Chapter 72 Stranger

In a church on City S.

In the middle roll of all the seat arranged in the church seat sat Jiang Meilin, Bai Xiaojin, Bai Renxiang, Shane and Shin. The church was silent as the preached shared the gospel to them all.

While the ministration was going on, Bai Xiaojin was trying so hard to suppress his urge to pee. One could see him puffing out is chubby cheeks and blew out air while clutching on to his stomach.

"Mummy," he called her out to in a whisper as he tugged lightly at her green floral gown. Feeling her clothes being tugged at, Bai Renxiang turned towards her son. She noticed him clutching his tummy with a pained expression on his face and his beautiful blue eyes had turned moist with the rims red.

"Oh my God. What is wrong with you, my love? Are you hurt anywhere? Are you uncomfortable?" She asked in a frenzy. She was trying to be as quiet as she could so as not to disturb the peace of the church during the preaching.

Bai Xiaojin nodded his head at her questions.

"What you are hurt? Where?" She asked checking him to see if he had any injury.

"My bladder hurts. I do not think I can hold in any longer. Mummy I want to pee. Right now," he whined.

"Oh, I can not follow you to the men's restroom. Uhm... Shane," she tapped him.

"Hmm," Shane answered as he removed his gaze from the man on the podium.

"Please take Jin to the bathroom. He really really wants to pee," she told.

"Alright. Come in champ. Let us go and help you ease yourself," he said and picked Bai Xiaojin up into his arms and walked out of the hall in hurriedly yet slow steps.

Just as they stood up and left, a man in black followed them in a bit so suspicious manner.

"What happens to little Jin?" Jiang Meilin inquired curiously. She noticed how Bai Renxiang and the little boy interacting in a low tone that only the two of them could hear.

"It is nothing too serious. Jin was feeling pressed so I asked Shane to help me take him to the restroom," she paused and turned to her mother who was giving her a look in askance to why she did not follow him instead of troubling Shane.

"What? You know I can not follow him to the men's restroom. Do I look like I have balls?" She asked.

"Oh my! Mind your words young lady. We are in the church for God's sake. I understand what you meant without you saying... all that," Jiang Meilin knocked her daughter's head.

Bai Renxiang let out a low laugh at her mother's flushed face.


Inside the men's restroom.

As soon as Shane let Bai Xiaojin down from his arms, the little boy rushed into one of the cubicles to end the turture he was going through. Shane quickly rushed after him to help him with his pants buckle and to raise him to the toilet seat level.

"I think you forgot about your height and buckle. Her, let me help you," he chuckled at the boy trying so hard to free himself and helped him out.

After that, he helped him wash his hands in the sink. Shane's phone immediately rang out from his pocket when they were outside the restroom.

"Stay here. I need to make a call. I am still close by," he instructed Bai Xiaojin before he walked a little farther from Bai Xiaojin to receive the call.

"Hi there, little guy," Bai Xiaojin heard a voice from behind him. He did not bother to turn around as he felt he was not the one the person was referring to. But then, he heard the same voice call out again.

"Hey, I am talking to the charming kid on blue shirt and black jeans." This time the description was clearly referring to him.

Bai Xiaojin glanced over to where Shane was talking over the phone before turning to the voice calling him.

Standing tall behind his small frame was a man in black. The man's attire of all black made Bai Xiaojin to frown his face.

'Who wears clothes that does not have any other colour but black? He has good looks for a young old man. He should wear bright clothes. He is so tall like uncle Shin. If he was younger and not creepy and wears bright clothes, I would have thought of him as a suitable candidate for mummy,' he scrutinized the man in his mind.

"Hello little warrior. What are you doing all alone out here?" The stranger asked. Bai Xiaojin turned and pointed his hands towards Shane who was still on the phone.

"Oh, you have a guardian. Oh, sorry about my lack of manners. My name is-"

"I do not want to know the name of a creepy man," Bai Xiaojin cut the man off from his introduction.

"You are a stranger and I am not supposed to talk to you. Everyone knows that simple rule. I wonder why you do not," he said casually, shocking the handsome man.

"Champ. Come on, let us go in," Shane walked back to him as quickly as possible when he saw a man talking to him.

Bai Xiaojin cold face a moment ago faded into a childlike one as he redirected his eyes to Shane and walked of with him. Shane did not forget to bless the man with a deadly glare as a warning to stay away from Bai Xiaojin. The man watched as the two figures disappeared from his sight. He smiled happily at the words of the little boy.

"Sir," another man stood behind the stranger.

"I like the little kid. He is smart but he knows how to hide himself in a mask if a child. Let us go. We have spent enough time here," the man said. His surbodinate nodded and they both left.

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