Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1802 - Unacceptable

Chapter 1802: Unacceptable

Huo Sanyan thought that if Bai Yanchuan’s Bo’si Picture could establish a subsidiary company in the Dragon Kingdom, Kaidi could co-invest in projects with the new company.

Just as they were discussing, a man came into the café.

The man took off his sunglasses, and his eyes landed on a man and woman sitting by the window.

He frowned the moment he saw them.

Ye Xun was jealous of Bai Yanchuan for being flirty with Huo Sanyan.

Ye Xun never even had the chance to talk with Huo Sanyan like Bai Yanchuan did. Seeing Huo Sanyan laughing so naturally hurt him.

He was furious, yes, but he still kept his cool. He suppressed his anger as he approached them.

Just as Bai Yanchuan was immersed in his conversation with Huo Sanyan, he realized a man was standing behind him. He turned around to see a man in a black military uniform smiling at him.

Realizing Bai Yanchuan had stopped talking, Huo Sanyan raised her head up and was shocked to see Ye Xun by her table.

“What… Why are you here?”

Huo Sanyan recalled tying Ye Xun to the bed.

She was worried that Ye Xun might cause a scene to get his revenge on her.

But to her surprise, Ye Xun remained calm and greeted, “How are you, babe?”

Ye Xun then sat down next to Huo Sanyan and rested his arm on her shoulder.

He turned to Bai Yanchuan and said, “So, it’s Mr. Bai who my girlfriend is meeting. How are you?”

“I’m doing great, thank you. It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Mr. Ye?” Bai Yanchuan greeted.

The two men shook hands with fake smiles on their faces.

“Do you have nothing to do recently? Seeing that you have the time to visit the Dragon Kingdom…” Ye Xun smiled.

Ye Xun was implying Bai Yanchuan should stay away from his girl.

“I was thinking of setting up a company here. I needed Yanyan’s help,” Bai Yanchuan replied.

He would usually address Huo Sanyan as Ms. Huo, but he intentionally called her Yanyan this time just to annoy Ye Xun.

And it was effective.

Ye Xun was holding back his urges to hit him.

“All right! How long are you two going to shake hands?” Huo Sanyan scolded.

The men took their hands back, and the tension lightened a little.

“Mr. Ye, you look like you have a lot of free time, too,” Bai Yanchuan joked.

“And what does that have to do with you?” Ye Xun snorted.

“Oh, I’m just curious.” Bai Yanchuan smiled and turned to Huo Sanyan. “So, where were we?”

“Right. We were talking about the approval of the company. That’s easy. I have someone I know that can help you.”

Huo Sanyan and Bai Yanchuan continued where they left off but were cut off by Ye Xun again.

“Yanyan, what do you want to eat tonight? I’ll go and buy some ingredients.”

“We’ll talk about it later.” Huo Sanyan simply brushed the question off.

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