoyingly thought, but he needed to show what he had.

Closing his eyes, it allowed him to focus more. He was trying to go into a deep state.

'I'm not too sure what that hunter meant when he said 'do I know how to use the axes properly', but I can guess. There were those times…'

Innu started to think back to when he was fighting against the gang members, a power from the axes would be drawn out, and would enter in his body. Giving him more strength, allowing him to move faster and more, but there was also another instance.

When he was fighting Midwak, there was an instance where it felt like, rather than the weapons giving him energy, his energy was being drawn into the weapon. In the end, it had worked out as it allowed him to hurt Midwak, but after that, Innu himself was unable to move.

'Which way is the right way to use the weapon? Is that what he's asking?' Innu was conflicted but in the end, when fighting Midwak, what he had done was out of desperation and wasn't something he could turn on and off.

Whereas the other method, Innu had gotten the hang of. Energy started to fill his body from the weapons, and opening his eyes, Innu swung the axe through the air. He swung one after the other, cutting through the air cleanly.

Since it was a demonstration though, Innu didn't just use the axes. He also used his legs, as he went for a quick demonstration, ducking down, rolling on the floor, and swinging the weapon faster.

From a rolling position, he used his strong legs to push himself off the ground and knee the air, while swinging both axes at the same time.

While Innu was showing off his skills, Blake took a look at Ashen by his side, to see what his reaction would be, and there was an incredibly large smile on his face.

"I wonder… who is the opponent is in his head, for him to try fighting that hard against." Ashen said to himself. "Because he's fighting quite hard."

Blake took a second look at Innu after hearing those words, and that's when he realised something. Although Innu was showing impressive skills, and was fighting with great strength, he wasn't slowing down.

It was as if he was in a panic while fighting, and soon he would be worn out. A few seconds later, Innu had dropped down to the ground, as he started to take quick deep breaths.

"And… I'm dead." Innu said, as if he was disappointed, and the phantom image he had created in his head of Midwak, started to disappear.

During his little demonstration, Innu thought it would be best if he used his skills on an imaginary opponent. Because he wanted to bring out the best of his skills, he wanted the strongest opponent in his head, which was Midwak.

Now in hindsight, only lasting about a minute or so against the phantom before tiring, he was regretting it slightly, that was until he could hear claps coming from the side. Turning his head, he could see that it was coming from Ashen with a big smile on his face.

"You are an impressive person." Ashen said. "In a place like this, in a town like this, I never thought I would meet someone like you. When I saw the weapons I thought they might have been wasted on you, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

"Blake, you certainly have an eye for talent. How do you know someone like him?"

Blake froze for a second before answering, but Innu answered instead.

"At an underground fighting tournament." Innu commented. "I didn't go to school, and to make money I fought in different underground fighting venues, but was I really that impressive? I felt like… I couldn't use them properly."

Ashen walked over to Innu and held out his hand, asking for the axes, to which Innu gladly handed them over.

"The fact that you know that, means that you are thinking in the right direction." Ashen explained. "When I asked you if you knew how to use the weapons, I was talking about the special properties of the weapons.

"You see, with certain Anti Altered weapons like this one, energy can be drawn out of them to improve one's strength. You are quite clearly capable of doing that, but let me ask you, have you ever experienced energy leaving your body going into the weapon?"

Innu's eyes lit up as he heard this, he knew going to the Altered Hunters was the right thing to do, and he nodded immediately.

"Well you see, that's because you were putting your own internal energy into the weapon." Holding onto the axe, it started to vibrate slightly, and something similar to heat could be felt coming off from it.

Lifting his arm up, Ashen swung the axe down. The sound was so sharp, and the area that had been cut, it looked like there was an actual cut in the air lingering there for a second or so before it disappeared.

"This energy that we have inside us, is known as Qi. If you want to use the weapons to their full potential then you will need to learn how to use this energy. Then, the weapons will power you with their energy, and you will power the weapon with your own, but you always have to be careful.

"Qi, is an energy like none other. You give too much of it, you will be out of the fight, and in some cases if you push it too much you will go into your own life energy. So keep that in mind when you're using weapons like this."

Blake was listening intently to Ashen's words because it was the first time he had heard of such an energy himself. HIs father never taught him something like this, and as far as he knew, this wasn't something that the Altered Hunters shared or taught each other.

"I've never heard of this before." Blake mumbled.

"It's not something that's shared really." Ashen smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Honestly, some Altered Hunters will be using it without even knowing. There aren't many that will know about it like I do.

"It's only due to my position outside of being an Altered Hunter that I came to learn this, but that's too much for you guys to know about."

Blake knew what Ashen meant by position outside, he was talking about his regular day to day role, his fake appearance. Just as Blake was a high school student, or the fact that Innu would still be part of the Howlers, while being an Altered Hunter.

It made Blake think about what type of role Ashen had to be able to learn about this power in such detail.

"Think of this as a reward for both of you. For bringing and showing me such a talented person. Knowing about it, will allow you to search for it a bit more. Anyway, it's safe to say that you have passed. Congratulations on becoming an Altered Hunter."

After learning all of that information. Innu had nearly forgotten what this whole assessment was about, but it was clear that he had taken the first step onto his path of getting stronger.

"If you ever see me around the Altered Hunter association, feel free to show me how much you have improved. I will be looking forward to it." Ashen said as he stretched his arms and let out a big yawn.

Blake bowed down.

"Thank you for taking your time coming here, and thank you again for passing on your knowledge."

"No problem, I will inform the association, and then whenever you have time. Pop down to get your equipment and register." With that, Ashen was walking toward the exit of the Dojo.

It had been an eventful day and he still couldn't believe it. He had met two interesting people and he hadn't been in Slough for long. It certainly was an interesting place.

"Wait!" Innu called out.

Ashen stooped in his tracks.

"I… don't have time to wait, or figure this out on my own, and I'm not the brightest person, I just go based on my instincts, but that won't work this time. Which is why I want to ask you… can you be my teacher. Can you stay and teach me!"

Blake turned his head, as this wasn't part of the plan. The whole point of him getting Innu to join him was so another Altered Hunter wouldn't join, and they wanted Ashen to leave as soon as possible.

"Please… even if it's just for a day or two. I know you're very busy, but I promise, whatever you tell me to do, whatever it is you need… I have someone, I have someone I need to protect."

Ashen turned around, and the grin was still largely there on his face.

"It's just like I thought. You are really impressive, alright. Let's do this. In a couple of days, I can't show you how to use Qi, but I think there is something else you can learn."



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