Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 2027 - She Had No Home To Return To

Chapter 2027: She Had No Home To Return To

After Xiao Yuqian finished saying these words, she went back to her room, slammed the bedroom door, packed her things, and pushed them out.


Xiao Guohua waited until she came out and initially wanted to explain and repair their relationship slightly. However, Xiao Yuqian completely ignored him.

Xiao Guohao looked on as his daughter went downstairs. He felt somewhat panicked and wanted to chase her back. However, Xiao Lan pulled him. “Brother, don’t waste your breath. That girl won’t listen to your explanation.”

When Xiao Yuqian came out from the Xiao house, she suddenly realized she had no home to return to.

She didn’t know where to go. She’d lost her job, then suddenly suffered a shock, and now, she found out about the scandal between her father and auntie. Each one of these things made her heart feel extremely tired.

At this time, she thought about her little brother and so she took out her phone and gave Xiao Yuche a call.

After the call went through, Xiao Che’s voice transmitted over. “Hello, sis!”

“Xiao Che…”

Just as Xiao Yuqian called out the name, her throat choked up heavily with emotion. She covered her mouth and started to cry.

“Sis, what’s going on? Why are you crying? That guy bullied you, right? Say something!”

Xiao Yuqian understood he meant Ma Haodong when he said “that guy.” She didn’t want her little brother to misunderstand Ma Haodong. She hurriedly said, “No! It’s not because of him! It’s because your sister lost her job and I’m in a bad mood. I’m fine now. I’m hanging up.”

After Xiao Yuqian finished speaking, she hung up the phone and wiped away the tears on her face. She decided to first find a place to stay while dragging her luggage. If she really couldn’t, she would go get a room at a hotel.

On the other side, inside a bar, the members of the band were all singing inside a private room. Xiao Yuxin coincidentally was free tonight so she was also there.

Xiao Yuche had just finished singing when he got the call. The anger in his upset heart didn’t go away.

He felt that it was definitely Ma Haodong who had bullied his sister again. He really needed to teach that fella a good lesson.

Xiao Yuxin saw that Xiao Yuche’s complexion didn’t look good and she asked out of concern, “Xiao Che, what’s going on?”

Xiao Yuche had always treated Xiao Yuxin as his older sister, as family, so he didn’t put up his guard against her. He told her directly, “It’s that brat Ma Haodong, he bullied my sister again!”

Xiao Yuxin’s eyes turned for a bit and then she suddenly hatched a scheme. She said, intentionally trying to provoke him, “I already said long ago that Sister Qianqian and he are not suited to be together. Let me tell you, he actually only chased after your sister just to play with her. He is a rich playboy; how could he be sincere? The other day, I even saw him with a young model. Their relationship was very good and the two of them went to book a private room together. I was afraid Sister Qianqian might get hurt so I didn’t dare tell her. You shouldn’t say anything either.”

How could Xiao Yuche discern whether or not what Xiao Yuxin said was the truth or lies? Listening to her say these things right now was equal to pouring oil on his burning head. He immediately got extremely furious.

“How could this be!?

That guy called Ma is really too hateful! Just wait and see how I will teach him a lesson!”

At this time, Xiao Yuche took off his coat, slammed the door, and went out. He knew where Ma Haodong was. He was right in this bar. He had seen Ma Haodong and a group of his friends come in when he was on the stage before.

Xiao Yuche went up to the bar to inquire. When he got Ma Haodong’s room number, he aggressively went to look for him.

The room’s door was kicked open and Xiao Yuche appeared at the room’s entrance. He shouted, “Ma Haodong, come out!”

His friends turned their heads to look and someone asked who this person was.

Ma Haodong saw it was Xiao Yuche and he said to his friends, “He is my brother-in-law. I’m going out for awhile.”

Ma Haodong came out from the room and asked, “What is it? Why do you want to see me?”

“It’s about my sister! Come out with me! I have something to ask you!”

Xiao Yuche turned around and walked towards the outside of the bar. Ma Haodong followed. Without anyone noticing, Xiao Yuxin also secretly followed them out.

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