One Wild Night

Chapter 945: I Pay Attention

Chapter 945: I Pay Attention

Sunday morning brought with it the soft glow of sunlight filtering through Amy's curtains. She awoke slowly with a smile on her face as the events of the previous evening replayed in her mind― Lucas's surprise visit, their time together, and the kiss that left her breathless.

The smile became a full-blow grin as she stretched lazily, savoring the warmth of the moment.

Just as she was about to get out of bed, her phone buzzed on the nightstand. Amy reached for it, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Lucas's name on the screen. frёeωebɳ

[Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?]

Amy smiled, her fingers moving swiftly across the screen to reply as she sat back on the bed. [Good morning! I kept waking up thinking about you, but I'm well rested. How about you?]

Lucas' response came almost immediately. [It took me a while to fall asleep cause I was thinking about you. I guess I missed you already.]

Amy's heart fluttered at his words. She could almost hear his voice in her head, warm and teasing.

[You saw me less than 12 hours ago! Besides, shouldn't you be knocked out after such a long trip?]

[I know. But I still missed you. What are you doing today?]

Amy glanced at the clock. It was still early, and she didn't have any plans. She thought of responding with 'Spending my day with you', but she didn't since she didn't want to put him in a tough spot if he had other plans.

She knew he would likely need to go see Lucy and spend some time with her, and she didn't want him to feel like he was obligated to spend his day with her. Not when he had come to her first from the moment he arrived.

Deciding to leave it open so that he would do whatever was convenient for him, she typed. [Nothing planned. What about you?]

[How about we spend the day together? I have a few ideas in mind.]

Amy giggled when she saw the text and stuck her tongue in her cheek, happy that he wanted to spend the day with her.

[Sounds perfect. But what about Lucy? Aren't you going to see her?]

Lucas smiled when he saw her text. He liked that she was thinking of Lucy and bringing it up herself. This was something Rachel had never and could never have done.

[I will call to let her know I will see her tomorrow. I'm sure she is spending the weekend with Tom.]

[You should call her quickly before her neighbors tell her of the intruder in her house.] Amy texted back with a grin and wink emoji and Lucas laughed out loud when he saw it.

[I will be surprised if she doesn't know already. Let me call you. Want to hear your voice.] Lucas texted and then dialed her line.

Amy grinned when she saw his text followed by his call and then she received it as she lay back on her bed, face up with both legs hanging in the air.

"Do you know what I just thought of?" Lucas asked, and Amy grinned.


"How you almost killed Tyler and me thinking we were burglars," he said and she giggled.

"How can you say I almost killed you both when I didn't even touch you?"

"Well, if you had touched us you could have killed one of us. You almost killed me once before..."

Amy covered her face with her pillow as she laughed feeling embarrassed, "C'mon! For crying out loud, why are you bringing that up right now?"

"Because you're dangerous. Both to my heart and to my life," Lucas said with a chuckle.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you. I will protect you if anything," she promised, and Lucas grinned.

"I'm the one to protect you, not the other way around. I'm the man here," he said and Amy smiled.

"Protecting you doesn't take away your manhood..." Amy's eyes widened in mortification at her choice of word and she blushed as she pressed her lips together in embarrassment.

"No. I didn't mean it like the physical thing. I meant the...." She trailed off when Lucas laughed out loud.

"Relax, Amy. I know what you meant. You sound so flustered," Lucas said, still chuckling. "Are you laughing at me right now?" She asked with a scowl.

"Yes, I am. Go start your day, Amy. I'll be there within the next two hours. Bye," Lucas said with a grin.

Thinking that he had hung up, she threw the phone on the bed and shut her eyes. "Of all things to say, how could I have said manhood? Amy! How could you have said that? Don't tell me you're thinking of his manhood just because of the wonderful kiss you shared. Are you that shameless, Amy?!" She cried into her pillow with a groan.

Lucas, who had been waiting for her to say bye before hanging up, chuckled as he listened to her, and even though he was tempted to hear all she had to say, he decided to hang up without letting her know he had heard her, it was the only way to spare her further embarrassment.

The thought of Lucas chuckling on the other end made her cringe but also felt a strange sense of comfort. She knew he wouldn't hold it against her; he seemed to enjoy her awkward moments.

After the phase of embarrassment passed, Amy burst into a peal of laughter. "Manhood? Really, Amy?" she scolded herself in a half-whisper, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Amy decided she couldn't let that little slip-up ruin what was shaping up to be a perfect day. She rolled out of bed, her mind already buzzing with ideas of how to make the day special. Wanting to surprise Lucas, Amy headed to the kitchen. She pulled out ingredients from the pantry and fridge, mentally running through a list of things she could bake.

Amy was very glad that she had done her grocery shopping the previous day out of boredom, cause now she had all she needed to bake.

She loved baking, and she remembered Lucas mentioning his sweet tooth and her promise to bake him something. There was no better way to start the day than with freshly baked cookies, pastries, and a rich, moist cake.

She moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, humming a tune as she mixed ingredients, kneaded dough, and measured out just the right amount of chocolate chips for the cookies. As the oven filled her small kitchen with the irresistible scent of baking, Amy felt a sense of calm

wash over her.

She couldn't wait to see how Lucas would react when he got there and saw all she had

prepared for him.

An hour and a half later, the kitchen counter was filled with an array of warm, golden-brown cookies, delicate pastries, and a perfectly frosted cake.

Amy stood back to admire her handiwork, feeling a surge of pride and anticipation. Her

mother would be so proud of her, seeing how much she had done in such a short time.

She arranged everything neatly on the breakfast table in the kitchen, making sure the presentation was just right.

Just as she was setting down the final plate, her phone buzzed again with a message from Lucas. [Will be there in twenty minutes. Can't wait to see you.]

Her heart did a little flip as she quickly ran to the bathroom to freshen up. Just as she finished dressing up in a mini jeans skirt and a brown turtleneck cashmere sweater.

As she stood in front of the mirror combing her hair which was still a bit tousled from sleep, she couldn't help smiling when she saw there was a certain glow to her cheeks, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

Just as she finished, the doorbell rang, and Amy practically skipped to the door. Opening it, she was greeted by Lucas's warm smile and the sight of him holding a small package bag.

"This is for you," Lucas said, his voice soft as he handed her the bag.

"What's that?" she asked as she took the bag and looked inside.

Her heart melted when she saw a box of her favorite chocolates and a small book of poetry by

her favorite author.

"Wow, how did you know?" Amy asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"I pay attention," Lucas said with a smile. "I hope you like it."

Amy's heart swelled with emotion as she gazed at the thoughtful gift. "I love it," she said, her

voice sincere.

Lucas's face lit up with pleasure. "I'm glad," he said, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"Thank you," she said as she stepped aside for him to go in, "Come on in. I have a little

surprise for you too."

Lucas followed her inside, and then he sniffed the air, "It smells delicious in here."

Amy grinned as she led him to the kitchen, and she smiled as his eyes widened in surprise

when he saw the spread on the breakfast table.

"Did you do all this? When?" he asked, clearly touched by the effort she had put into the


"Well, I thought it would be nice to start the day with something sweet," Amy said with a shy

smile. "I hope you like it."

"Like it? I love it," Lucas said, his voice full of admiration. "You're amazing, Amy."

"I know, right?" She asked with a grin and he chuckled as he pulled out her seat for her.

"You look lovely," Lucas said and she smiled as she fluttered her lashes and flicked her hair playfully making Lucas laugh as he took his seat.

"So, you were saying something about protecting me and my..."

"Don't you dare!" Amy shrieked, pointing her forefinger at him, and Lucas howled with


"Alright. Alright," Lucas said holding up his hands.

"So, I guess it's time to see if you're the world's best baker as you claimed," Lucas said,

changing the subject.

Amy smirked, "Taste, and see that Amy is good," she said, gesturing at the spread in front of

them for him to eat and Lucas laughed softly as he took a cake slice.

Amy raised a brow as she watched him chew slowly, "So?"

"I can't decide from only a slice of cake. I have to go round," Lucas said as he picked up a


Amy watched as he sampled everything she had baked one after the other, and when he was

done, she raised a brow.

"So? On a scale of 1 to 100, what do you rate me?"

Lucas leaned back in his chair, a contented smile on his face. "I'd rate you 1000," he said, and

she narrowed her eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"What? Are you doubting your skills now? Everything is amazing, but I think my favorite is

the cake. It is so moist and flavorful. You've successfully ruined me for other bakers."

Amy beamed with pride, feeling happy that she could make him so happy with her baking.

"I'm glad you liked it."

"I don't just like it, I love it. Or maybe it's because I'm interested in the baker," he said with a

wink and she giggled.

"Let's eat. So, did you call Lucy yet?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be going over to see them tonight," he said and Amy nodded.

Although she had been hoping to invite him to spend the night, that could wait.


Quick Question: I plan to join a contest with JD story.

Because of the rule of the contest, I might have to break out of my character in naming the

story and my writing style.

I want y'all to choose the name.

Stolen Identity: The Mute Heiress


The Billionaire's First Love Is The Mute Hidden Heiress.

Also, would you like me to write in first person POV or maintain this third person POV?

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