Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2029 Grand Scheme (6)

Chapter 2029 Grand Scheme (6)

Huang Yiming had to admit his shock at the aura of the Great Law of Life Yun Lintian exuded. It also deepened his understanding of why Yun Lintian appeared here.

At this moment, Yin Sikong glanced at the two Asura Gods behind him. They immediately disappeared, chasing after Yun Lintian.

Seeing this, Huang Yiming shouted, “Li Shan! Protect him!”

Li Shan’s aura erupted from his body, blasting away the Asura God in front of him. He then transformed into a streak of silver light, rushing towards Yun Lintian’s position.

The two Asura Gods materialized beside Yun Lintian in almost an instant. Their True God auras locked onto him, immobilizing him completely.

Yun Lintian’s expression changed dramatically. Even if he went all out, he wouldn’t be able to break free from the restraint of two True Gods.

Suddenly, a wave of oppressive darkness descended upon him. The hulking Asura God with obsidian scales and glowing red eyes among the two unleashed a devastating attack. A giant black claw, radiating pure destruction, tore through the air towards Yun Lintian.

Just as the claw was about to engulf him, a blinding silver light erupted from behind. Li Shan, his spear imbued with a dazzling brilliance, intercepted the attack head-on. The clash of energies sent shockwaves rippling outwards, momentarily pushing back the Asura God.

The impact sent tremors through Li Shan’s body, but he held firm. Though he didn’t understand the importance of protecting Yun Lintian, he was a man who never defied his master’s orders. With a mighty roar, he pushed back against the Asura Gods, creating an opening for Yun Lintian to escape.

Yun Lintian, momentarily shaken by the close call, looked back at Li Shan’s determined figure holding back the monstrous Asura Gods. A surge of gratitude welled up within him, fueling his resolve. He couldn’t let Li Shan fight alone.


Suddenly, the Yama King’s robe materialized on Yun Lintian’s body. The vibrant green aura that had surrounded him moments ago vanished, replaced by an oppressive cloak of darkness that seemed to drain the life from the surrounding air. In his hands, the Book of the Dead and Judge’s Pen appeared, radiating an otherworldly glow.

The battlefield fell silent. The clash of steel and the roar of Asura Gods faded into the background as all eyes converged on Yun Lintian.

“Yama King? How is this possible?” Yin Sikong, his composure shattered, narrowed his eyes at Yun Lintian. He couldn’t be more familiar with the Yama King, but he was certain Yun Lintian wasn’t the Yama King he knew.

Before anyone could unravel the mystery, Yun Lintian raised his head, the Judge’s Pen clutched tightly in his hand. His voice, devoid of its usual warmth, boomed across the battlefield, carrying the chilling weight of a supreme command.

“All souls under Heaven, heed my call!”

The remaining grotesque demons and the Asura Gods were brought to an immediate halt. Their eyes turned towards Yun Lintian as if responding to his command. π’π’Šπ’ƒπ’“π™šπ™–π™™.𝓬𝙀𝙒

“Return to the Netherworld,” Yun Lintian boomed again. All the demons instantly sank into the ground and vanished completely.

However, Yun Lintian noticed with a jolt that the Asura Gods remained unmoved. Their red eyes continued to fixate on Yun Lintian, treating him as prey.

“Roar!” A low growl rumbled from the colossal Asura God in the far distance. Its dark energy pulsed with a malevolent light.

A flicker of unease ran through Yun Lintian. The Judge’s Pen felt heavy in his hand, the borrowed power of the Yama King coursing through him like a chilling current. He hadn’t used it for the second time since acquiring it, unsure of the intricacies of wielding such power.

One thing was certain: it was useless against a True God.

The Grip of Death continued its descent, unstoppable.

At that moment, Yin Sikong’s aura abruptly exploded, engulfing the entire city in a deathly aura. He locked eyes with Yun Lintian. “You cannot escape.”

A chill ran down Yun Lintian’s spine. However, his concern lay solely with Nantian Yu’s safety. The Vermilion Bird flames he put around her room wouldn’t hold against the Great Law of Death.

Just as Yun Lintian prepared to unleash his full power, a golden streak rocketed towards the sky, forming a massive golden barrier around the city.

The barrier shimmered against the encroaching Grip of Death. It was a valiant effort, but the raw power of the True God aura threatened to breach it.

Huang Yiming, bathed in brilliant golden light, looked at Yun Lintian. “Leave. Now.”

Li Shan recovered his senses and launched attacks at nearby Asura Gods, sending them flying.

Recognizing the situation, Yun Lintian morphed into a shadow, darting towards the inn.

Yin Sikong turned to Huang Yiming. “Ah, there you are. I feared you wouldn’t reveal your true strength.”

Huang Yiming’s voice, laced with cold killing intent, remained calm. “You will pay for this.”

“Come on, then,” Yin Sikong laughed coldly. His aura surged, splitting the world into halves – black and gold. 𝓁π˜ͺπ’·π˜³β„―π˜’π‘‘.π’Έπ˜°π‘š

Reaching Nantian Yu’s room, Yun Lintian was relieved to find her unharmed, though pale.

Nantian Yu sighed in relief upon seeing him. “Are you okay?”

“We need to leave,” Yun Lintian said, reaching out to take her hand.

Suddenly, a bloody figure materialized in the room, unleashing a sharp, explosive power. A bloody blade thrust towards Yun Lintian’s heart with lightning speed.

Caught completely off guard, Nantian Yu was blasted out of the room and collided with the hallway wall.

A cold glint flashed in Yun Lintian’s eyes. Genuine anger flared. This bastard actually dared to attack him again in such a situation.

Without dodging, Yun Lintian swiftly raised his hand to meet the incoming blade.


The blade pierced his hand, stopping its momentum as he gripped it firmly.

“Get lost!” Yun Lintian uttered coldly, pulling the blade towards him before delivering a punch to the bloody figure’s head with his other hand.


The bloody figure’s head exploded in a spray of gore that splattered across the room and the window behind Yun Lintian.

“Big Brother Yun,” Linlin called out, her gaze falling on the bloodstain on the window.

Yun Lintian glanced at it, his heart skipping a beat. The bloodstain was identical to the one he’d seen earlier.

In a flash, he vanished from the spot and reappeared in the hallway.

Nantian Yu had already risen from the ground, a trickle of blood running from the corner of her mouth.

Just as Yun Lintian reached out to help her, the world plunged into complete darkness…

This chapter is updated by 𝑙π˜ͺπ’·π˜³π‘’π˜’π‘‘.π’Έπ‘œπ‘š

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