My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 617 - Big Boss' Crushing Victory

Chapter 617: Big Boss’ Crushing Victory

At the traditional chinese medicine department’s side of the stands, nearly everyone retracted their gazes the moment Gu Mang took her place at the starting block.

“Let’s not watch the race. We all know how fast Gu Mang runs. She’s always ranked last.”

“Yeah. It’s no competition at all. If I knew Gu Mang would step up, I would’ve replaced Tang Xiaoxiao instead. At least then we wouldn’t come in last…”

“What’s the use of saying that now when Gu Mang is now on the track?”


“What the—!” Two girls were in the middle of an argument when a boy, next to them, suddenly shot up from his seat.

Tang Xiaoxiao, who was sitting in the front row, stared unblinkingly in shock at the track. A camouflage shadow zipped across her field of vision. “G-Gu Mang… Is that Gu Mang in the lead?!”

Gu Mang in the lead? What on Earth is Tang Xiaoxiao talking about? When the two girls heard that, they knitted their eyebrows together and turned to watch the race. Their eyes bulging in disbelief. “Holy cow!”

Even Li Mu could hardly believe his eyes. That’s the girl I was trying to help?!

Meanwhile, the referee stood to the side of the track staring dumbly at Gu Mang as he held the whistle in his hand. He had yet to even put down the hand holding the whistle, but the girl was already a dozen meters ahead of her competitors.

The rest of the participants had given up on Gu Mang and were intending to go to a corner to get some rest. However, just as they turned around halfway, they saw a blur zoom by. They looked back at once. Her unique aura and exquisite face were unmistakable. How is she… so fast?

Even Zheng Miao was stunned. Her jaw was slack as she stood rooted to the spot. The entire training ground went silent for several seconds before a huge commotion broke out. Gu Mang had widened the gap by dozens of meters by then.

“Did I see correctly? That was… Gu Mang?!”

“How could anyone not know that face?”

“But how is she running so fast? She’s running with weights on top of that!”

“What the hell? She’s running a four-kilometer heavy-load run at the speed of a fifty-meter sprint?”

At the law school’s side.

As Sang Xue looked in the track’s direction, she laughed and gently said, “Four kilometers is a long distance. How is she going to last the entire race if she uses all her energy at the start?”

“Who knows? She might get carried to the infirmary halfway through the run.” A girl chortled in mirth. “I guess she went to practice last night.”

Sang Xue merely smiled in response. Her classmate took a glance at Gu Mang, then at the leaderboard. Lifting her chin slightly, the girl said, “First place is ours for sure.”

Even though everyone was shocked by Gu Mang’s initial speed, they knew that she would run out of steam eventually. As such, they were all waiting to see her slow down and be overtaken by the others. By the four-minute-fifty-second mark, Gu Mang was already on her third lap while the other girls had just barely started their second lap. Their expressions changed upon seeing the one-kilometer gap. Everyone, including the school leaders, the students in the stands, and the participants who were taking a break to the side of the track, had their eyes fixed on Gu Mang.

Pursing her lips, Sang Xue took a look at the time. “She’s already on her third lap, but she isn’t slowing down?” The other girls have only just started their second lap!

The girl sitting next to her shook her head blankly. “N-No idea.”

Things were getting quieter at the training ground. A blanket of silence fell over everyone when Gu Mang was about to complete her fourth and final lap whereas the other girls were only reaching the end of their second lap.

At that moment, Gu Mang suddenly turned around, with her back facing the finishing line, to look at the girls behind her. Her head was cocked to the side, her exquisite features exposed in the blinding light. Slowly, she spread her arms wide open and lifted an eyebrow. A smirk spread across her face as she took a step backward. That action revealed wickedness, arrogance, and condescension.

Stupefied, her competitors unconsciously slowed down when they saw how she had crossed the finishing line with absolute arrogance. Her tracker recorded her time and the rankings on the leaderboard were instantly updated. Everyone stared at the top of the female leaderboard where it showed: [Gu Mang: 8min 37.96s]

The time recorded even accounted for her dramatic slow down near the finish line, and yet she had managed to crush the top male runner’s time, which was 16min 54.71s. She had also completed the four laps ten minutes faster than Sang Xue, who was now ranked second for the girls. It was a crushing victory.

After a moment of silence, a commotion broke out among the crowd and everyone was standing up in great agitation.

“Oh my gosh! Gu Mang came in first! She’s in first place! Did you guys see that?!”

“That’s some sick timing! She even beat the guys’ record!”

“Wasn’t she always last? How the hell did she get such a sick record?!”

Qin Fang, who was sitting in the instructor’s stands near the podium, sat up straight in surprise. It had never crossed his mind that one could cross the finishing line in such an arrogant fashion.

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