Chapter 94 I Am Back



"Alright dear. Have a safe trip back and please think of our discussion today, okay?" Old man Jiang reminded her.

"Okay grandpa, I will. See you on Sunday. Bye," she waved at him and left the room. Bai Renxiang let out a long breath she did not know she was holding as soon as she left the suite.

Her mind kept replaying what her grandfather wanted from her as she walked out of the restaurant and back to the company.

After working hours, she left for Iris' Food Plug. Just as she was done serving a table, the head waiter of the restaurant called for her.

"Senior, you called for me. What can I help you to do?" Bai Renxiang asked respectfully.

"Nothing much. Boss wanted you to meet her at this address. She said it is urgent you be there as quickly as possible," the head waiter relayed the message to Bai Renxiang and gave her a small note on which she had written the address of the place.

Bai Renxiang nodded her her and went to the changing room to change into the clothes she wore from work at the company. Since it is urgent, she needs to hurry up.

She called Shane so that he will take her to the location. They arrived in front of an apartment by the street. It is a simple apartment that had a simple and ordinary design on the outside.

Bai Renxiang alighted the car and promised to call Shane when she was done.


"I am coming," a voice and hurried footstep from behind the door could be faintly heard. It became louder indicating that the person is approaching.


The door was unlocked to reveal Ning Xiaozhi's happy face.

"Xiaozhi?" Bai Renxiang blurted out in surprise.

"Come in come in Rennie. How was your day at work?" Ning Xiaozhi asked as she ushered Bai Renxiang into her apartment and to the living room where they both sat side by side.

"I am fine and work is great. Xiaozhi do you live here?" Bai Renxiang asked as she swept her gaze through the luxurious look of the apartment.

"Yes, I do. What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ning Xiaozhi smiled at Bai Renxiang's bewildered look.

"Nothing. I am just surprise. Do not mind me. Why did you call?" Bai Renxiang shook her head and rearranged her expression.

"Ahem. I just wanted you to be here with me. I made noodles and fried fish. Let us eat and hang out before you go home," Ning Xiaozhi said with hopeful and puppy eyes.

"Sigh. You called me from work to hang out with you? You are one naughty boss Xiaozhi. But I will do this because you are sick," Bai Renxiang agreed.

"Yay! You are the best. Let me bring the noodles here and then we can watch a movie while eating," Ning Xiaozhi rushed towards the the kitchen to dish out the food she prepared.

That is how they spend their time eating and watching movies till it was time for Bai Renxiang to go home.


The next day at City X Airport.

Multitude of people were going in and out of City X Airport. Some persons that were companies' representatives could be seen raising placards with names written on them to help their guest to locate them.

A pair of smooth fair legs in a pair of silver coloured heels can be seen walking majestically amongst the crowd. Tracing those pretty legs up to a red knee length, body fitted, off-shoulder gown, a slender neck, an almost perfect jaw, cheekbones, nose and a pair of black glasses covering her eyes.

Bai Ming walked towards the exit of the airport with her purse and luggage in both hands. She breathed in deeply after she pushed the glasses pass her forehead.

"Mingming," she heard someone shout her name. A familiar voice she can never forget. She turned her head to her left to see her mother.

"Mum you are here so quickly? I hope I did not disturb your work?" Bai Ming hugged her mother as she asked.

Pulling away from the hug, Lin Ying looked at her daughter with a scrunched face.

"What do you mean by disturb? How can I choose work over my baby, huh? Tsk you really think bad about your mother," Lin Ying clicked her tongue acting like all sad.

"*Giggle* I did not mean it like that mum. Besides, I missed you so much and I am very happy that you came to pick me up. I feel loved," Bai Ming hugged her mother again.

"Me and your dad missed you too. Come. Let us go home. I made your favourite steak and other dishes for lunch," Lin Ying guided her towards the Porsche waiting for them a little far off where the driver placed Bai Ming's luggage in the trunk of the car and drove them home.

It took them an hour to get home. The staffs in the house all came out to greet Bai Ming. After freshening up, she came down to have her lunch. After eating, they went to the garden to talk.

"Mum, what about daddy? How has he been?" Bai Ming asked after taking a few sips from the orange juice served.

"He is fine. The business has been steadily growing. Although, its growth is at a slow rate, the profits are a little bit more than average," Lin Ying answered.

"Let us not talk about that now, shall we? How was your studies over there? Did you like it over there," Yin Ling asked.

"It was fantastic. I was able to grasp alot and the fact that it was for a short period of a year and half, I enjoyed every bit of it. I even got about three companies that will be interested in doing business with is," Bai Ming answered with a bright smile.


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