Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1684 - Smart

Chapter 1684: Smart

“Yes. The doctor said that she has been pregnant for a month or so,” Yin Feng added.

A month?

It was about the same time that Huo Yunshen had made out with Jin Xiaoxi.

The news made Huo Yunshen restless. He never knew that Jin Xiaoxi was smart enough to plot something like this. He began to worry that she might use the baby to threaten him.

No! I’m not going to let that happen!

Huo Yunshen got up and ordered Yin Feng to take him to the hospital.

Jing Xi finally woke up and the first person she saw was the nurse.

“What happened? Why am I in the hospital?” Jing Xi asked as she struggled to get up.

“You fainted, and someone sent you here,” the nurse explained.

Jing Xi recalled what had happened, and the only person that could have sent her to the hospital was the king.

“Do you know what happened to me?” Jing Xi asked.

“You’re pregnant.”


Jing Xi’s eyes widened.

The news was so shocking that Jing Xi was stunned for a few minutes.

“Are you sure?” Jing Xi asked. “There’s no way I’m pregnant.”

“Do you think the hospital would lie? You should know better than other people whether you might be pregnant or not,” the nurse said and left.

Still stunned by the news, Jing Xi sat on her bed and thought hard. The only time that she could think of was when she did it with the king.

It meant that the baby was the king’s.

Just as Jing Xi was thinking of a solution, the door opened, and the person that scared her the most came in.

Huo Yunshen left his guards outside, and only Jing Xi and he were left in the room.

“Tell me, what do you want?” Huo Yunshen asked.

Jing Xi replied by shaking her head.

“Did you get what you want? The baby is mine, right?”

“No… I never thought that I would get pregnant…”

“You can act all you want. I remember that you have a husband, right? Did you two plan this together? Are you trying to threaten me?”

The possibility of someone doing things like this was high, but Jing Xi was not one of those people.

Since Jing Xi had never done it with Mo Yutian, the only person left that could be the father was Huo Yunshen.

“You know what? I’ve realized that you’re not only a narcissist, but you also suffer from delusions. This was just an accident. If you want, I will go through with an abortion.”

“Are you sure?”

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