Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1738 - A Messed Up Life

Chapter 1738: A Messed Up Life

Huo Yunshen stared at Jing Xi quietly with his attractive eyes and greeted, “Good morning, Jin Xiaoxi.”

“… Morning…,” Jing Xi greeted back awkwardly. “Can you… let me go… We’re kind of…”

“Why are you in my arms?” Huo Yunshen asked instead.

“I’m so sorry… The kids…”

The moment Jing Xi mentioned the kids, she jumped up and looked for them.

“Where are the princes?”

“They’re back in their room.”


Jing Xi was utterly speechless.

Did he actually take the kids back to their room after they fell asleep?

But then Jing Xi realized that the one that had been taken away was her, and not the kids. She was in the king’s room.

Jing Xi could not even cope with what was happening anymore. She started to wonder if the king was actually treating her as if she was his former queen.

Not wanting to think any further, Jing Xi thought of an excuse and ran away.

While Jing Xi was too busy running away, she did not notice the man was staring at her with a smile across his face.

Jing Xi was glad that she did not run into anyone after leaving the king’s room. She quickly went back to her room and cleaned herself up before checking up on the kids.

She then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast but was shocked to see that breakfast had already been made by the chefs.

Jing Xi could feel that her life had taken a huge turn recently. Since she did not have to prepare breakfast, she went back to help the kids get ready.

The kids were already up and were wearing their uniforms.

“Auntie Xiaoxi, where were you?” Little Grape asked.

“I… I wasn’t anywhere.”

Since Little Grape woke up once during the middle of the night, he noticed that the adults were gone.

“But why weren’t you and daddy in my room in the morning?” Little Grape continued to ask.

“Oh! Because your daddy has to work, and I had to prepare breakfast.” Jing Xi quickly made up an excuse. “Hurry up. Breakfast’s ready.”

Jing Xi helped the kids get ready and took them to the dining room.

After the kids had taken their seats, Jing Xi was about to go and check on Ying Bao when Huo Yunshen came in with Ying Bao.

The moment Ying Bao saw Jing Xi, she struggled loose from her father’s hand and ran into Jing Xi’s arms.

“Auntie Xiaoxi…”

Ying Bao had already heard from Huo Yunshen that Jin Xiaoxi was actually her mother.

He had also told her that Jing Xi has lost her memory and could only be Jin Xiaoxi until her memory returned.

Tears rolled down the girl’s cheeks as she finally got to hug her mother again.

Jing Xi was shocked to see Ying Bao’s action. She was confused as to why the princess was crying, wondering who had hurt her.

She raised her head to look at the king, but he remained quiet.

“What’s wrong?” Jing Xi asked as she stroked Ying Bao’s head gently.

Ying Bao only shook her head and did not say anything.

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