Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1727 - He Needed Her More

Chapter 1727: He Needed Her More

She thought about it for a while, then asked the child, “Hengheng, don’t you guys want Auntie Xiaoxi to send you guys to school too?”

“We do, but Auntie Xiaoxi needs to go to work,” Little Grape said.

“She can take a leave, I’ll allow it.” When it came to letting his people slack off, Huo Yunshen sure didn’t cut corners.

After hearing that, the two children screamed in excitement and asked her to get in the car.

Jing Xi stood at the car door and said to the king, “Your Majesty, I must leave for the company soon or I won’t make it.”

“It’s alright, the children need you.”

He needed her more.

To ease her worries, he said, “I’ll inform my third sister so she won’t count this as skipping work.”

Well…since he put it this way, it would seem too pretentious if Jing Xi rejected his offer again.

She simply thanked him then got in the car and sat with the children.

The royal family car set out from Triumph Palace to the Dragon Kingdom Royal Academy.

When the car finally pulled to a stop at the school gates, the school staff were already waiting, ready to welcome them.

The king alighted with the princes and princesses in tow, while the crowds welcomed their arrival with reverence.

The five of them walked through the gates, Huo Yunshen holding Ying Bao’s hand on the left, Little Grape’s on the right, while Little Grape gripped Jing Xi close to him, as Jing Xi held Little Apple’s hand in her right.

And just like this, the family of five walked through the Royal Academy’s main entrance.

They looked over the new classroom and made their greetings to the headmaster and homeroom teacher. As the children picked out their seats, the two adults observed from outside the classroom for a while, making sure that the children would be able to adjust to the new environment before taking their leave.

Ying Bao was in the elementary school department and knew the teachers and students well, so she was definitely in her element. The adults didn’t need to fret too much.

When they finally left the school, the school director himself escorted them out of the gates and bid them goodbye.

Then, Huo Yunshen ordered his men to head for Kaidi to send Jing Xi to her office.

Wait a minute, how could Jing Xi even dare to let his royal majesty send her to work? She immediately objected, “There’s no need for that, your Majesty! You have so much work to deal with, you really don’t have to go out of your way for me…”

“Get in the car!” Huo Yunshen did not even let her hesitate, but grabbed her wrist and yanked her inside.

Jing Xi lost her balance and toppled in, landing right in his arms.

What an awkward position!

She scrambled up and hastily breathed out, “Sorry,” before retreating to her spot by the side, keeping a distance from him.


Huo Yunshen sighed inwardly. She had forgotten him. Now she was treating him like the ruler of a kingdom, tiptoeing around him with so much meekness.

She didn’t even know how much it hurt for him to see her like this.

How he longed to embrace her and tell her the pain he endured all these years in her absence. Yet now, he could only watch her sit in front of him, like strangers who once knew each other.

This feeling was about to drive him crazy!

The royal family car pulled up near the door of Kaidi.

Jing Xi thanked him then stepped out of the car. To her surprise, the king slipped on a pair of oversized shades and got out with her.

Oh my God, she thought as she frantically looked around, You are just standing out here in public? Are you not worried that something might happen? She wanted to ask him.

“Don’t you have to go to work? Not leaving?” He peered at her through his shades.

Her eyes filled with confusion and panic. “Your Majesty, I’m going to work, but what are you doing?”

She noticed that his royal majesty seemed to be behaving differently from usual. Wasn’t there a guest coming today? He left the guest in the hotel and instead came downtown to observe the mood of the people?

“I’m meeting my sister for something.”

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