Chapter 88 Caught In The Act

Bai Renxiang wished she were there to force her stubborn friend to eat. She wondered how the doctor will handle her.

"No, I did not. I do not feel like eating anything. Everything looks boring and do unappetizing," Ning Xiaozhi admitted straight forwadly as she toyed with strands of her hair falling on both sides of her shoulders.

"Sigh. You know that you need to eat before you can take any treatment, Xiaozhi. Why are you being so stubborn to understand that food helps the drugs you will be given?" Bai Renxiang scolded her best friend.

"I am not being stubborn. I just do not want to take anything. I just want to feel better," Ning Xiaozhi pouted her pale lips.

"If I were there, I would have forced you to eat a lot. You should thank my job for saving your sick ass."

"Well then, thank you Emperor's Enterprise," Ning Xiaozhi chuckled.

"I will get to you when you are better. But for now treat yourself and rest well, okay?"

"Hmm," Ning Xiaozhi nodded her head like a good obedient little girl- as if Bai Renxiang could see her actions.

"Alright. I got to hang up now. I will call you during lunch period. Listen and obey what the doctor says. Bye."

"Okay. Bye bye," Ning Xiaozhi said in a cute little voice before ending the call. She felt a little better after talking to Bai Renxiang.

"It is nice to have someone care for you. You got yourself a great friend Xiaozhi," she mumbled to herself.

After waiting for a few more minutes, she was called in next to see the doctor. Ning Xiaozhi stood up with her purse and walked into the room after knocking.

"Come in," a deep enchanting voice was heard from bey the door.

Ning Xiaozhi opened the door and stepped into the office. It was like time paused for her admire the beauty in front of her.

With his black hair combed backwards and a few stray strands lying on his smooth forehead, the doctor looked up at the person that entered his office.

He frowned when he saw the lady just standing at the door, oogling at him. He himy was caught off guard by her looks but he quickly masked it away behind his stern workaholic farcade.

"I think I need to get my eyes checked. How can someone be so beautiful?" Ning Xiaozhi unknowingly blurted her thoughts out lot, enough for the doctor to hear.

"Ahem. You can excuse yourself as this is not an optician's office. Perhaps you were mislead," Ye Chaoxiang said. He was taken aback by her words earlier.

'Csn someone be so shameless?' He asked himself.

"I...I am sorry. I just... I was not mislead. I am here for my health," she stammered.

"Alright. Good morning, Miss. Please have a seat," his voice brought Ning Xiaozhi out of her fantasy.

"Ah. Good morning doctor," she blushed when she saw him staring at her with his right eyebrow raised. She was caught in the act of checking out the godlike doctor sitting in front of her.

'Way to go Xiaozhi. Way to go,' she mockingly praised herself. She walked briskly over to the chair opposite the doctor's chair behind the table and sat down.

"So, can you tell me what is wrong with you?" The doctor inquired.

"Well, I am running temperature, I have a head ache and I do not feel good," she said softly.

"From your hood I can tell that you are cold," he said to which Ning Xiaozhi nodded.

"Do you feel weak and dehydrated?" Came another question.

"Yes and I sweat," she added.

Ye Chaoxiang noted these symptoms down. He looked at her before adki g one more question.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"No, I have not. I do not have the appetite to eat anything," she answered honestly.

Ye Chaoxiang nodded his head and scribbled away on a piece of plain white paper. After a few seconds, he stood up and walked to stand in front of her. He checked temperature and other body check with her permission before, he went back to his seat and wrote down something again.

"You have a fever. Here are some drugs you need to take to help you get better. Then you need to take an injection before leaving," he said as he passed the list of drugs he wrote down.

"But you need to eat something first even if you do not have the appetite for food. Get those drugs from the pharmacy."

"Must I really eat? I feel like I will throw up if I do," Ning Xiaozhi asked frustratingly. It made Ye Chaoxiang chuckle a little. She reminds him of Ye Lee Ai when she was first brought to the hospital.

"Yes, you must eat. Your body needs healthy food and drugs to drive out the fever. Do it for your betterment. Have a good day miss," he instructed.

"Alright doc. If you say so. Thank you for your time," she bowed with a light smile.

"You are welcome." With that, Ning Xiaozhi left the office quietly.

As soon as Ning Xiaozhi lefted the office, she let out a breath she did not know she has been holding. She patted her fast beating heart to calm it down.

"Gosh, he is so damn hot for a doctor. He should have been a model instead. Oh, my delicate heart," she exclaimed as she walked to the get her injection before getting the prescribed drugs.


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