My Wife Slaps People in the Face Online Daily

Chapter 688 - Strange Activities at Red Flame

Chapter 688: Strange Activities at Red Flame

On the other end, Yun Ling was looking at a computer screen, reading the information his subordinate had sent him. “Boss, there’s something strange going on at the capital lately.”

Because Gu Mang was based in the capital, Shadow League had always paid close attention to the situation there.

Gu Mang said nothing and merely waited for him to finish speaking.

“There are some strange activities at Red Scorpion,” he told her. “but we couldn’t find out what’s exactly going on.” Despite having received the news a week ago, their week-long investigation had produced no results. That was why he had sought Gu Mang for advice.

Gu Mang rolled her eyes when she heard the words ‘Red Scorpion,’ for everything they did was according to Lu Chengzhou’s orders.

Yun Ling scrolled to the bottom of the report. “Not only Red Scorpion. The same thing is going on at Red Flame as well. I don’t know what your fiancé is up to, but that’s all the information we could find.”

As long as no danger was involved, the couple didn’t ask about each other’s affairs. The fact that Yun Ling had specifically sought her out meant that Lu Chengzhou was up to something big. Gu Mang kept mum for a couple of seconds before saying, “Got it.”

“One more thing,” said Yun Ling. “Tell your Miracle Doctor friend to be careful. There are many people looking for him lately.”

To be fair, there had always been many people looking for the Miracle Doctor. Word had it that the Miracle Doctor was not only highly skilled, but also an excellent researcher as well. However, no one had managed to find him. Previously, Lu Chengzhou had offered Shadow League more than ten billion dollars to look for the Miracle Doctor, but Gu Mang never once divulged the Miracle Doctor’s whereabouts.

If he finds out that the Miracle Doctor is his fiancée’s friend… Yun Ling let out a gloating laugh at that. He looked forward to seeing Lu Chengzhou’s reaction when he finally found out the truth.

“Is Lu Chengzhou still looking for him?” asked Gu Mang.

“He never stopped looking for the Miracle Doctor. It was just that he was quite desperate to find him previously.” Yun Ling then asked, “I heard from Lin Shuang that you have great medical skills as well. Why didn’t he ask you for help?”

That was something that Gu Mang could not figure out either. She went quiet for a while as she gathered her thoughts. “You don’t have to care about this.”

“Okay,” replied Yun Ling. “I’ll transfer the money to your account in a bit.”

After hanging up the call, Gu Mang checked her messages and selectively replied to a few as usual while she slowly made her way to the medical informatics lab.

When Gu Mang arrived at the lab, her seniors, who were all already there, stared at her with varying expressions. Nonetheless, she politely greeted them. “Hello.”

“Hey there,” they responded, only to see Gu Mang placing her backpack carelessly on her seat and taking out her laptop before focusing on her programming. Their gazes lingered on their feisty junior for a while before they exchanged quiet, knowing looks with each other. They were all very impressed with the way she had turned in her exams early. The results were not out yet, but her actions had gained her everyone’s respect.

Meanwhile, Gu Mang, who had just typed out a series of programming instructions, took out a flash drive and made a backup copy of it. Thereafter, she got up, kicking the chair slightly away from her in the process and went to the lab next door to test the system out.

One of the male students looked in the direction she had left in and whispered, “What a character she is.”

“Of course she is. Seeing how she treated the exams so lightly. It was sheer luck that I managed to even complete the exam when I took the anatomy exam in the past. This girl… is really something…”

“That’s nothing. You should’ve seen how fast she completed her A-maths exam. According to the Student Union, she did it in just thirty minutes!”

“You’re wrong. She had already left the exam venue by then.”

The group of seniors were discussing this matter when Professor Tang entered the lab with a navy blue briefcase that had the words ‘Capital University’ embossed on it. The idle chattering ceased right away as they stood up and greeted him. “Professor.”

The professor bobbed his head, then looked at them and said, “There’s an operation at the university hospital in an hour. All of you shall follow me there.”

“Okay,” answered the students. They began packing their belongings.

Senior Feng took a look at the black backpack that Gu Mang had left at the side before saying to Professor Tang, “Professor, Gu Mang is in the lab next door. I’ll go get her.”

The professor froze in surprise before asking in a frigid tone, “She turned in her exams early again?”

Sensing that something was off, Senior Feng dared not answer him.

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