One Wild Night

Chapter 911 No Slipups

Chapter 911 No Slipups

Harry stood in front of his bedroom mirror, the events of the day playing out in his mind as he unbuttoned his shirt slowly, preparing for bed.

He sighed deeply as he thought about Jade's distant attitude towards him and he told himself that he deserved that for hurting her feelings.

As Harry slipped into a comfortable pair of pajamas, he heard his phone vibrate on the nightstand and walked over to pick it up.

Seeing Candace's name flashing on the screen. His heart skipped a beat as he realized that he hadn't returned her call since she last reached out.

He answered the call, his voice tinged with guilt. "Hey. I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you."

Candace's voice was warm but concerned. "It's fine. I heard what happened from dad. Have you been able to resolve things with her now?"

Harry sat down on the edge of his bed, rubbing his temple. "Yeah. We talked things over," he said in a tired voice.

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"Are you okay?" Candace asked, her brows pulled together in concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... a lot on my mind. How's dad, Andy and Jamal?" Harry asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Everyone is okay. Andy wants to speak with you," Candace said, and Harry heard a shuffling sound on the other end of the line, followed by Andy's cheerful voice.

"Hey, Harry! How are you doing?"

"I'm alright. It's been a while. How are you doing?" Harry asked, happy to hear from them both.

"I'm alright. Thought I should let you know I'm coming to Ludus within the week," Andy said and Harry straightened up, curiosity piqued.

"What for?"

"Two reasons. First, I want to be more proactive in my search for Cassidy. And secondly I also want to discuss my career plans with you," Andy explained.

"Why are you coming to Ludus to search for him?" Harry asked with interest.

"I remembered he told me something some time ago. He owns club S & G, and since I can't go to the club here in Sogal, I figured I visit the one in Ludus," she explained.

"I see. Are you coming to the house?" Harry asked thoughtfully.

"No, I'll be staying at my own place. Who knows? He might show up if he knows I'm there. But I'll definitely drop by your office for us to talk," she replied.

Harry nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "That's fine by me. Just let me know when you arrive."

"I guess Jamal has gone to bed?" he asked, genuinely interested in his nephew's well-being.

Candace's voice came back on the line, cheerful. "Yes, he has. By the way, did Dad tell you about his woman friend?"

"He only mentioned it in passing. He refused to give me details. Why? Do you know who she is?" Harry asked excitedly.

Candace laughed. "I don't. But you should see him! He always runs off to his room whenever she calls to talk to her in private. It's hilarious."

Harry chuckled, picturing his father acting like a smitten teenager. "He must like her a lot," Harry said, feeling a warmth spread through him. freewebnσvel.cѳm

"Yeah. I think so. He's so happy these days and there's an extra spring to his steps," Andy supplied from the side.

Harry grinned, glad to hear that their father was finding happiness. "I'm happy to know he's fine."

"I was so worried about him going to Ludus, but seeing how happy he is now, I'm so glad he did," Candace admitted.

Harry leaned back against the headboard, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad too."

As they continued talking, Harry's phone buzzed with an incoming call notification. He glanced at the screen and saw Tom's name.

"Hey, I have an incoming call and I need to take it. It's Tom."

"Alright, take care, Harry," Candace said, her voice full of warmth and concern.

"I will call you when I leave for Ludus," Andy added before they hung up.

"What's up?" Harry asked the moment he received Tom's call.

Tom's voice was urgent. "I just got off the phone with Jeff. Henry is making is move now. You need to reach out to Mia's parents at once. Barry has sent the files to them."

Harry felt a knot tighten in his stomach. "That was quick," Harry said, since they had not expected Henry to make his move so soon.

"Have you reached out to Diana yet?" Harry asked as he got off the bed.

"I plan to do that immediately we hang up," Tom said and and Harry's mind raced as he absorbed the information.

"Okay, I'll call them right away and get back to you," Harry said before hanging up.

After ending the call, Harry took a deep breath, the weight of the conversation he was about to have with Mia's parents heavy on his shoulders.

He knew they had to handle the situation delicately, for Mia's sake. Taking a deep breath, he dialed Barry's number so he would connect him to Mia's parents.

Harry walked over to the living room as he waited for Barry to connect the call, and after a few rings, a gruff voice answered.

"Hello?" Vanessa's father sounded wary.

"Hello, Mr. Lawson. Did you receive the package we sent you?" Harry's voice was steady, masking the tension he felt.

"Who is this?" the voice demanded, laced with a hint of suspicion.

"That's not important," Harry said, his voice steady. "Did you receive the package?"

Silence hung heavy in the air for a beat too long. Harry could practically hear the man's confusion churning on the other side.

"Package? What package?" the man finally asked, a frown etched into his voice.

Frustration bubbled up in Harry's chest, threatening to boil over. "The file," he clarified, forcing his voice low. "The evidence of how your supposed son-in-law ruined your company."

There was a scoff on the other end. "Henry? Nonsense! That boy saved my company. He's been a godsend."

Harry's jaw clenched. The man's obliviousness was infuriating. "Take a closer look at those files," he pressed, his voice tight. "You'll find everything you need to know. Henry, was behind the collapse of your company. He orchestrated the whole thing."

"That's impossible," Mr. Lawson replied, his tone sharp with disbelief. "Henry was my savior. He helped us when we were at our lowest."

Harry took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, "He isn't the savior you think he is. Have you taken a look at the documents attached to the file? Please…"

"Who are you, and why are you telling me this?" the man cut in, suspicion hardening into anger.

"Who I am doesn't matter," Harry said, his voice firm. "What matters is that you understand the danger your daughter is in. Henry is not the man you believe him to be. You need to be worried about Vanessa, whom you've left with a crazy man."

A heavy silence descended Harry paused, letting the silence amplify the gravity of his next words. "Tell me," Harry continued, his voice gravelly, "how did Vanessa meet Henry? And why did he marry her? Ask her. Ask her to show you the scars on her back. Then, you might just understand the price your daughter is paying for your misplaced trust and obsession with money."

"I... I don't understand," the man stammered. "This can't be true. Did Vanessa put you up to this?"

Urgency laced Harry's voice as he spoke again, "If you love your daughter and do not want to lose her for real this time, I suggest you do not tell Henry any of this. And most importantly, you should call him now and go over to pay them a visit. Do not wast time…"

"Wait," the man sputtered, panic lacing his voice. "Who are you doing this for? And what do you want? Is Vanessa really in danger?" His breath hitched. "What do you want me to do?"

"Call Henry. Tell him you're coming over to see your daughter. But do not, under any circumstances, reveal anything to Henry yet. Bid your time, and you will see Henry for who and what he really is," Harry warned.

"Alright," he agreed, his voice filled with a mix of determination and confusion.

Harry knew the seed of doubt was firmly planted. He ended the call with a curt, "Think about your daughter, and act wise and fast."

Harry sat back on the couch, exhaling deeply. He hoped Vanessa's father would heed his warning. The stakes were high, and Mia's safety depended on it.

On the other end of the call, Mia's father sat in his study, the phone still pressed to his ear even after the line had gone dead.

His mind raced with the implications of what he had just heard. Although he still wasn't entirely convinced that Henry was the monster that had just been painted, he quickly dialed Henry's number, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Good morning, Henry. My wife and I are coming over to see Vanessa," he said, thinking that there was no harm in taking necessary precaution.

He would take a closer look at the files later, but for now, he needed to act just in case the caller had been right and Henry had plans of hurting Vanessa for real.

Henry's voice was smooth, as always. "Of course, Robert. Is everything alright?"

"We just want to see our daughter. We haven't spent time with her since her return," he replied, trying to sound natural.

Henry hesitated for a moment. "Very well."

As Henry ended the call, he turned to Mia, who was sitting beside him in the car, her eyes reflecting a mixture of confusion and apprehension.

"What's going on?" Mia asked, her voice trembling.

"Your parents are coming over. We need to go back home," Henry said, his tone firm. "And don't mention the divorce to them, understand?"

Mia nodded, wondering what was going on and if perhaps Tom and Harry had a hand in this change of plans.

As they turned the car around, Henry's mind raced. He needed to be careful. The sudden visit from Robert and his wife was unexpected, and he couldn't afford any slip-ups.

He was glad that they had called before visiting, else everything would have been a mess had they gone to the house first and met Diana.

He didn't want either her parents or Diana to know what he planned to do to Vanessa.

Back at the mansion, Diana paced around her bedroom, wondering what Henry was up to and hoping Mia would be safe.

As she paced, her phone rang and she received the call immediately she recognized the untraceable number.

"I think I made a mistake. I asked Henry to divorce his wife and he made her sign the papers today. But I think he is up to something. He just left with his wife and I don't think she's safe," she rambled the moment she received the call.

"I'm aware," Tom said simply, "Don't worry, he's going to bring her back soon."

"You know so? How? How do you know he will be bringing her back soon?" Diana asked curiously.

"That isn't important right now. For now, when he gets back with his wife, her parents are going to visit, mention the divorce in their presence and have her leave with them. That way she will be safe," Tom said, and Diana nodded.

"Her parents are coming over?" She asked with interest.

"Yes. If you want to keep her safe do that. I'm going to deliver Henry to you on a platter soon to do with him as you please," Tom promised before hanging up.

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