One Wild Night

Chapter 916 Housewarming Party

Chapter 916 Housewarming Party

Two Weeks Later

The day dawned bright and warm, a perfect Saturday morning for moving. Harry had been at Tom's place since early in the morning to help Jade pack the last of her belongings.

Cardboard boxes, taped and labeled, were stacked outside the front door, and the faint sound of rustling echoed through the house as Jade and Harry made final preparations.

Her stuff had been delivered from Varis earlier in the week but had been brought down to Tom's place because her new place had been undergoing maintenance.

"Are you sure you've got everything?" Tom asked, hoisting a box labeled "Kitchen" into his arms.

Jade glanced around the now-bare bedroom, memories of the past few weeks flitting through her mind. She gave a firm nod. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks for helping, Tom."

Tom gave her a reassuring smile. "It's nothing. Sorry, I can't come with you to see your new place. I have an important meeting with some shareholders," Tom said as he headed for the door and she followed.

"It's fine. You can always visit whenever. And I have Harry with me to help lift the heavy stuff," Jade assured him.

"Give my love to Lucy," Jade said, since Lucy had spent the night at Sonia's place and wasn't back yet.

"Sure. Let me know if you need anything," Tom said, and as they stepped outside, they met Harry and Adolf who were organizing the stuff into the car.

"I suppose that is the last box?" Harry asked, and Jade gave him a nod.

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"Let's get it loaded up," Harry said and Adolf took the box from Tom and carefully placed it in the car trunk before they shut it.

"I'm ready to leave," she said as she got into the car, excited about being in her own space now.

After her Yoga class a week ago, she had mentioned to Sharon that she was trying to get a place and all the places she had seen weren't exactly what she was looking for. Sharon had then told her that she had a vacant apartment on top of the Yoga studio and asked if Jade would like to check it out.

Jade had taken one look at the space which was beside Sharon's apartment and decided that she wanted there to be her place. Aside from the fact that the place looked really nice, it was a convenient location and she had been excited about the place since the lease was signed.

Sharon promised to have the place ready by the weekend for her to move in, and here they were now.

With the car packed to the brim, Harry and Jade set off for her new apartment. The drive was filled with light-hearted banter and the hum of the radio, a mix of pop tunes playing softly in the background.

"Thanks for going through the stress, Jonas, even though you really didn't want me to move," Jade said after some time.

Harry sighed, "No problem. Just promise me you'll keep this new place cleaner than the last one."

Jade rolled her eyes and smirked. "I'll try, but don't hold your breath," she said and Harry chuckled.

"I plan to get a cleaner since I'll be too busy for that, and honestly, it's really not my thing," Jade said and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Want me to talk to my cleaner? She can take care of your place. She is pretty good," he offered.

"I've seen how well she takes care of your place. You can give me her number and I'll talk to her myself," Jade said and Harry nodded.

As they pulled up to the building, Jade spotted Sharon, her yoga instructor, friend, and now landlord, waiting by the entrance.

"Sharon!" Jade called out, stepping out of the car. She waved, a broad smile spreading across her face.

Sharon approached them a wide grin on her face. "For a moment there, I thought you changed your mind about moving today. Welcome to your new home!"

"Thank you, Sharon," Jade said and then turned to Harry. "Harry, this is Sharon. Sharon, this is my boyfriend, Harry," Jade said, and Sharon wiggled her brows at Harry playfully before extending a hand to Harry.

"Nice to meet you, Harry. We met briefly last time you came to the studio looking for Jade."

Harry shook her hand, smiling. "Yes, I remember. Good to see you again." freeweɓnovel.cѳm

"Come on, let's get you settled," Sharon said, gesturing toward the stairs. "I've got the keys ready."

They hauled the boxes up the narrow staircase, the steps creaking slightly under their weight. Jade's apartment was a charming loft with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The wooden floors gleamed and were freshly polished, and the open floor plan gave the space a spacious feel.

A cozy living area with a large, plush sofa which the last occupant had left was situated near the windows, with a small kitchen area to the side, complete with modern appliances and a breakfast bar. A ladder led up to a mezzanine level where a bed was set up, overlooking the living space below.

"This place is amazing," Harry confessed, setting down a box labeled "Books" on the kitchen counter.

Jade beamed, glancing around. "I know, right? I can't wait to get settled in."

As they were arranging the boxes, the sound of footsteps echoed up the stairs, followed by familiar voices.

"Surprise!" Lucy, Sonia, Andy, and Aurora called out in unison, appearing at the doorway with wide grins and arms full of groceries and gift bags.

Jade's eyes widened in delight. "Oh my gosh! What are you all doing here? How did you locate this place?"

"We came to help you move and to have a housewarming party," Sonia said excitedly, setting a bag down on the counter.

"Locating here was the easy part. You told us about your yoga studio, and you did say your apartment was in the same building," Lucy reminded her.

Jade laughed, hugging each of them in turn. "You guys are the best!" She said and then turned to Harry.

Reading her gaze, Harry raised an eyebrow, a hint of reluctance in his expression. "Well, I guess my job here is done."

Jade giggled, patting Harry's shoulder. "I know, I know. But I want to enjoy some girl time. You understand, right?"

Harry sighed dramatically but smiled. "Alright, I'll leave you to it. But call me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will. Thanks," Jade said, giving him one last hug before he headed out.

Once Harry was gone, Andy nudged Jade. "I can't believe you just kicked him out. Way to go, girl," Andy said and both Jade and the others laughed.

"Need I remind you that you're talking about your brother? And I didn't kick him out. It'd be a bit awkward having him here as the only guy with all of you ladies," she said and they all nodded in agreement.

Andy had been in Ludus for almost two weeks now as she had said she would, and had gone to the club every night since her arrival, hoping that word of it would get to Cassidy and he would reach out to her.

She has also met with Tom and Harry regarding managing her career, and they are presently working on getting her signed to a reputable record label.

Jade introduced Sharon to the others. "Girls, this is Sharon. Sharon owns the building and lives next door. She is also my yoga instructor. Sharon, this is Lucy, Sonia, Andy, and Aurora," Jade said, pointing to each of them for easy identification.

"Nice to meet you all," Sharon said warmly.

The girls exchanged pleasantries with her before they all got to work, unpacking boxes and rearranging furniture.

Sharon helped them, chatting and laughing as they worked. Lucy opened the box filled with kitchen utensils and began sorting through it.

The atmosphere was filled with the clatter of dishes being put away, the rustle of clothing being hung up, and the cheerful hum of conversation.

"This place is really nice, Jade. I'm so envious of you, Jade," Sonia said, glancing around.

"Yeah, it is. Unpacking this way reminds me of when Tom helped me unpack when I first moved down here. I thought he was just being a nice neighbor."

"Little did you know he was a sneaky creep after your heart," Sonia said and the room erupted in laughter.

"So, girls," Aurora said, pausing to catch her breath. "Are you ready for the couple's fishing trip next week?"

Jade smiled, looking forward to the trip. "I can't wait. It's going to be a nice break."

Sonia who was seated on the sofa and eating a cookie chimed in, "It'll be a great time. I'm really looking forward to it."

Lucy nodded, excitement in her eyes. "Me too! I've never been on a fishing trip before."

"Why are you girls talking about your couple trip in front of me when I'm not invited?" Andy asked, rolling her eyes, "I really think this is unfair."

"Sorry, dear. It can't be helped," Aurora said, flashing her an apologetic smile.

"How is it going with your mission, anyway? Any word from him yet?" Sonia asked and Andy shook her head.

"Nope. Nothing yet. But I'm optimistic that he will reach out soon. This is better than doing nothing," she said, and they nodded and smiled at her, apart from Aurora and Sharon who had no idea what they were talking about.

"Sony, are you really here to help or eat?" Jade joked, and Sonia grinned.

"Sorry. My baby just wants to watch her aunt unpack and celebrate with her," Sonia said with a wink, rubbing her tummy which had rounded slightly with a little bump, and they laughed.

As they finished unpacking, Jade turned to Sharon. "How's Em? Why I haven't seen her?" Jade asked, referring to Sharon's six-year-old daughter.

Sharon's face softened. "She's with her dad this week. I only get her for a week every month."

Jade nodded sympathetically. "I bet you miss her a lot."

"I do. But I am the one who wanted it to be this way. We make the most of our time together," Sharon assured Jade.

By the time they were done, the apartment looked like home. The kitchen was stocked, the furniture was arranged, and the personal touches that Jade had brought with her were in place. They stood back, admiring their handiwork.

"This place looks great," Andy said, wiping her hands on her jeans. "You're all set, Jade."

Jade grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "Thanks, everyone. I couldn't have done it without you."

"You're welcome. Now it's time for the housewarming," Sonia announced happily.

They gathered around the small dining table, which Sonia had adorned with snacks and drinks they had brought for the housewarming. The chatter flowed easily, filled with stories, jokes, and the comfort of close friends.

Jade felt a warm glow in her chest as she looked around at each of them and her new home. For the first time in a long time, she felt genuinely happy with her life, and it had nothing to do with her relationship with Harry.

She was grateful for her friends, for their support, and this new chapter in her life. And most especially she was glad that she had decided to make this move.

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