Chapter 606 Hell On Earth



"We can't have another baby."

Those words felt like heavy stones weighing down on Lisa's heart. She sat up, head away from his shoulder and turned to him. It was as if she was searching for something.

Anything at all. Maybe an expression to tell that he was joking when he said those words. But Wang Tingxiao's face had no smiles neither did his eyes.

"What do you... What do you mean? Why?" She decided to ask since he remained quiet.

Wang Tingxiao sighed and turned his face to her. He wished he didn't though. Those look in her once bright eyes killed him.

"Look, Lisa. There isโ€“"

"Is it because of something I did? Tell me what it is, I will apologize and not do it again, okay?" Lisa cut him off.

"No no no," he cupped her face. "You did nothing, Lisa."

"Then why did you say we can't have another baby? You don't want another one?"

"It's not that either. But..." Wang Tingxiao let out a sharp sigh. "It's because you can't have another one."

Lisa's brows furrowed. Wang Tingxiao swallowed before he went deeper.

"The doctor said you can't have another baby because it is too risky. You and the baby may be in danger. There will be complications," he said.

Lisa chuckled nervously. "Y-You are joking, right? This is some kind of prank. I am healthy. I had our first baby without complications."

Wang Tingxiao closed his eyes for a few seconds before he reopened them. Lisa saw the hurt and fear in them.

It was at this moment she knew that whatever she is you going to hear will be bad.

"It was a miracle you had our first baby. The doctor said your womb has suffered damage. It's not much but it's enough to make having another baby a risk. And the reason is because you have been subjected to violence. Sexual violence," Wang Tingxiao explained to her.

Lisa felt all colour drain from her face. Her eyes shook and tears gathered.

"Wha... I-I... I'm sorry," Lisa's tears spilt.

She could not meet his eyes any longer. Memories. Bad, traumatic, painful ones. She never wanted to remember them.

But not they are making their way into her life again. This time to ruin it.

'Even in his death, he has made sure that he is a part of my life. A bad part I wish to cut off forever,' she said in her head.

Now she can't have another baby. She won't be able to raise multiple kids of her own. No big family for her?

"Lisa," Wang Tingxiao shook her shoulders a bit, bringing her back from whatever thought.

"He was not the only 'thing' he made me have s*x with," Lisa began.

Her voice was low, trembling and pained.

"There were toys... Much bigger than he is a-and he was never gentle. I couldn't *sob* I could not resist. Not when he would tie me up and hit me. I would beg and scream for help it never came. It was hell on earth. In a room..."

Wang Tingxiao pulled her into his embrace aa Lisa found it hard to say anymore. Her sobs were choking.

"When I found out I was pregnant with his child, I had an abortion. I did not think twice. I did not want a monster's baby inside of me. I would rather die."

'Damn that bastard,' he coursed in his mind.

Wang Tingxiao's gritted his teeth. The anger seething through him. His blood boiled.

Just the things Lisa had said caused his skin to crawl. Not to even talk of Lisa who survived and lived through those times. How can a human being be so... evil?

"I'm sorry, Tingxiao. Because of my decision to date him, I can't give you another child. I'm sorry," Lisa cried.

Her whole body shook. Wang Tingxiao's arms around her tightened.

"You don't have to be sorry. You don't have to apologize. It is not your fault that you saw a fake side of him. Everything is in the past now," he whispered. ๐‘“re๐˜ฆ๐”€๐—ฒ๐˜ฃn๐˜ฐฮฝโ„ฏ๐˜ญ.c๐—ผm

"But we can't have another baby. Don't you want another?" Lisa wiped her eyes but more tears kept flowing down.

"I do but not at the cost of your life. I don't care if we just have one child. At least we have one. Most people don't."

"I'm scared."

"Why? I'm here for you," Wang Tingxiao rubbed her arms.

"What if you are not here for long? What if you find another woman that can give you tons of kids? You would leave me then, right?" Lisa asked with a pained smile.

"No... No never. I will never," Wang Tingxiao frowned. He then wiped her tears.

"I have eyes only for you, darling. Not because I have to but because I want to. I want no one else but you, Lisa. Tons of kids, just one kid or no kid at all. I don't give a damn. I love you irrespective of your inabilities," he said.

"Sniff... Really? You will keep to your words?" Lisa searched his eyes for assurance of his words.

"I promise, love. I love you and our son. Never forget that. You two are basically all I really have now. You are mine," he placed a light kiss on her now-red nose.

"Hmm. You and our son are also all I have too. And I'm yours forever."

"As I am. I love you," he confessed while leaning down to her lips.

"I love you too," were Lisa's whispered words before her lips were claimed.

With this, they sealed a deal and promise that they both vow deep inside that they will and must fulfil. Lisa sighed when they broke apart.

Her eyes were still closed, lips slightly opened as she gasped for air. It was breathtaking. She placed her head on his chest and clutch tightly on his shirt.

"Thank you for not keeping this a secret for me. It would have been more painful and bad if you did," she mumbled.

"No problem... If I will tell you anyway, why not say it now? So..." Wang Tingxiao shrugged.

"Thank you. It means a lot to me," Lisa snuggled closer to him.

"Hmm. It's time for you to sleep," he said.

"Will lie with me? I want cuddles. Please," she pleaded.

Wang Tingxiao sighed and nodded. When was the last time he said no to her? He could not even remember.

Lisa made room for him on the bed. Wang Tingxiao went to turn the light off before getting under the blanket.

"Good night, darling," Wang Tingxiao pecked her forehead, his arms around her.

"Hmm. Good night, honey."


Meanwhile, in Li Fengjin's mansion, they were preparing for bed after dinner. The old Li couple had gone to their room first.

While Bai Renxiang went to tuck Li Xiaojin into his bed, Li Fengjin's remained in the living room. He had received an important mail during breakfast.

But because of the presence of everyone, he kept it on hold. Now is his chance as everyone had left.

He read through the mail and his fist clenched. Just then he received a call from a number with no name.

Li Fengjin did not need a name to know who the caller is. So he swept on the green call icon and held the phone to his ear.

"Good evening, boss," a deep voice spoke through the phone.

"Evening. Explain what the hell I saw in that mail," Li Fengjin went straight to the point.

This matter was not one for dilly-dallying about. He needed to be straight and precise.

"Ahem! I'm sorry, boss. It is as it is. He escaped," the man on the other side of the phone said.

"What were you all doing when he escaped?"


"I swear on my life, boss. We were very vigilant and alert as we have been for all these years. How he got in and out was unknown to us. We only got to know yesterday when I asked one of our men to go and check on him as usual," the man explained.

"He was not there when our man arrived," he added.

"Yesterday? So that madman has been missing since yesterday and you only cared to tell me this now? For pet's sake, Roger," Li Fengjin almost yelled.

"What did I tell you about things concerning him?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"That I report to you no matter what it may be."

"Then what's all this?"

"I'm sorry, boss. I thought I could handle things without disturbing you," the man apologized.

"God damn it! I told you not to think, you fool. When it comes to him, tell me. Do not act on your own. Bloody hell!"

The man on the other side of the phone remained silent. It will be his only way out as of now.

It was best known to keep shut when Li Fengjin gets angry. The chances of getting f*cked up may be reduced then.

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