My Werewolf System

Chapter 582 Marie’s Path

Chapter 582 Marie’s Path

Burnham food street always looked impressive, especially at night, but gone were the days where it would transform from a street of restaurants to a seedy red light district. Now it was full of classy bars and fine dining restaurants.

It was quite impressive how they had managed to transform the clientele and keep it just as busy as before. A lot of this was to do with investments and pushing from Kai, but the real person that was behind running such a successful place, was the one who had run the same red light district as before, and that was Olivia Pearl.

Marie looked up at the large Octopus above the restaurant, she could see various purple and pink lights from inside with people cheering and more.

'Remember why you're here.' Marie said to herself as she pushed the door open. Immediately, she was met with two large bouncers dressed in black suits that were standing by the door.

"Whoa there missy, aren't you a bit too young to be heading inside?" One of the men said, while the other laughed.

"I'm not here to party, I'm here to see Olivia Pearl." Marie asked.

"The owner?" One of them replied. "We weren't told that there would be any appointments today."

The whole situation was frustrating and Marie had run into something like this more than once. If she wasn't wearing her gang colours and mask, they treated her just like everyone else, but this was meant to be a secret meeting in the first place.

"Can you just tell her Marie is here to see her, I promise you'll understand." Marie complained and was getting frustrated, she had already had a bad day.

"A lot of people try that one, unless you can show some ID that says you're over 18, or book an appointment in advance, then I can't let you in." The man stated.

Out of frustration, Marie decided to walk away, or at least she made it look that way, as she bolted and attempted to run right past the two bouncers, but they quickly moved, blocking her way.

As she crashed into them, she fell on the floor landing on her backside once again. Looking up, it was only then she realised the sheer size of the two people.

'I'm not sure if even an electrified baton would take these two out.' Marie gulped.

"Look, if you don't leave this place, then we might seriously have to hurt you!" One of the men said as he pulled back his fist ready to hit Marie, but he soon felt someone grab it.

"What are you doing, were you really going to hurt a little girl?"

When the two bouncers turned around, they immediately noticed it was Olviva with her bright red lipstick on her lips and fur wrapped around her neck. They immediately bowed down.

"I hired you guys to follow the rules not to cause trouble, and you two remember her face. If she comes here again you are to let her in immediately." Olivia said, as she offered a hand to Marie.

Rather than taking the hand though, Marie got up herself. The action had brought a smile to her face. The two went inside and Marie followed until they had eventually reached the second floor. A lot had changed compared to last time she was there. There were a lot fewer rooms and more open

Eventually, the two had entered a small room that looked to be for entertaining guests, as there were only two sofas, a table, and on the back wall there was a number of different drinks.

'I don't feel the best coming here on my own… I almost forgot how scary Olivia is.'

There was no one in the room but them two, and the confidence that Olivia had, it was overwhelming for Marie in a way, making it hard for her to even speak.

"I was surprised when I heard your voice calling my name." Olivia said. "That's why I went to the door when you were having trouble. Since I didn't receive a call from him, I can only assume you have decided to come here and see me by yourself.

"It's rare that just us two girls hang out with each other, so tell me, why are you here?"

Pulling in her fingers, making a fist as she scrunched up the skirt she was wearing, Marie took a deep breath.

"I'm too weak the way I am now." Marie said. "The others… I really don't think they understand how I feel. If I brought it up to them, they would say it's okay, that there's no need for me to do anything, but I don't want that. I want to get stronger.

"And you… you're strong, in so many different ways!"

Olivia raised her hand there, as she very well understood how Marie was feeling.

"I'm not going to say what the others would say to you, that you are young, or you have time, or that there is no need.

"Which is why I want you to get to the point. What do you want from me, do you want me to train you? Teach you how to fight, because that won't work. Our bodies are naturally different to them, which is why I used weapons in the past, before I was changed."

This was it, this was the question Marie had been going through her head, what she had planned to do.

"You're right, everything you said is right. Which is why I have come here, because I want you to turn me. I want you to turn me into the same as you!"

It was clear as day what Marie meant. The group had learned that Olivia had been turned by Gary, and that Kai was as well. Which meant they too could be turned as well.

"I know what you're thinking, but if I went to Gary, or Kai, neither of them would ever agree to turn me. They would say there's too much risk! They just wouldn't ever listen to my side. How am I meant to just do nothing while they are taking all of the risks!" Marie argued even though Olivia hadn't said anything.

She was thinking about it. In the past, the Pack rules didn't allow her to hurt the other Howler members, but since they had all been changed recently to keep Midwak in check, that was no longer a problem, but there were other issues.

"There's a few problems I think we have here. First, I don't even know if I can turn you as I have never turned anyone before. We don't even know if that's something possible. On top of that, don't you think that me turning you would put me in their bad books?" Olivia replied.

"I'll explain to them, I'll tell them I forced you, that I gave you no choice, whatever the case I'll make sure you won't get in trouble… but please, you're the only one that I can go to. Even if we're not sure if it works or not… we have to try."

In Marie's head, it was simple, Olivia would bite her, on her arm or such, and in the worst case she would have a mark there for the rest of her life, but in a best case scenario she would become like the others and she could stay by their side once again.

"I've always quite liked you Marie, that is the only reason why I am willing to listen to your madness, and give it a shot."

A giant smile appeared on Marie's face but Olivia wasn't done there.

"But I need to ask you again, are you sure? There is no reversing this process. Your normal life will disappear, there will be a hunger inside you and a desire to kill, as well as dealing with the full moon. It is not something that everyone can handle."

Marie didn't hesitate as she nodded, she had already been thinking about it for a while.

"Very well." Olivia stood up from the sofa, and started to take off her clothes, undressing in front of the other. Since she wasn't wearing her gang uniform, transforming would break her clothes, and she quite liked what she had at the moment.

At first Marie covered her eyes out of embarrassment but she couldn't help but peek through her fingers, as she could see a beautiful perfect hourglass shaped figure. She was getting a little red in the face looking at her.

That was until she started to transform, fur growing from her body, her limbs elongating, and the sharp large teeth.

Although Marie had seen this transformation a few times, she never could get used to it, as her heart would always start to thump.

However, rather than looking away, she reached out her arm, and the large teeth sunk into her skin.



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