Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1832 - A Thorn

Chapter 1832: A Thorn

Huo Sanyan carried the half-filled case down the stairs and saw Ye Xun having lunch with Ning Luoxiao.

Ning Luoxiao was feeding Ye Xun as Ye Xun enjoyed the food with a massive smile on his face. The scene was like a thorn to Huo Sanyan’s eyes.

Huo Sanyan was irritated by it but couldn’t voice anything against it. She then changed the way she moved to drag the case down the stairs to make sounds so that she could attract their attention.

Ye Xun and Ning Luoxiao turned to look at what was making the noise and noticed Huo Sanyan coming down.

“Having lunch?” Huo Sanyan asked.

“Yes. Do you want to have some?” Ning Luoxiao invited with a warm smile. “Ye Gongzi made quite a lot, it should be enough for three.”

Ye Gongzi? Huo Sanyan’s eyebrows twitched.

That was Huo Sanyan’s nickname for Ye Xun, and it was being used by Ning Luoxiao.

But what could Huo Sanyan do? They’d already broken up.

“I still have business to take care of back at the office,” Huo Sanyan said and left.

Seeing Huo Sanyan leave, Ye Xun stood up, wanting to chase after her. He had a lot he wanted to talk to her about.

But Ning Luoxiao stopped him in time and signaled him to not go.

For his future happiness, Ye Xun could only hold back his urges.

Huo Sanyan went to her car and opened her trunk. She threw her suitcase into the trunk and slammed the door shut.

She told herself to not come back to Ye Manor ever again. Going back to someone who didn’t even give a crap about her would just hurt her even more.

With her mind set on leaving, Huo Sanyan drove out from the Ye Manor. As the manor disappeared in her rearview mirror, tears began to roll down her cheeks.

It marked the end of her relationship with Ye Xun.

With what happened that day, Huo Sanyan wanted to find comfort in her heart. There was only one place that could give her that.

The palace.

She thought she could find some peace through her nephews and nieces.

Huo Sanyan bought gifts for all of the kids.

She came to the palace and handed the gifts to one of the servants as the other guided her.

She went to visit Jing Xi first. Jing Xi was taking care of Little Strawberry in the baby’s room. The baby was crying as Jing Xi was trying to calm her down.

“Oh, sis, you’re here,” Jing Xi greeted.

“What happened? Why is she crying?” Huo Sanyan asked.

“Just the usual,” Jing Xi sighed.

“Is the diaper wet? Or is she hungry?”

“No, she wants milk.”

“Then why not feed her?”

Huo Sanyan knew that Jing Xi gave birth to her baby healthily this time and could provide the baby with breast milk.

“We’re planning to stop feeding her breast milk since she’s already 8 months old. If we don’t feed her other foods, she’ll have a nutrient deficiency.”

“But you can’t just stop it suddenly, right? You have to take it slow.”

“Well… you’re right… I guess just this one time won’t hurt.”

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