One Wild Night

Chapter 925 I’m Yours

Chapter 925 I’m Yours

The moment Andy woke up in the morning and saw that Cassidy was still fast asleep beside her, she smiled as she watched him sleep, feeling very contented and sated.

Despite the fact that they had spent all night talking and making love, she still couldn't believe that Cassidy was sleeping right next to her.

She picked up her phone to capture his sleeping face, but just as she raised it to take a picture, Cassidy reached out without opening his eyes and snatched the phone from her hand, startling her.

"What? You were awake?" She asked, looking closely into his face to see if his eyes were open.

His lips curved in a smile even as his eyes remained closed, "My eyes don't have to be open simply because I'm awake. My ears are open," he said as his eyes slowly drifted open.

"You can't take pictures of me, Andy," he said softly.

"Why? You're worried someone might see them or something?" She asked, and he nodded.

"It's bad enough that I'm here when I should be dead. I'm not supposed to leave traces of me behind," he explained and Andy sighed inwardly but smiled at him.

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"I understand. Are you hungry? I'm famished," she said as she rolled off the bed not minding that she was naked and Cassidy watched her.

Heading to the closet, she picked out a skimpy Mickey Mouse dress which she wore as she headed out of the bedroom.

Cassidy combed his fingers through his hair. He had planned to leave before she woke up but had ended up sleeping for much longer than he planned.

Getting up from the bed, he put on his clothes and went to join her in the kitchen.

Andy turned when she heard him behind her, "I hope you don't mind pancakes," she said as she moved around getting all she needed.

"Don't we need to talk?" He asked and she shrugged.

"I thought we already did all the talking last night," she said without pausing.

"Andy," Cassidy called softly, and she stopped and turned to him.

"I have told you what I want, Alex. If you want to tell me how you're going to make it happen, then let's hear it. If you want to make excuses about how you think it's a bad idea like I sense you want to do, I advise you to keep it to yourself," she said and then returned to making the pancakes.

Cassidy's lips twitched in amusement as he watched her. He had not expected her to be this resolute in wanting to be with him when he decided to visit her. He wasn't sure yet if it was a good or bad thing. He sighed as he went to sit by the island while he watched her silently as she fixed breakfast.

After working in silence for some time she turned to him, "I really think this can work. So, instead of thinking about all the reasons why it won't work, why not think about how we can make work? I want to be with you. I know we didn't start well, but I really do like you now. As much as I hate to admit it, I was sexually attracted to you in the past because, despite the situation, you mastered my body and gave as much pleasure as you received, but in the little time I spent at your place, I got to see a different side to you. I learned to like you and even admire you. Everyone has a past, and I do not want to focus on your past. I want to focus on the future. Your future. Our future. That's what I want. So, can you please give us a chance?" She asked, holding his gaze.

"What if you regret it?" He asked and she shrugged.

"What if it's the best decision of my life? I won't know the answer to that until I give it a try," she countered.

"Your family. Do you think they are going to approve…"

"They all know how I feel about you. My dad, Harry, Candace, and even my friends know. They may not totally understand it, but they accept it," she said and he sighed.

"I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into, Andy," he insisted.

"Tell me. What do you think I'm getting myself into?" She asked as she set the plate of pancakes down on the island.

"I won't be here for you, Andy. You won't have a regular partner. I can't give you my time. You'd be lonely. You're setting yourself up for a life of loneliness, Andy. Why would you do that to yourself when you can have someone more suitable and settle down?" Cassidy asked as Andy came to stand in front of him.

"One question. Are you reluctant to do this because you're worried about me? Or is it about you?" She asked thoughtfully.

Cassidy hesitated for a moment, "I'm doing this for you, Andy. I am trying not to be selfish," he said and she smiled.

"Do you know something I've learned in the last couple of weeks?" She asked, and Andy looked at her as he waited for her to tell him.

"Not everyone would have a conventional marriage or relationship. Maybe I'm not cut out for the regular kind of relationship no matter how beautiful it is. Besides, with my career, I might not have the time to be a regular wife or girlfriend to anyone either. I want this with you. I don't care about what we have not fitting into anyone's ideals. It is ideal enough for me and I want it to be for you too," she said as she leaned forward and captured his lips in a kiss.

Cassidy groaned as his arms went around her and he pulled her closer to him so that her breast was pressed against his chest.

Just as he deepened the kiss, Andy broke the kiss and pulled away, "Tell me you will be my man," she said, holding his gaze.


"Say it, Alex. Say you're mine," she insisted.

Cassidy sighed weakly, "Are you sure you want this?"

"I have never been more certain of anything in my life."

"I'm not going to let you change your mind later," he warned.

"I'm not going to change my mind," she promised.

"I can only visit you once a month and we can't have any pictures together or go out in public together," he said and she paused her lips.

"No pictures at all? Not even with an unregistered phone or a digital camera?" She asked and he shook his head.

"I don't want any trace of me anywhere," he said and she nodded.

"And you can't go out with me even in disguise?" She asked and he nodded.

"I can't do even that. Do you understand now what you're getting into?"

"And when you visit once a month how long can you stay with me?" She asked thoughtfully.

"Only for a couple of days. A week max," he said and she smiled.

"So, you'll be here for a week?" She asked with a grin. freewёbnoν

"No. I'm leaving tomorrow," he said and she scowled.

"Will you bring Mari along with you when next you come?" She asked and he shook his head.

"How can I have you to myself in that time if I bring her with me?" He asked and she grinned.

"Then will you drop her off at other times?" She asked and he sighed.


"It will be good for her, I assure you. It's not like anyone knows she is related to you. She doesn't have to be stuck in that Island. If you want she can live here with me and go to good schools here. Allow her to grow up normally instead of living there with retirees. I will take good care of her," Andy offered but he shook his head.

"I can't be away from my daughter. Besides, there are other kids on the Island and there's a school there," he said with a frown.

"I'm not asking you to be away. Think of it as a boarding school. She will come to be with you on the island during her school breaks and you can see her whenever you visit. Think of here as your second home," Andy suggested.

"This is a lot to process, Andy."

"I know. And don't think I'm just being impulsive by bringing it up now. I've been thinking about all of these for weeks. That's to tell you how hard I've been thinking about you and how to make us work. It would be perfect," Andy said and Cassidy sighed.

"I will need some time to think about it," Cassidy said and Andy smiled.

"That's good enough for me. I can't wait for Mari to meet my nephew. I think they are going to get along really fine," she said and Cassidy raised a brow.

"I haven't agreed yet," he reminded her.

"You haven't agreed yet to her schooling here, not to her visit. She is going to visit me, and I'm going to introduce her to Jamal when she does," Andy said with a grin.

"Why do you sound like you want to matchmake them?" Cassidy asked with a frown.

Andy rolled her eyes, "Jamal is my nephew and Mari is more like my daughter because I'm her daddy's girlfriend. That makes them cousins. And Jamal has a girlfriend already, so relax," she said and Cassidy sighed.

"The pancakes are getting cold. Didn't you say you were hungry?" He asked and she nodded.

"We will get to it after you say it," she reminded him.

"You're mine, Andy," Cassidy said, and she grinned.


"I'm yours," he said and she kissed him before she stepped away to pour coffee into two mugs.

As Cassidy watched her, he rubbed his eyes wondering how he was going to handle all the changes that Andy wanted him to make. He really wanted her in his life and he was happy that she wanted him too, but he needed to figure out a way to handle everything.

As Andy placed the mug in front of him she smiled when she saw the thoughtful frown on his face, "We will make this work, Alex. And you will see that I'm right," she promised.

"Let's hope so," he said as he picked up his mug and took a sip from the coffee.

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