Omega Summoner

Chapter 2047: Anger of the Aesir Gods

Chapter 2047: Anger of the Aesir Gods

The God of Mischief Loki has finally woken up from his sudden stupor. He woke up in cold sweat as his body looked like he was in an eternal sleep state. Even the other Aesir Gods did not bother him as they might receive his anger later. The only one that kept watch over the God of Mischief Loki is the God of Thunder Thor.

“You have woken up. Unfortunately, the plan to use the Leviathan ended up in failure. The demons managed to get in the way and destroy it. A lot of the world’s blessed ones also participated as they defeated the Leviathan even in its evolved form. The dimensional barrier only weakened a little bit which made breaking it from our side a failure.” The God of Thunder Thor stated.

“How long was I out? My own memories are also a bit jumbled at the moment as if someone manually mixed them.” The God of Mischief Loki asked as anger could be seen on his face. “You were asleep for three days. My father has commanded us to standby for now as the plan failed and he suddenly fell into sleep as well. The only ones protecting the realm now is me and the other Aesir gods. The problem is that the food problem is increasing to the point that we will be out of food in a year.” The God of Thunder Thor stated.

“It just means that we need to stop with the lavish feasts and sneak into the mortal realm to buy things. The Vanir Gods would pay for their betrayal, but the God King Odin is correct in his analysis. The time to act has suddenly vanished because of the demons interfering. As long as the demons are in the world, they would maintain the world barrier.” The God of Mischief Loki stated.

“It seems that we would need to proceed with the other plan in advance.” The God of Thunder Thor stated as this was just one of the plans that they have concocted.

The plan to destroy the dimensional barrier using the Leviathan and the unknown shard is the most stable one they thought of. They would destroy the dimensional barrier from their side and use the Temporary Bifrost that they have created to stabilize it. This would make Asgard connected to the main world without any interference from the world barrier. It would have also enabled the God King Odin to step forth into the world without his strength getting restricted.

This content is taken from fгee𝑤ebɳoveɭ.cøm.

“The next plan is not yet stable because even I do not want to be in debt to the Titans.” The God of Mischief Loki stated as he knows what the Titans could do.

“The Titans may be our only hope now to pierce through the main world. Still, they are not beings that could be partnered with. They have a tendency of devouring gods as snacks to empower themselves.” The God of Thunder Thor stated as he does not want allies that can turn on you when they are hungry.

“We will just feed the Vanir Gods to them as part of the payment. The Kleidi has been given to us thanks to the mortal that sneaked into Tartarus. We just need to find the place where the being that even gods fear is sealed. That being will be able to destroy dimensional barrier without resistance.” The God of Mischief Loki stated as his eyes blazed with vengeance.

“I am still in doubt of this plan, brother. The being is a bane even to us gods and we might also be devoured by it instead. That being can easily wake up all the primordial beasts that will kill us in Ragnarok.” The God of Thunder Thor stated.

“Do not worry, brother. I know what needs to be done which is why we are also searching for the Seal of Night that helped seal the beast. We will not do this plan unless we have all that we need which is why we have used mortals to aid us. They said that the Seal of Night is somewhere in the main world where only mortals could ever find.” The God of Mischief Loki stated.

“You must make sure because what is the use of us ruling the main world if we would become prey instead. We must endure as we will definitely fight the Titans as they will surely be freed as well when we execute this plan.” The God Mischief Loki stated.

“As long as you also know the risks, brother. Let us go to where my father sleeps as we will need to discuss the detailed steps of this current plan.” The God of Thunder Thor stated as he and the God of Mischief Loki headed deeper into the castle of Asgard.

Unbeknownst to the Aesir Gods is that the weakening of the dimensional barrier would also spell their doom. The moment Asgard returns to the mortal realm will be the start of Ragnarok because they have messed with powerful universal laws that they should not have. They did not know that the closer they are to their plans will also result in how close they are in terms of destruction.

In fact, a certain Fire Giant living in Muspelheim felt the laws of the universe calling for it. He thought that it was almost time for Ragnarok as he sharpened his flaming sword but the pull suddenly vanished. The Aesir Gods did not know that they were able to save themselves from destruction because their plans were foiled. The world was also saved as well from the destruction of the Fire Giant Surtr.

The Fire Giant Surtr will undoubtedly descend unto the main world with all his power to destroy the Aesir Gods. The fight between the two factions would not only destroy Asgard but also parts of the main world. This destined fight will still happen, but it was pushed back because of the efforts of mortals. After all, mortals are the great variable that either kills or raises gods.

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