Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 429 - Cloud Shadow (2)

Chapter 429 – Cloud Shadow (2)

In the ambulance, Cai Yaoyao couldn't hold her curiosity further and asked cautiously. "Sister Ye, who is he? Why do I feel he is familiar?"

Ye Ling stared at the monitor beside her and remained silent. A look of recollection appeared on her face as if she was thinking of something in the past.

A while later, she turned to look at Cai Yaoyao and said. "His name is Yun Lintian."

Cai Yaoyao slowly nodded her head while repeating Yun Lintian's name in her mind. Suddenly, her complexion abruptly changed, and her mouth was agape. "Y…Yun Lintian? That genius surgeon Yun Lintian!?"

Ye Ling smiled faintly. "It's him."

Cai Yaoyao's mouth parted and closed many times, trying to say something, but no word came out in the end. Her mind was in a mess as she recalled the legend of Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian graduated from the top medical university and started his journey as a surgeon at 21 years old, which was extremely young compared to an ordinary doctor.

Throughout his seven years of service, he had operated more than a thousand cases, and none of them ended up with a failure. He was probably the only one in this world who had a one hundred percent success rate.

Since then, his legendary deeds had been madly circulated in the medical circle. Countless young doctors had him as an idol to look up to.

However, three years ago, he suddenly decided to quit, giving himself a retirement, and disappeared from the circle. Many forces had been looking for him, but none of them could find him. No one knew why he chose to retire at such a young age. 

There was a rumor said he had offended a powerful family and was forced to leave his job. Other stories were that he had been recruited into the country's secret organization. In the end, he had become history and faded into the passage of time.

Cai Yaoyao was a die-hard fan of his. It could be said she became a doctor, mainly because of him. When she was young, her mother had been diagnosed with Heart Valve Regurgitation. Her condition at that time was severe; no doctor dared to operate on her as they believed she was deemed to die.

Amidst despair, Yun Lintian had popped out of nowhere and brought her mother into the operation room right away. The operation that was deemed to fail was successful in his hand, and her mother had completely recovered. 

Later, Cai Yaoyao learned that Yun Lintian happened to visit the hospital that her mother was in for regular medical knowledge exchange and coincidentally saw her mother's case. Since then, His tall and handsome appearance has been imprinted deeply in Cai Yaoyao's heart until today.

Cai Yaoyao calmed down and asked. "Sister Ye. Why did his…."

Before Cai Yaoyao could finish her sentence, Ye Ling interrupted. "You want to ask why did he look different from the past?"

Cai Yaoyao nodded her head gently. Although Yun Lintian was still handsome as before, the difference between him and his image in her mind was too significant. If the previous Yun Lintian was described as a clean, attractive man full of confidence, the current Yun Lintian was shrouded with a gloomy aura, filled with vicissitude. It was as though he had been through countless despairs to the point he grew numb about it.

A look of reminiscence flashed across Ye Ling's eyes. She sighed while shaking her head. "Actually, I don't know as well. I lost his contact since he left last time."

Cai Yaoyao didn't linger on this topic further and asked curiously. "Judging from the conversation earlier. You two seem very close. Can you tell me more about him, Sister Ye?"

Ye Ling looked at Cai Yaoyao's eager expression and smiled softly. She naturally knew about Cai Yaoyao's mother's incident back then. It was understandable why Cai Yaoyao was so excited.

"He and I can be considered close co-workers. We entered the hospital at the same time. Of course, I was newly graduated at that time while he was a dazzling genius who was four years younger than me…." Ye Ling began to narrate the past between her and Yun Lintian. Besides Cai Yaoyao, the old man had also carefully listened to Ye Ling and secretly noted Yun Lintian's name in his heart.


Passing through the crowd and entering a small alley, Yun Lintian hummed in a good mood while looking at several uncles and aunties busy setting up their stalls.

"Little Tian? You come early today, huh?" An uncle with a white tank top greeted Yun Lintian with a kind smile.

"It can't be helped, Uncle Xu. I have to earn more for my rent this month." Yun Lintian laughed slightly as he replied.

"Are you short of money? Here, Uncle will give you a few thousand." Uncle Xu was surprised and hurriedly said while rummaging in his trouser's pocket.

Yun Lintian hurriedly stopped. "Don't! Uncle Xu. I was joking."

Uncle Xu stopped his movement and took a deep look at Yun Lintian. He said with a serious expression. "Fine. However, if you are short of money, you can ask your Uncle Xu for it. Although your Uncle Xu is not rich, I still have a lot of savings. Enough for you to pay rent for ten years."

Yun Lintian was moved. He nodded his head with a cheeky smile. "Don't worry, Uncle Xu. If I don't want to work hard anymore, I will worship you as a father and lie around all day."

Uncle Xu burst into laughter and waved his hand. "You kid. Go, go. Take care of your business."

Yun Lintian laughed in a good mood and walked toward his stall after a few exchanges with Uncle Xu.

Ten minutes later, Yun Lintian arrived at a long wooden stall with a sign "Number one fried rice in the world" hanging on it. The stall was covered around five meters with a small space for tables and chairs in the front.

At this moment, there was a handsome young man in his twenties sitting behind the stall. His hands were busy with vegetables in front of him. If one looked closely, one would see he was actually sitting in a wheelchair with his legs missing.

"Why did you come here so early today, Ah'Hao?" Yun Lintian greeted with a smile.

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