My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 632 - Playing a Very Familiar Piano Piece

Chapter 632: Playing a Very Familiar Piano Piece

After the meal, Gu Mang went to the third floor and pushed open the door to the dance studio, revealing its spacious interior. Three sides of its walls were covered with ceiling-to-floor mirrors while the fourth wall had gold-leafed vintage patterns decorating its white background. Many instruments, including western and folk instruments, could be found in the room.

When her eyes landed on the black grand piano, she lifted an eyebrow and walked over to place a hand on it. Her gaze became intense for a few seconds. Thereafter, she flipped open its fallboard, sat down on the bench with a leg across her knee, and placed her hands on the keys.

With a cup of floral tea in hand, Butler Lu headed to the third floor. When he heard a familiar piano melody coming from the dance studio, he stopped in his tracks and stood dumbly at the top of the stairwell.

Isn’t that Master Bi’s favorite piece? He’s only played it once at a royal concert hall and in the following interview, he claimed that it was an unpublished piece by a beloved student who ultimately rejected him. The maestro was able to remember and play the piece, despite having only heard it once at the student’s home. Many music lovers were amazed by his extraordinary talent.

The butler was lost in thought as he lowered his gaze. Photos and videos of performances at the royal concert hall aren’t allowed to be published online. I like that piano piece a lot, but I only managed to get an audio version of it even after using my connections. How come Miss Gu knows how to play this piece? Master Bi said that that student declined his request to become his student. Could that student be Miss Gu?

The possibility left him flabbergasted.

Meanwhile, Master Bi, who was in Country K to attend the annual royal concert, was invited by Joston to the presidential palace. Not many people knew that An An was a student of the maestro. Apart from the president’s trusted aides, the only other person who knew was Gu Yin.

Despite being the president of a country himself, Joston did not dare to tarry Master Bi. With the latter being a member of Jijing Island’s Bi family, Joston regarded him as an important and distinguished guest.

While everyone was waiting for the maestro’s arrival in the living room of the presidential palace, An An looked at the girl next to her and smilingly said, “Gu Yin, Master Bi will surely be delighted to see you. You have no idea how often he talks about you. He said that you’re the most talented person he’s ever seen and he finds it regretful that you rejected him.”

Gu Yin gave a modest smile in return. “My parents wanted me to focus on my studies.”

“Well, you’re good at studying, too,” replied An An in awe. “The medical organization is composed of people who hold MDs and Ph.Ds, but you’re the only one who was recruited straight out of high school. I heard from Professor Kang that you came in third on the last internal test.”

She lowered her gaze gently. “That’s because Professor Kang is willing to teach me.”

Joston could not help but feel the pinch as he recalled how Lu Chengzhou had helped his fiancée to wangle seven billion dollars from them. Even though Gu Yin was Gu Mang’s younger sister, the former was far more sensible than the latter. His youngest daughter’s temperament had improved a lot just by being at Gu Yin’s side. It was why he was glad to have her around when Master Bi came to visit this time. Even his wife and his eldest daughter like the girl a lot.

Right then, they heard a voice coming from outside. His secretary, Sen Te, was politely showing the maestro in. “This way, please, Master Bi.”

Everyone promptly rose to their feet and greeted the maestro. After returning the greeting, Master Bi turned to An An, but when he noticed the girl standing next to her, his eyes widened in surprise and he uttered in disbelief, “Gu Yin?”

Gu Yin politely bowed. “Hello, Master Bi.”

Never expecting to see the student he had wanted to take in here at the presidential palace, it took him quite a while to get over his astonishment.

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