Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 448 - Rain (8)

Chapter 448 – Rain (8)

"Where should we go?" On the factory's first floor, Tu Feng and Lei Hao were moving along the path, trying to find a way to go down as the freight elevator was now wholly shut down.

Lei Hao looked toward the south and said. "Follow Boss's path."

Tu Feng had no objection. He held a machine gun professionally and aimed forward as he moved.

Lei Hao scanned the surroundings while moving toward Yun Lintian's first position when he entered the factory. 

All of a sudden, Lei Hao caught a glimpse of something moving in the corner of his eyes. His hand move at an incredible speed and shot toward that direction.


"Argh!" A scream resounded as the bullet precisely hit on the target. Lei Hao and Tu Feng quickly spread out and rushed to the sound's direction from both sides.

When they arrived, a man in a white gown could be seen lying on the floor while holding his shoulder tremblingly. He looked at Lei Hao and Tu Feng approaching him in horror.

"D-don't kill me! I'm a victim here. I was abducted by these inhumane people to do an experiment on a child! I was forced to do it! You can't blame me." The man freaked out in terror.

Lei Hao pointed the gun at the man and made a chin gesture at Tu Feng. The latter quickly turned around and stood guarding the scene.

Lei Hao stared at the man and asked. "What's your name?"

"M-my name is Sun Lie. I am a Chinese scientist working for the BioScience Tech." The man said with a trembled voice.

"Chinese?" Lei Hao was surprised slightly. However, he did not intend to reveal himself as a fellow countryman. Suspicions arose in Lei Hao's heart as he asked. "How did you sneak out?" 

"I-I was hiding above the elevator when someone broke in." Because Sun Lie did not have a night vision like Lei Hao, he could not see the latter's appearance and thought they were in different groups.

Lei Hao couldn't help feels marvel. Someone had actually slipped away from his perception, and he even hid above the elevator for all this time. If he let Yun Lintian know about this, he would undoubtedly get scolded.

Putting his jumbled thoughts aside, Lei Hao asked further. "Do you know other ways to get into the core area?"

Sun Lie was startled and became hesitant. However, facing the gun pointing in his head, he didn't dare to refuse. "I know. But…"

"Don't worry. You don't have to accompany us. Just show us the way." Lei Hao interrupted.

Sun Lie heaved a sigh of relief and said. "Uhm… Can you help me with the wound first?"

Lei Hao frowned slightly and threw an emergency bandage at Sun Lie. The latter quickly wrapped his wound tightly and stood up, preparing to lead Lei Hao and Tu Feng the way.

"Go." Lei Hao gave Sun Lie a spare night-vision and beckoned him to move.

Sun Lie did not dare to be neglected and hurriedly walked toward the sewer that Yun Lintian had gone to.

"How could it be like this?" Arriving at the sewer's entrance, Sun Lie was a bit confused to see the iron ladder was broken. It was clearly blown away by a bomb.

Lei Hao's expression immediately became solemn. He was certain Yun Lintian and Xia Yao were trapped down below… How did they guess we were going to come here today? This question automatically popped up in his mind. This trap was carefully laid beforehand.

Naturally, Lei Hao would never believe there was a traitor among his team. It should be something else.

Tu Feng checked on the broken ladder and said. "We can go down. What's the decision?" When Yun Lintian and Xia Yao weren't around, Tu Feng would always listen to Lei Hao's command. He was a typical muscle brain with no complicated mind.

Lei Hao turned to Sun Lie and asked. "Are there other ways besides this?"

Sun Lie shook his head while clutching the wound on his shoulder. "As far as I know, there are only two ways. The elevator and here." He paused for a moment and continued cautiously. "Of course, there might be other secret passages, but I have no clue about it. You know, I have planned to escape from this place for years, but I really can't find other ways except for these two."

Sun Lie wasn't sure about their identity because there were night-vision and masks on Lei Hao's and Tu Feng's faces. One thing that he was certain of was that they weren't enemies. Otherwise, they wouldn't come to save the children.

Lei Hao thought for a moment and nodded to Tu Feng. "Let's go down."

Tu Feng quickly took the equipment out, preparing to go down.

Sun Lie hesitated briefly and asked cautiously. "A-are you trying to destroy the lab?"

Lei Hao glanced at Sun Lei and said nothing.

Sun Lie said further. "I advise you to forget about it. I believe you should know what they are doing down there… I want to tell you that they have success."

Lei Hao's brows raised in surprise and hurriedly asked. "What do you mean? What success?"

Sun Lie took a deep breath and explained. "The Project Eve. They have successfully created one. Although its performance hasn't reached perfection, it's at least surpassed a standard level. Fighting humans shouldn't be a problem."

"Tell me more about it. What's the 'it' you are talking about?" Lei Hao gradually felt the seriousness of this mission.

Sun Lie did not intend to hide anything. "The first prototype they had created is called Zero one. It has the ability equal to a strong man but adds a cheetah speed into it. However, this is only data on the paper. I haven't seen its true performance yet. So I can't tell you what extent it could do."

"Cheetah speed?" Lei Hao's pupils shrank. He turned to Tu Feng and said. "We need to hurry up now.. Boss and Sister Rain are in danger."

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