My Werewolf System

Chapter 798 A Country Wide Bounty

Chapter 798 A Country Wide Bounty

In the city of Slough, in Cipen, the area was filled with fancy hotels for the guests who would come and go from Slough. Since it was a newly developed city and was getting its name out there, more and more visitors were coming to the town of Slough.

With the recent news of what was going on, though, it came as no surprise that many businesses and events that were to happen at the hotel had been canceled.

At one of these hotels, in particular, standing outside, on guard, were several men in black and gold clothing. Just outside, parked in front, where cars weren't meant to be parked, were several large black vehicles.

The hotel had special meeting rooms, as they would for business events, and in one meeting room, Kai had brought all of the others along with him. The door was shut to those on the outside as he took his mask off and slammed it on the table, revealing his face to everyone else in the room.

"This situation is getting out of hand," Kai said as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair.

Mai and Olivia were in the room as well. They still kept their masks on, unlike Kai, who had broken this rule. It was a rule set by Kai, so they wondered why he broke this rule himself. Because there were those in the room who didn't know about them.

Xin, Crowley, Amy, and White had been brought from where they were to here.

His actions probably went to show the desperate situation they were in, because what did it matter if he hid his identity if they were all going to end up dead.

"I'm sorry that the two of you got attacked," Kai finally said as he lifted his head. "I didn't know that they would go after you, and all of our focus has been on Gary since he left.

"Because of your involvement, I want to be honest with all of you in this room," Kai stated. "And for us to help our people and this town, I'm going to need some of your help.

"The truth is, the loss of Gary is a big deal for our organization and group, not just because he is strong, but he was our leader as well."

Some around the room tried to act surprised, but Xin had already known this since she had been told directly. Amy always had an inkling, but the most surprised by far was Crowley.

"He's what?" Crowley said. "That AFA student is the leader of the entire gang? You're talking about the whole Howlers group that owns AJ Entertainment, as well as Notsburg!"

Kai nodded as he said this.

For a long time, Crowley felt like he was in debt to the leader of the group because it allowed him to have a nice job that paid well, and he even had a place to live. When he thought he might have lost his purpose, he had gained it back.

To think that it was someone he knew directly, now he wouldn't know how to act when he saw him.

"This is why I think the two of you have been targeted as well because you're close to Gary," Kai explained. "The way I see it, there are two things, either the Phoenix Gang knows that Gray is our real leader, or someone has a grudge against him. Either way, they are hurting us a lot more than they probably realize, which is making it hard for us to act. Which is why, Xin and Crowley, I know both of you aren't official members of the Howlers gang, but at this time while Gary is away, I want to ask, can we rely on your strength to help us?"

It didn't take long for the two to answer. Xin had already made an agreement with Gary, and as for Crowley, he was even more sure after learning this fact.

"Of course, I will do whatever I can to aid you and the people in this city. But why are the Phoenix Gang after you?" Crowley asked.

"That, I'm not too sure," Kai replied. "Maybe they saw us rising and they think we're an easy target, or it could involve something else to do with the past gang that was once here. I had learned that the Underdogs were working with them.”

"Either way, with them taking out Gary like this, I can feel it; I know that they will act soon and bigger than just going after Amy and Xin. For them right now, it's the perfect opportunity to strike."

"Yet, every time they have struck Slough, they have almost always done it indirectly," Marie commented. "I think they're almost trying to wear us down bit by bit. To elongate the fight and then deal with us when they think we're weak enough."

Kai had to agree, as he was thinking along the same lines as Marie, and it seemed to be working. His main issue was, what was the next move from them, though.

Olivia had immediately gone to look at her phone as several messages started to ping toward her. Kai turned his head, looking at her. He could feel his heart wanting to jump out of his throat.

"It's not good news," Olivia commented.

"I didn't think it would be; just give it to us straight," Kai answered.

"The war between the Howlers and the Phoenix Gang seems to have been made somewhat public," Olivia explained. "On the underground hit market, they have offered up a bounty. 10 grand for every Howler member that gets brought in.

"And 1 million for every leader with a mask. With this, it won't just be the Phoenix Gang we have to worry about, but every gang close to Slough."



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