Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 1842 - Not Having Enough Feelings

Chapter 1842: Not Having Enough Feelings

Since there was another event the next day, the host even booked rooms for his guests after the party so that they could stay.

Coincidentally, Ye Xun and Ning Luoxiao’s room was just across from Bai Yanchuan and Huo Sanyan’s.

Ye Xun could only stare at Huo Sanyan going into her room as Bai Yanchuan followed after her. Bai Yanchuan even threw Ye Xun a victorious look before shutting the door.

The look was enough to hurt Ye Xun.

How he wanted to go in after them, but Ning Luoxiao pulled him back.

“Don’t. You’ll ruin everything,” Ning Luoxiao whispered.

Ye Xun understood what Ning Luoxiao meant. He wholly regretted dragging Huo Sanyan out from the party moments before. Now, he could only follow Ning Luoxiao into their room.

Ye Xun undid the first two buttons of his shirt and paced back and forth in the room.

“Seriously! Can you just sit down? Calm the hell down!” Ning Luoxiao scolded.

“Didn’t you see that bastard going into the room with my wife? What if they are going to… you know…”

Ye Xun was going crazy. He couldn’t even start to describe how depressed he was.

“Why do you have to think of the worst possible scenario? What if they are just going to talk, just like we are doing? A person as independent as Ms. Huo isn’t as impulsive as you think.”

“Wait… You’re right! She’s not really into having sex!” Ye Xun exclaimed.

“Really?” Ning Luoxiao expressed her surprise. “Could it be that she just didn’t have enough feelings for you?”

Ning Luoxiao’s words broke Ye Xun’s heart once again.

Because Ning Luoxiao might have been right.

Huo Sanyan never liked Ye Xun enough, which resulted in her not wanting to have sex.

But what if her boyfriend wasn’t Ye Xun anymore and was the charming Bai Yanchuan?

Thinking of what could happen, Ye Xun could feel himself going crazy.

He only had one last choice, and that was to call Jing Xi.

Jing Xi had just finished her shower and was lying in her husband’s arms. Just when Huo Yunshen was about to do something, her phone rang.

“Xiaoxi! What should I do? She went in with that Bai guy!” Ye Xun wailed and explained everything.

“Why did you have to go and ruin everything?” Jing Xi sighed after hearing Ye Xun’s story. “Didn’t I tell you not to do that no matter what happened? You’re just pushing her into another man’s arms right now… All you can do now is just wait for the right time.”

“When is the right time? It’s killing me!”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Xun could still feel his heart tightening. Yet, he had no other choice but to wait.

He then took his jacket and was ready to leave.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Ning Luoxiao asked.

“I need to get some air…,” Ye Xun said and left.

Bai Yanchuan was lying on the bed watching television while Huo Sanyan sat on the couch thinking of what Ye Xun was doing.

“Hey… what do you think they’re doing right now?” Huo Sanyan asked.

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