Chapter 320 You Know Too Much



While Mr and Mrs Ye were worried about their daughter, Ye Lee Ai was having trouble sleeping. With sleepy eyes, she slipped out of her bed and walked out of her room.

"Aunt Yumi is not in her room?"

She walked to Mr and Mrs Ye's too but they were not there either.

"Where is everyone? Grandma?! Grandpa?!" She called as she walked downstairs to the living room.


Mr and Mrs Ye turned to see Ye Lee Ai standing by the stairs. With her teddy bear in one hand and the other rubbing her eyes. She stifled a yawn.

"Lee Ai. Sweety, come over here." Mrs Ye carried her on her lap. "Why are you up? You should be sleeping," she said.

"I don't want to stay in the room alone. Aunt Yumi is not in her room and you and grandpa were not in your room either," Ye Lee Ai said.

"Where is aunt Yumi?" She asked.

"Yumi can't come home today," Mr Ye said.

"Huh? Why?"

"Well, she must be at a hotel. The rain is too heavy and it is very dangerous to be outside right now," he explained.

"Okay. Can I sleep in grandma and grandpa's this night?" Ye Lee Ai asked.

"Of course, sweety. Darling, go and stat with Lee Ai. I will join you later," Mr Ye said.


"Don't worry. She is fine. I promise. At least have faith in her," Mr Ye assured her.

"Okay. Let us go and sleep, sweety. You still have to go to school tomorrow."


The next day.

Mrs Yang was drinking a cup of coffee in the living room when Yang Wenkai walked in. His eyes were slightly red and there were bags underneath.

"Xiaokai, what happened to you? Did you not sleep well?" Mrs Yang asked.

"Good morning, mum. I barely had a wink of sleep," Yang Wenkai said.

"Why? Did you stay up all night working?"

"No. I did not switch off the light."

"Why did you not switch off the light when you know that you can't sleep with the light on?"

"It was because she asked me not to," Yang Wenkai said.

"She? A girl slept in your room? Did you sleep with her? When did she come into this house and why do I not know about this?"

"Calm down, mum. It was Yumi. She came when you were already asleep," Yang Wenkai sat with her.



"Our Yumi? As in Ye Yumi?"


"Oh my God!" Mrs Yang screamed.

"What happened?" Yang Wenkai asked in shock and confusion.

"Ye Yumi slept here?"

"Yes. How many times do I have to repeat that?"

"Ye Yumi's mother was worried sick yesterday. She called because they could not find or reach her. Suyin even called me last night. I told her that Yumi was not there. Why did you not tell me or call her parents?" Mrs Yang asked.

"She did not want me to tell anyone. Look, mum. Yumi came here in a very bad state yesterday," Yang Wenkai said.

"Oh, really? What happened to her?"

"Relationship stuff. She can't know that I told you, alright?"

"Okay. I will call her parents now. They should know that she is at our house and safe. After that, I will make breakfast," Mrs Ye said.

"Thanks, mum. Tell aunt Ye that I am sorry for not calling. I just wanted to respect Yumi's wishes," Yang Wenkai said as he stood up from the couch.

"Xiaokai," Mrs Yang called before he left.

"Yea, mum."

"Did anything else happen yesterday?"

Yang Wenkai froze for a few seconds. He was stunned. There was nothing that could escape his mother. After gaining his composure, he turned to face her.

"No, nothing? Why did you ask?" He decided to feign ignorance at first.

"I just wanted to know. You said relationship stuff. Does that means that she has a boyfriend now?"


"Then, are you not going to tell her how you feel? She almost slipped off your grasp," Mrs Yang said with a serious face.

"Sigh. You know too much, mum," Yang Wenkai sighed.

"I am your mother. It is expected of me to know much about my children. So?"

"I told her... I told her what I felt. I am not sure she feels exactly the same. But our feelings are kind of mutual. I do not want to jump to conclusions just yet," Yang Wenkai said.

"I see. So, I was right all along," Mrs Yang said with a teasing smile.

"Mum, you have to call aunt Ye, remember? I am going back to my room," Yang Wenkai said before dashing out of the living room.

"Hahaha. I knew it. My son loves Yumi. Hubby, our sons both have a woman that they love. We are going to be grandparents soon. Sigh. I wish you were here right now," Mes Yang said.

"Oh, well. I should tell Suyin about this before she breaks down completely."

Just as Mrs Yang made a call to Mrs Ye, Yang Wenkai quietly entered his room. Ye Yumi was still sleeping soundly.

"Yumi... Hey, wake up," he patted her cheek.

"Hmm," Ye Yumi stirred in her sleep.

"Yumi. You have to wake up now."

Ye Yumi slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a few times and checked out her environment. She was in Yang Wenkai's room.

Then her mind took her back to the kiss she shared with Yang Wenkai. She turned to him. In an instant, her face turned pink from embarrassment.

She raised the blanket to cover her blushing face. Yang Wenkai raised a brow.

"What happened?" He asked.

"N-Nothing," she shook her head.

"Okay. Then, you should come out of the bed now. Mum said your parents were worried about you. She is calling to tell them you are here."

"Okay. Good morning," she said from under the blanket.

"Why are you covering your face with a blanket? There is no need to be shy. It is just the two of us here."

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